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Saturday, April 24, 2010

I think I fixed the problem... and some really great news!

Thank you to all of you who emailed me to tell me I had a problem with my blog. Some of you saw everything just fine and left me sweet comments already, but some of you have been unable read any posts. I think I have the problem fixed. I believe it was a corrupt jpeg in the post. I tossed that one in the trash and started over. Hopefully you can all see everything normally again. So.... here is the last post in case you missed it!!!

It’s finally here!!!! If you had told me a year ago that I would have an article in Where Women Create magazine I would have told you, you were NUTS!!! Now, here I am in the magazine, with a growing Blog Design business and hundreds of wonderful friends from all over the World!!! I am on Cloud 9!!!

The whole team over at the magazine were so wonderful to work with and they created such a beautiful issue! It feels like forever since this journey started, and I am so thrilled with the way it turned out! And not only is my article in there, but my friend Rebecca from Vintage Living has a huge story in there about her as well!!! I could not have a asked for a more wonderful magazine for my first published story. It still feels kind of surreal! My hands are still shaking!!!! The magazine will not be on the newstands until the first week of May, but I believe subscribers are already starting to receive their copies.

I will be making the official announcement about the upcoming Where Bloggers Create party on Monday. I’m off now to read the rest of the magazine!!! Woooo Hooo!!!!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Wonderful ~ I can read it!

Congratulations, Karen! I can't even imagine the excitement you must have over this. I believe I saw the cover over at WWC's blog and noticed your name right off! I must make sure I get a copy when May is here. Well deserved and I wish you much success with this exposure!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Congratulations on being published, Karen!!! That's just wonderful!
Thank you for posting the idea to build a terrarium from picture frames! I love that and have to watch out for some at the flea market tomorrow.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the magazine :-)!

Mary Ann said...

Wonderful news!!! I am going to see if I can get a copy of the magazine. Thanks for fixing your blog post. I couldn't see any messages and knew there was something interesting on there and I was missing it!!

So happy for you!

The Rustic Victorian said...

Yippie! and Congratulations Karen!!!This very kewl. I can't wait to see it. I also love the terrarium idea.

NicNacManiac said...

Congratulations....I can finally view this fab post!! You so deserve it Karen...kudos to you, I will pick it up when comes here!
Happy Weekend xOxO Nerina

Unknown said...

Congratulations Karen. I saw this yesterday when I went to my favorite shop in town. Your studio looks lovely. This is such a wonderful tribute to your work.


Charo said...

Congratulations Karen!!!


BellaRosa said...

Karen amor, I am so happy for you! I can't wait to get my own copy :) I always love when people that I know get published for their work, but even more so for their creative spaces because you get to see where they get inspired and all the magic happens! Have a beautiful weekend! Besos, Rose

Anonymous said...

This is SO COOL!!! You must be so excited. Congratulations from Luxembourg.

Debby said...

Congrats Karen! I am so happy for you. I have been trying to read this post forever and I am so glad it finally showed up! I will have to find the magazine. You must be very, very excited.

debi said...

Oh, that looks much better!

Congrats on being in such a gorgeous magazine! I'm sooo excited for you...that is truly a dream come true!

bj said...

WOW...WOO HOO...YIPEE...3 CHEERS..this is wonderful news..congrats to you!!
Glad you got things working right on the blog, too.
Best of luck, bj

bj said...

Just me again...I wanted to look at your rooms listed on your sideboard but when I clicked, no links....:(

Melissa/Piney Rose said...

Oh how exciting! I can't wait to see the issue.

Lisa said...

Congrats! Congrats! I think one door closed in your life just as a window was being thrown open.:)
PS Can't wait to read your article!

Ticking and Toile said...

Congratulations!!! That is so very exciting! :) Can't wait to see the article. I'm not surprised at all given how enormously talented you are girlfriend!


Inspired-Simplicity said...

Way to go girl. High 5! I will be checking it out.
Proud for U,

Tina said...

That is so wonderful news Karen, and so well deserved. I can´t wait to get my copy. a BIG congrats to you.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
~ Tina

Sheila Rumney said...

Congrats Karen! I am so happy for you!! I am so glad that I am now able to read about it!!! I can't wait to get my own copy... now to wait!!

vintage tickled pink said...

karen you are blessed i think you should have a baby shower to celebrate! look how hard the labor was and how long it took you to push it out!! and you still look great!haha congrats. jealous.... diane vintagetickledpink

glitterBugStudios said...

Cheers on the article! I am so glad I can see your blog now...it is one of my absolute favorites! You deserve all the good things coming your way! xoxo Tracey

Norma Bennett said...

I'll have to ask a friend in the US to buy me a copy of the mag and send it 'down under' to Australia as it's not on sale here. Congratulations, well deserved recognition!

Dorthe said...

Karen, how wonderfull, big congratulations to you,-how exiting,I hope to get my copy soon,-to see where you create all the beautifull blogs of ours.
I wish you a lovely evening with the magazine, and all the news inside.
Hugs, Dorthe

MaygreenFairies said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Huge congrats Karen, I remember when you posted that you had been invited to appear in the Magazine, it does seem a while ago now! I need to get me copy ordered, can't wait to see it hun. Hugs, Mandy x

Monica said...

Congratulations Karen! Hope I can read your article soon! You must be thrilled.
Many thanks for your always kind words to me too!

Lovey said...

Such wonderful news Karen! Congrats and warm wishes for you! I can tell from the pics on your blog that all your spaces are simply beautiful! I can't wait to get my copy too! You go Karen!!!!!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Yeah! I am so glad to be able to see your post!

Norma Bennett said...

Thanks for the note on my blog, and the 'heads up' re Stampingtons, I'm an online subscriber (just adore Cloth Paper Scissors) so will check it out :)

And yes, I was surely lucky to receive those cute things, lots of gifting and swapping goes on in the mini-world - so much fun!

Hearts Turned said...

Karen--congratulations!!! Very easy to see why! You do such marvellous work...can't wait to get my copy!

I kept thinking something was wrong with MY computer when I tried to get to you this morning...even re-booted my computer! Glad you could fix it!

If you have time, I would LOVE you to fix up a button for me--let me know...you were so kind to offer!

Very excited to read more about you in the magazine...hope you're having a marvellous weekend--I'm sure you are!!!

nancarts said...

Congratulations, Karen! I will get the magazine as soon as it hits BAM. I have all, from the very first! They are all great.
Glad to see your blog is back!
Enjoy the magazine and your fame!

Smiles and Blessings,

stefanie said...

congrats...you are a tease..you should show us more pictures!!!! I cant wait to get a copy!!!!! you sooo deserve this!!!!

Cottage Rose said...

Hey Karen; Congratulations on your wonderful and exciting news.... to be published,,, I have not seen that magazine before,, but I will have to go and find it now,,, so I can see you and your friend in their. I have a book called that,, and I love it. Have a great weekend..


Rebecca said...

Woohoo! Congratulations on a wonderful article! I love love love your place... you have such a gift of display. Thanks again for all your help... I hope to post everything tonight!
Blessings to you sweet girl!


Congrats Karen, that is so exciting!! I never had a problem viewing your blog but I'm glad you figured out what was wrong (;

Shell said...

Congratulations Karen and well deserved! I can't wait to read all about it!

I'm having a giveaway over on my blog if you want to stop over! (It looks fab, by the way!


Lisa said...

YOU are a STAR!!!! Oh, I can say 'I knew her when'! I am so excited for you. So many great things are happening for you Karen, & you deserve every one of them. You are a talented, generous friend. I cannot wait for RT in the fall! We are going to rock it so hard! I'm working on my poor little studio, fluffing her up for the big party. I can't wait to get my issue, will you sign it for me?! LOL Have a great night. Lisa

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Karen....That is wonderful news! I can see how happy you are. I will have to look for that magazine! Congratulations!~Hugs,Patti

Unknown said...

WOW! Great Big Happy Dance! Congratulations! I can wait to get a copy; it must of been hard not to post about it. Sometimes I have to drive to Flagstaff or Prescott to get this magazine - but I will. I'm glad to see your blog again - I thought Blogger was having problems.

she dreams big! said...

Karen, with your patience and understanding you are certainly deserving of this honor! Will have to get this mag cuz I feel like I know you now. You will be my first celebrity! How about an autograph?

she dreams big! said...

Karen, with your patience and understanding you are certainly deserving of this honor! Will have to get this mag cuz I feel like I know you now. You will be my first celebrity! How about an autograph?

The Tin Rabbit said...

Congratulations!!! I can't wait to get this magazine! Your home,studio and all is just gorgeous! Very well deserved for sure! XO

Cyn said...

That is so great Karen!!!! I must have a copy!! You so deserve to be in that mag!

Gypsy Heart said...

A HUGE congratulations!! You are so deserving. I have to have a copy. :-)

Brightest blessings,

Deb said...

Wonderful news Karen! Congratulations on being published ♥

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm stopping by to say Congratulations!! I was at Rebecca's blog and heard the wonderful news. You so deserve to be in that magazine with your incredible talent {you may not remember but I have a little birdhouse that I bought from your Etsy shop and I LOVE it!}.

I hope that I can find the magazine now that I have famous friends in it!!


Linda K. said...

... And I thought it was my pc. So glad you fixed it. I'm so proud of you, Karen! I feel like we've known each other for a long time. Kind of like sisters that have never met. You must be elated at all this, I'm glad you have cloud 9! I can't wait to get the mag and read about you. I am looking forward to the party, have been all year! What a wonderful open door, or I should say 'when a door closes, God always opens a window!'
I am so happy for you!

Your blog buddy,

Melly said...

Hi Karen,
Congratulations!!! Golly, you must be over the moon :) I came to your blog via Liz @ Rose Vignettes, you have done such a absolutely beautiful job on her blog, no wonder you're in "Where Women Create" magazine..girl you've got it going on :)
PS so nice to meet you :)

DeeDee said...

OH La La! Congrats on this..I cannot wait to read it now....come on May....have a great week living on cloud nine.


Karen, congratulations! Looking forward to reading this one too! ~ Angela

karlascottage.typepad.com said...


Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Heck...I don't remember if I left you a comment congratulating you or not, but if I did...I'm doing it again!!!!
Your article rocks girl...you are AMAZING! Opening the pages and seeing you in it was just awesome...then having Jo sign it for me was just really awesome!!!! Everyone in Savannah was thumbing through it (because it wasn't out in the stores yet) and I was like pointing to you saying...THAT'S MY GIRL...THAT'S MY DESIGNER...THAT'S MY AWESOME FRIEND!!!!!
Congratulations girl...you are MY Valentine! :))))

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I was one of those who couldn't read it...so glad I can now...what wonderful news Karen! Congratulations! You deserve all the accolades & then some.

Charlene said...

Good things happen to wonderful people soooooooooooooooo NO ONE should be surprised that were are featired in such an amazing magazine. YOU will LOVE JO! I am just so HOOKED on her! Congratulations sweetie! I can't wait to get mine. You'll have to sign it for me now that YOUR'E A STAR! HUGS! Charlene

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Congratulations Karen! This is over the top wonderful! I'm so excited that you and Rebecca are in this issue together and to think I found you both last year because of the "WBC" party! How cool is that! I will save my copy always and one day have you autograph it for me!
Congratulations my friend! I'm soooooo excited for you!!!

Lisa said...

Awesome!! The party sounds fun too! We are in the process of redoing the house to make all our goodies fit. I have a desk and my laptop fits but not good work room! Going to work it out! I cannot wait for the party! Congrats on getting in the magazine! I still haven't got my issue I hope they don't sell out!
Hugs, Lisa

Geralyn Gray said...

I love the cover!!!! Can't wait to read your article and get my hands on my favorite magazine!!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, May I come live with you?? Lol, How beautiful everything is, Congtrats on being published and how exciting for you! I'm new to Blogland and still learning as I'm afflicted with that thing called "Young at Heart" nothing that serious!! I always visit your Valentine Blog and drool! Enjoy your new journey!

Lisa said...

I got it today!!!!! I was standing in the store saying there's my friend! There's Karen!! I love the whole issue! Congrats sweetie!!

nancarts said...

Karen, congratulations! Picked up the mag over the week end and went to your pages immediately. A great article. Loved all the fantastic pics of your studio. You're great!
Again, thanks for my blog.

Smiles and Blessings,

Cheryl Santiago, MPAS, PA-C said...

Karen, I am so proud of you! You are amazing and so inspiring! I miss you!

Anonymous said...

How wonderfully exciting. I will take a peek! Blessings Eden

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