I'm leaving, on a jet plane... I don't know when I'll be back again....
(Come on, you know the song) Actually, I do know when I'll be back, but I'm not thinking about that right now. All I'm thinking about is Round Top!!!! Woo Hoo! (or should I say "Yee Haw!")
I am going to stay with Charlene of My Hearts Ease and will be meeting so many of my favorite bloggers I can't stand it!! I would name them all, but there are too many to count!!
My Christmas present last year was this trip, and I have been anxiously awaiting to hop on that plane!
I am going to shop til I drop, but the thing I am really most looking forward to, is giving my blog friends a big ol' hug, and just hanging out! (Don't get me wrong... the shopping is REALLY important too!) I'm bringing an empty suitcase, and I hope to bring it back full of goodies!!!!
I will of course have lots of pics to share with you when I get back, and hopefully if all goes well, a little video too. Have a wonderful week my friends! See you all when I get back!
YEE HAW!!!!!!