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Friday, February 3, 2017

An Entry Way Update

 Early this year I decided my entry way desperately needed a change. I had actually been feeling that way for quite a while, but it never found its way to my priority list until recently. I wish I had a photo of the before, but I'm not very good at remembering to do that before I start a project!

Basically it simply consisted of the singer table you see in this pic, and a large landscape painting. The painting was lovely, but it just wasn't what I wanted there any more.

I had the little cabinet in my studio for quite a long time. It needed painting and I just wasn't inspired to do anything with it until I realized how perfect it would be in the entry!

 I used a baby bed spring that I had found somewhere and wired or tied the items onto it.
The crate in the lower right corner is perfect for keeping things like sunglasses in it.

On the table sits an old typewriter that I got in California when my sweetie and I went the Rose Bowl flea market many years ago. In it is a piece of paper with one of my favorite quotes...

"When you follow your bliss, doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors" 

I see evidence of that in my life all the time. :)  I hope you are following your own bliss!!
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