I thought you guys might like to see one of the things that has been taking up sooo much of my time lately! I would love for you to meet Cooper, a Welsh Springer Spaniel, and the newest member of our family. :)
(This is Cooper at just 12 weeks old when he first arrived home)
Here he is on the ride home from the airport where we picked him up from his first human mommy.
He took no time at all adjusting to his new home and making a place for himself on the couch.
Our first attempt at a selfie!!
He has loved exploring the backyard. I wish I had photos of him running around gleefully playing with whatever stick or branch he could find. It is truly a joy watching him absorb all the sights and sounds of his new home.
This was his favorite place to be for the first month or so that he was here. He was so little he could fit comfortably in this chair in my studio. It was wonderful because he really stayed out of the way while I was painting in there on the floor. He is too big to fit in the chair now, but he still keeps me company in the studio and somehow knows to stay out of the paint!
I just love this photo. I caught him making a nice little place for himself in my rag box!! LOL!
He is about 4 and 1/2 months here and you can see some of the "baby" has left his face.
He has been a joy to live with and has filled an empty hole in our hearts after losing our sweet boy Rocky to cancer back in September. I was afraid to get another Welshie because I was worried he would remind me too much of Rocky, but their personalities are so different it hasn't been a problem.
It's funny... as I look at all these photos, he looks like such a serious puppy! He is not. :) He is silly and playful and really just a big goof ball! I think that serious expression is a Welshie trait.
I am going to go hug my babies now, and spend some time training. The weather has been gorgeous lately and will continue to be so, for another couple of weeks. Gotta go enjoy it while I can!!