I've been away for far too long. Unfortunately there has been a lot of sad news in my house the last few weeks and I just haven't felt like blogging much. For the time being I'm concentrating on being happy and my visit to Sweet Salvage this month certainly helped. How bad do you want this pumpkin??? Seriously it was huge and too fabulous for words.
Fall and Halloween were every where in the store. Thankfully the temps here in Phoenix have been pretty good. It makes thinking about Fall soooo much easier!
I don't do orange pumpkins, so all the white ones were a treat for me!
I love these colors!
I collect ironstone and transferware and this P & G wood crate was perfect to hold the beauties they had for sale.
I think you guys know I have a thing for chairs.
These were really sweet. I love it when they have real stems. :)
I also collect old scales, but this one was just too big for my space.
I don't know what this thing was, but I like it!!
The tag says this is a Victorian music cabinet. I just know it was super cool!!
This was another gorgeous piece. This dresser was in beautiful condition and the detail on it was fabulous!
Okay ladies.... I'm warning you now. The photos take on a decidedly creepier tone from here on out. After all... Halloween is coming!!!
If you love Halloween this show is a feast for the eyes!
Creeptastic goodies were everywhere and the creativity was endless.
I love this chalkboard message on the door!
Well that's it for this month's event. Hopefully it won't be 2 months before I say hi again!!