Well my friends, it's happened. The dreaded (or not) new Blogger interface is here to stay! I must admit, I fought it tooth and nail. Let's face it, change can be hard. We get comfortable in our ways and don't like to have to learn new things. Thankfully, I realized that even though it has a few things that I don't like, the new Blogger interface also has some new really wonderful additions to it.
So fear not. Help is here. I re-wrote the entire Building Beautiful Blogs book to teach everyone all about the new interface and how to customize Bloggers new templates so they give you the pretty, clean look like the old minima template had. Are you having problems finding the right template to make that free background you added look great? (It's not the one you think) Do you dislike all the boxes and shadows around your posts and gadgets, but think you are stuck with them because you want to use the free backgrounds. No you don't!! Are your pics and sidebar gadgets all overflowing into the next column? They don't have to!
This book will teach you how to achieve a beautiful blog and you don't even have to edit any html code if you don't want to!
Even seasoned bloggers will find some useful information in here.
I have gotten some really wonderful feedback on this book. I've seen it used first hand to create some really lovely blogs. I so strongly believe in this book, that I am offering anyone who wants to, the opportunity to make a little money with me. I have set up an affiliate program. What that means is, if you help me sell my book, either by putting the button on your blog, or even better, by doing a post about it...you will make $3.00 for every book that sells to a person coming from your site. To do this, you must sign up.
1.Follow THIS LINK, and you will be taken to the site where you can sign up.
2. Create your account
3.Look at option #1. (Jump link) and copy the code you are given there.
4. Send it to me in an email. I will use this code to make your button and send it back to you.
5. Place the button on your sidebar.
6. If you do a post about the book, use the code you were given (the one you send me) as the link to the book.
7. Start earning money!!
Okay, so some things just don't run smoothly. If for some reason, the link does not take you directly to your affiliate page where my book shows up, just click on "Search affiliates products" and then type in Building Beautiful Blogs in the keywords search box. The book will then show up, and if you click "details" you will be taken to the page where you can get the code under Option # 1 Jump Page. (it is the first code in blue) Then send me that code.
WooHoo!! We all win! You make some money, I make some money, and Bloggers all across the world get to learn some wonderful new things. All because of you! Yeah!
(If you already have the BBB ad button on your blog, thank you so much. Now, just follow the instructions above and I'll send you a new button so you can make some money too!)