I will admit it. I am head over heals, completely in love with my dogs. There is not a day that goes by that I don't whisper in their ears that I love them. (I know... a little weird right?) But, I cannot help it. They are the most lovable creatures I know. They bring me buckets of joy on a daily basis.

This is Jasmine. She is a Pembroke Welsh corgi, and the only female I have ever lived with besides my mom. She is always happy and excited to do just about everything. Her big ears make her the perfect watchdog because she hears EVERY THING that is going on outside. Jasmine is a TomBoy through and through. She can outrun most dogs twice her size even though she has short little legs. When I come home, she will not rest until I get down on the floor to say hello.

This is Rocky. I don't have the ability to properly convey in words how I feel about him. I have never had a bond with a pet like I do with him. When we snuggle he looks into my eyes as if to say... "I'm glad you're my mommy." He loves to play fetch. His favorite toy is a glow in the dark rubber ball that he carries around with him all the time. He loves to sleep on the bed with me but only comes up when he is invited. (He's invited a lot.) On nights when my husband stays up late working, Rocky keeps me company. He is a total little boy and I love it.

This is Harley last Christmas before he passed away. He was a good snuggler.
If you aren't a dog person or you are from another country you might not understand the freaky bond that some of us have with our dogs. That's okay. I don't mind being thought of as weird. If you are a dog person then you you know how I feel. I can't imagine a life without dogs in it. Especially these dogs. I love them like I love my own child. They put me in my happy place.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my dog. I tell him I love him at least everyday...if not several times. He is a wonderful companion and has a personality all his own. I totally get your post...they are wonderful favorite "things"....
I understand just how much you love your dogs. I love mine too. Yours are so sweet. Look at Rocky's eyes you can just see he is wonderful and in love with you. I know those eyes.
Enjoy God's wonderful gifts to us. Have a great week and snuggle with the two doggies. sandi
I'm a dog person, too, Karen! I've always had dogs in my life {and probably always will}. My Husky is very affectionate and always right there. When my hubby hugs me she jumps up to get in on it!
I love your little babies. They are so cute. I have always said that our pets are gifts from God.
Awwww. Your pictures made me smile. Your dogs are beautiful. We just lost one of ours in July (to old age) and we miss him every day. We have "the girls" still....2 yellow labs that are the loves of our lives. We not only tell them we love them, we kiss them all over their faces. They are such sweet companions. Thanks for sharing your babies with us!
Karen....I absolutely understand your love for your dogs! I feel the same way you do. I don't understand people who don't like animals?? There is no one who can love you like they do unconditionally! I call my chihuahuas my "little dumplings"....now is that love?!~Patti
Such a beautiful post. I know exactly how you feel as I feel the same way about my babies.
I totally understand how you feel abt your fur babies. I had to euthanize mine last week after 11 yrs- she had bone cancer. I have had 3 dogs before her but I connected with her on a level I never had with my other dogs. I will have another dog but it'll be awhile
How sweet.
I LOVE my furry babies. They are a big part of our family.
I feel bad for those who don't have the love of a pet in their home. I couldn't live without mine.
Have fun with your snuggly fur babies.
Hi Karen-what a sweet post. I am a confirmed cat lover, but as a pet-sitter, I have dogs that I adore. My faves are three Australian Shepherds and two girls that look like Rocky. They are so soulful! If I had a house and didn't have to leave all the time to take care of charges, I might succumb to puppy love too.
Wonderful post, I love, love, love dogs, they always love you and always want to be with you. They are the best. What a wonderful family. Thanks for sharing.
Very neat post, Miss Karen. Your dogs are so cute and I do understand the bond between dogs and their owners. We have a little Shih-Tzu that can be so naughty but we love him just the same.
Not weird..I give my dogs personalities by talking for them...lol...I lvoe them lots to..would truely be lost without them...yours are so so cute...love in thier eyes for sure...
Is Rocky a Brittany?
Oh, you have a corgi!!! How are their temperments?
I completely understand your doggy love. I have dog that is HUGE part of our family and we love him to pieces ;o)
Wonderful pics karen..those pups look like they love you just as much! Aren't animals amazing.
I am right there with you sweetie!!!! My sweet Reba was sick (pancreatitis) all through the holidays & I thought we might have to put her down. OH I WAS SAD! She is doing better now & hope we are out of the woods. So, I am VERY GLAD to see that you have this same addiction! Your babies are so sweet. LOVE the picture of you on the floor with them. That Rocky looks right into your soul doesn't he/ And Jasmine does look like she is full of energy. HUGS! Charlene
Your post made my heart ache. I lost my sweet, sweet, cocker spaniel, Muffin, several years ago and to this day still miss her terribly. I KNOW I love her more then anyone in my family. She adored me no matter what my mood was. She embedded her loyal love deep in my heart. I completely understand your post and think your babies are darling. I envy you your doggie loves.
XO Nancy
I am the same way with my dogs. I love them and tell them so many, many times a day. I don't know what I'd do without them!
I AM a dog person, & I totally 'get it'. Your babies are sooo cute. Was Harley a Golden? We had 2 Golden's that I had bonds with like you have with Rocky. Unfortunately I lost them both to cancer when they were 8 & 9. I still cry about them sometimes. They are the sweetest breed, their eyes are soulful. I'm sure you saw Marley & Me, that is us with the dog we have now Izzy. She's always getting into mischief & we love her so much. Thanks for such a great post. Lisa
PS I wanted to wait for your party on my re-do reveal, but it's been such a big part of what's going on here. I am for sure going to participate in your next party in June.
I get it! I have two now that I love dearly and still tear up when I think of my blue heeler that died two years ago. The bond we had was amazing.
Your dogs look so huggable! Hug them for me.
My husband wants a Corgi next...they are so cute.
I know exactly how you feel and I have goosebumps reading this. Your fur babies are gorgeous! Those smiles on their faces say it all. My first longterm childhood pet was Toni, whom we got when I was 2 and she died when I was 17. I still have her picture in my bedroom and still think about her, wishing I could pal around with her like I used to. I know, that's probably a little much since she has been gone for 27 years. My how the time flies. Wishing you a blessed week. Give those adorable pups a hug from me. :) Tammy
Totally just stumbled upon yourblog and I LOVE it! We have started something similar but I really like the fonts and colors of yours. I'll be back. Count me in as a follower!
We have a corgi too, named Indiana (not after Indiana Jones, as most people think, but because my husband is from Indiana). She's such a wonderful dog. Not the best guard dog, perhaps - I screamed at a spider once and she slunk out of the room! She looks very much like your Jasmine.
Hi Karen!
I know, don't animals bring joy into the world? They are the best. Stop by my site today...I have something for you!
Just found your blog today. Your dogs are so cute. We have Heidi and she gives us so much pleasure. I really like your blog and will be stopping by often.
Carolyn http://thenandnowatcollectedtreasures.blogspot.com/
I love my doggies as well. But the youngest right now? Have mercy!!! he tries my patience every day. And then at night, he is the best snuggler EVER!!! Kinda makes up for all the trouble!
I know what you mean. I love my Molly girl and also tell her every day that I love her. We've only had her a little over a year but I can't imagine life without her.
I just love your dogs. I can see in any dogs face how much they can be loved, every single one of them. I have had several dogs in my life, all unique, all loved so very very much. They have all lived to be very old, happy dogs. Our dog Suzie was 20, Pickles was 15 and my little Willy is now a young 15. They really do get into your soul.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful dogs.
We had a corgi that looked just like yours. His name was SPanky. We have always had labs, schnauzers, yorkies etc. My mom said Spanky was the smartest dog she EVER had. When he was a puppy, he learned in one day not to go off the grass or driveway. He wouldn't! He also would stay on the tile and not go into the living room. My mom said she never disciplined him or even tried to teach him. He just knew!
Aw, your babies are precious! I know what you mean about that special bond between owner & dog. Gidget is my baby & everyone (including her) knows it!
Your furbabies are precious. I so "get it"! Your lens really captured their joy and their love for you.
I saw this post just as I was getting ready to catch a few more OWOH blogs.
Your dogs are just delightful!
They are such a gift to us indeed.
Hello from Tucson,AZ. Jasmine and Rocky are absolutely adorable :) I've taken a short stroll through your blog and have to say that I love it! Will be dropping in regularly.
That is a wonderful photo of the three snugglers. It must be a terrible loss ... such a wonderful dog. I'm sorry.
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