Looking to start a new Blog????
My friend Jodi over at Everything vintage published a wonderful post for all the folks out there who don’t have a blog but are thinking of starting one. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it! Why, you ask??? Because she beat me to it!! I was going to do a post all about starting up your first blog, but truth be told, I think she did a better job than I would have. The truth is, it doesn’t really matter who writes it as long as the information gets out there. I would like to encourage any one who would like to start a blog to GO FOR IT!!!! The friendships you will make are amazing! Don’t worry if you feel like you have nothing to say, if you build it... it will come!!! I have been been blogging for almost a year now, and it has filled a whole in me I didn’t even know I had. Go on over and read Jodie's post and when you are finished, if you haven’t been to visit the “Free Tips and Tricks page on Valentine Design you might want to do that too. There are some easy things you can do to improve the look of your blog and enhance your blogging experience. AND, if any one has any questions they need answering regarding an existing blog or a new one, please feel free to drop me an email. If I can help... I will.
I saw Jodie's post yesterday and it was perfect! If you couldn't make up your mind, you certainly would have at the end of the post. Brought a huge smile to my face to see you mentioned in her post as I love both of your blogs and you are both favs of mine. Hope you get lots of new visitors regarding starting their blogs.
Hi Karen, thanks so much for the info, I went over to Jodie's post and checked it out. It's so nice to know that there are such sweet ladies like you and Jodie to help those of us that so desperatly need it. I wanted to thank you again for the info you gave me about our blog, I have'nt had time to change anything yet, but I will soon. This is my new favorite place to visit!!! Hugs~~ Daphne
Another shining example of random acts of kindness within the Land of Blog. Your generosity exemplifies the personas that prevail throught out and within the hearts of bloggers. But that we could form a consortium to handle life's problems in the real world...
Thank you for sharing!
Great post! Blogging is so darn fun!
I gave my sister a blog for a gift and she loves it. She is just starting out.
BTW I love your blog header, and your blog is just lovely : )
Karen amor....WOW this would have been so wonderful before Dawn was such a love to make me my blog :) Can you imagine all the wonderful new blogs that will be popping up all over Blogland? YaY!!!! Like if I didn't already NOT have enough time to visit even more beautiful blogs :) Besos, Rose
(I'm totally blushing here)
You've made me feel like a movie star...if only now you could make me look like Julia Roberts! oooo, can you do that too? ;)
Seriously, thank you for the sweet link however I'll never believe that I could have written it better than you. You have helped and inspired THOUSANDS of bloggers out there, including myself and for that, I'll be ever so grateful! I feel that with all the knowledge and experience we are fortunate to have, it would be great to share it with everyone...that is what prompted me to do the post.
Thank you for including me in your beautiful blog...I'm truly honored...however, I'm loving this red carpet attention thanks to you! ;)))
You are such a sweetie Karen, I just love your heart!
Oh shoot, Love you both! And I think we all need to encourage the lurkers and the timid to "Just Do it!"
I started out with sideways pictures and typos not knowing how to remove them!
And although I'm compiling a list of ideas for you Karen, I love Jodie's post and ideas as well, to get ANYONE started!!!
Hugs and love and I'll get my "wish list" together soon and call you! Between taxes and birthday creations, the days have slipped by!!!
Oh I so agree! I found it really easy to start my blog and then got help almost without even asking from the really great ladies in Blogland! You are so right about the friendships! I too have just been blogging a year and have learned so much and have made really great friends! Thanks for all your info you share too!
Karen, Diane here I have not forgotten you and your helpful advice, when hubby was at wits end!! I wanted to send you something for your time but all I had was Easter, so when I get some "New" creations one will come your way. Please stop by and check out my re-freshed look my Blog has taken on. Let me know what you think? I want to thank you agin for your help that night. Priceless (: Hugs, Diane
Yeah for you & Jodie! So glad we got to visit this morning. Great way to start the day with a cup of coffee & a chat with a sweet friend. HUGS! Charlene
What a great idea! How nice to share tips on how to.I will check it out.~Cheers Kim
You are totally right!!
I first tought that you have to blog every day, but that isn't true.
You can blog something if you feel like it.
I am now a owner of two blogs and i love it.
The blog-world is such a nice group of people.
I love surf at all the nice blogs out there!!!!!
Hi Karen
I will have to pop over and see if I can learn something...
Love Anthro myself and have to stay away but if I need a piece of clothing that is where I head! Your tops are sooo cute!
Blessings today
Hello Karen my first time here!I usually spend my winters in Scottsdale in Paradise Valley!
Jan-Apr.is our winter get away!
My son and DIL live in the Scottsdale desert area! How wonderful to witness Spring in the desert!!You are blessed!The cacti in bloom is quite remarkable and how vegetation survives certainly amazing!!
Blogging has been quite the experience..I've been at it since
/06..have met such caring people and many kindred spirits and several who live right in my own area!!I was in Paris and Germany summer before last and met ladies who visit my blog!!How neat is that!!
I recently survived a diagnosis of and treatment for cancer and I can't tell you how many spirit angels whom I'll never meet in person within our blogging community prayed for and sent me healing light and messages!!
Yes blogging is quite inspirational and at the end of the day I realize this world of Bloglandia is small and we are one big caring family!
hope to stop by again!anna
Thank you Karen, I got so lost in the blog you linked to, that I almost forgot to come back and say thank you. I am forever telling people that they should blog. I have been blogging for three years. I know I have many readers who visit but do not leave comments. I actually set up blogs for people nearby. I want everyone to come play in The Land of Blog with us...
Wouldn't it be perfect for her to create a badge that we could all add to our sidebars, with the link to that post. She really is clever, I love every tip that she included. I think you stack of books would be the perfect badge too.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi Karen,
I will zip on over to your friends blog now. I have been doing this for a little over 2 years now... and I STILL learn stuff about blogging all the time.
I love the Blog-a-sphere. :)
Hey Karen,
Yes, Jodie's post was terrific. She really speaks from the heart & I think that is the #1 tip for blogging. I never imagined the community of friends I would meet & the opportunities that would come from blogging. It has been life changing for me. Meeting you & becoming friends is defiantly a highlight! Your the best Karen. I think the tips your offering new bloggers shows your generous spirit. Lisa
So great!!!
I have to check it out!!!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Hallo, Sweden here....
I must tell you, that I love your virtual & image blog!! Amazing mix of pic's & so much inspiration!
Regards from Agneta
Hello My Desert Cottage...I love Everything Vintage too. You girls are lots of fun and have so much to share I have linked you to my blog! Love the delicate framing surrounding your photos..where did you discover them? Thank you for such a pretty fun and happy place. Blessings...Eden
It's wonderful how much sharing and encouragement we get from blog friends! It's really a wonderful experience, and one that we can highly recommend.
Hi Karen ~ So funny how my brain was Not working..... never put 2 & 2 together, this blog & your other {Blog Helping one}- By the Way, Thanks for the Quick Work ~ I Love the Blog Give~Away Button! But anyway, I Never Realized I was Talking To This Karen on the phone last night! Ok, maybe funny to me & not anyone else..... guess My brain just needs a break or getting Older~ Take care & Thanks again for the Wonderful Button !
Thanks for posting this! I have been blogging for some time and have not been very good at keeping up with new posts. I am going to make it my new goal to do a weekly post of the projects I am doing!
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