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Monday, April 26, 2010

Where Bloggers Create 2010

Click Here to visit my Party Post!!!!

The Permanent Link list is up and ready to go! You can visit the list of party goers by clicking HERE!!
I cannot believe that almost a year has gone by since I made the announcement for the first Where Bloggers Create party. So many wonderful things have happened since that party. I have made some amazing new friends, there is a story about me, and the first Where Bloggers Create party in the current issue of Where Women Create magazine (I still can’t believe it), I got laid off from my job and decided to use my love of creativity and blogging to start my own Blog Design business and thanks to the amazing women in Blogland, has so far been very successful. I believe the catalyst for all of this was last years party. I got so much fabulous feedback from all of you, I knew this would become a yearly event. And so I would like to announce the
2nd Annual Where Bloggers Create party- June 19th, 2010!!!! It’s time again to share your creative spaces!!!

Is your space at the dining room table? Do you have a room of your own? Have you converted a closet? And what do you do in there? What kind of things do you create?

This year is special because Jo Packham and Where Women Create magazine is offering some fabulous prizes!

The first prize is your own feature in Where Women Create magazine! (How cool is that?) Jo Packham herself will pick the winner and boy is it ever a fun experience!

Then we will be offering to 6 random party goers,
2- 1 year subscriptions to Where Women Create magazine
2 -Sets of Jo’s books Where Women Create and The Book of Inspiration
2-WWC charm bracelets

So this is how it will work. If you want to participate leave me a comment on this post. I will add your name to the list of participants on my sidebar. On the night before the party, post your photos and stories about yourselves and your art. (This assures that the early risers or those bloggers in other parts of the world can see your post on time.) We all love lots of pictures so don’t be shy!!!! On the day of the party we will all meet here and you can spend the whole weekend blog hopping to visit everyone’s blogs and get a peak inside all the very wonderful and creative studios!!
It doesn’t matter if your space is big or small, it’s yours and that makes it special!!!

This year I have set up a separate blog to house all the links for a whole year, so don’t worry if you can’t visit them all in a week or two. After they hang out on my blog for a while I will move them all to my Where Bloggers Create blog so you can visit them anytime you want to!!!

I have one favor to ask.... Please help me spread the word!! I have created a button for everyone to grab and put on their blog. And if you would like to help further please do a post about the party as well. The more folks who know about the party, the more fun we will all have!!!!

I hope to see you all there!!!!

(Cut off for signing up will be Friday June 11th so I have time get all the blogs linked up before the party.)

( A little reminder... I have had several girls leave comments that they want to participate, but their profiles are not available to see, or they don't have a blog listed in their profile. I can't sign you up if I can't find you... and I really want to!! So make sure there is a way for me to contact you! Thanks!)



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Anonymous said...

Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but I want to join in the fun! My room is still a work in progress but I'd love to share a glimpse of what I have so far...so please count me in:)


Cat Stegall said...

I would love to particpate!This will be my first time :)YEAH for me to be so adventurous!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Of course I'll play along again like last year, loved it!

Janet said...

I would love to join in on the fun. I'm in the midst of a complete studio re-do so this is the perfect incentive to get it finished!

Willnnabel said...

Add me to the long, long, list of entries. I dont know if there will be enough time to get to my blog but I am in!

Roberta said...

Wow how cool is this...I would love to join in all the fun and share my new studio this year. I'm off now to add the button to my sidebar and become a follower. Thanks again for hosting, fondly, Roberta

RedBettySummer said...

This is so awesome and inspiring. My friend, Sherry, told me about this and she is so eager to participate, I couldn't help but catch the bug. My space is a little (lot) cluttered but I will have it mostly tidy for the photo shoot before party time.

Romeo said...

This is very exciting Karen! Being relatively new to the blog world, "she" was reluctant to participate. So I will sign "her" up and then there is no choice, right?!?! Thanks so much for hosting the party - looks like it will be a lot of fun!!!!

Romeo and "her"

The Wrought Iron Gate said...

Can't wait to see all the creative work spaces. Count me in!


Sarah said...

This sounds like a blast! I am so in!

Plumrose Lane said...

I would love to participate in this fabulous event, thanks so much!

Prencie said...

Hello!!!:) I would love to participate!! I was working out of my dining room and when I heard about this it inspired me to get my butt in gear and carve out a space in my home that is all mine! I can now return my dining room to its original self:) My space is still in the works and I hope to be finished by the 18th!!:) I have an etsy shop where I make hand cut and hand make hair accessories and brooches:) http://www.princynparis.etsy.com
here is my blog {so you can find me;) } http://www.princynparis.blogspot.com
Can't wait!!:)

Jeanne said...

Hi Karen,

I'm so excited that you are having the Where Bloggers Create feature again this year. I missed it last year and I think it's so much fun to get a peek inside other artist's creative spaces. Sign me up!

Dream Create Inspire

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a part of your "Where Bloggers Create II". Thanks you so much for organizing the extravaganza!!!

Dana of The Stone Rabbit

lee said...

I would love to participate. I missed last year, I wont miss this year

sandy said...

I'm really NEW at everything but I'd like to try and GO FOR IT! My space is such a mess right now after a very big vintage sale i had so I have to get to work FAST!


Angelique said...

Hi Karen,

It would be great if my name would be on your invitationlist for the party aswell !
My space is small, but I would love to showcase it to all the bloggirls that are interested in taking a peek ;-)

Kind regards,
Angelique Rutten
The Netherlands

vanny said...

Hello Karen,
I just read about your first party in the current issue of Where Women Create--I was enchanted by your idea. --Participating in a whole weekend of blog hopping...oh....twist my arm! Please include MAD Stitches and thank you for hosting such a lovely gathering.


Thespoena McLaughlin said...

Hey girl, after missing out last year I don't want to be left behind again this year, I'm totally in! Yeah! And thanks so much for all the fun and inspiration!




Debora Hoffmann said...

Hi, Karen! Here I am am to sign up, finally. :-) I am eager to take pictures and share some snippets of where I create and what I create. This will be lots of fun! Thank you for organizing, hostessing, and conducting!

Debora Hoffmann, New Avenue Crew

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

One more blog to add...


Thanks again!

Mosaic Magpie said...

I mentioned you in my blog today.

jen said...

This will be so much fun to see inside all the studios! Please Count me i,n I better get to tidying up a bit...
Thank-you for all your hard work!
luvs and glitter

Stampinmama said...

I would love to participate!!
I am VERY new at blogging but I like to pretend I'm good anyway

Angie @ thejunkranch said...

Wow, I am just now seeing your post but would love to jump in...sounds fun and I look forward to seeing everyone's studios.

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate! From all the wonderful comments of those that joined last you, it sounds like a lot of fun. I see a few of my blogging pals are already here, too. Can't wait!

"Greetings from Kimberly" @ http://kimberlyshaw.typepad.com

Creative Flair said...

Ok...I am definitely in! So excited.

Unknown said...

Ciao Karen,
il tuo blog è meraviglioso!
ho preso la postcard per la mia mail
thank you !!!
Ho bisogno di una bella grafica per il mio blog, tu potresti farlo ?

Juli said...

I would love to join this party! It is so neat to so what other people's spaces look like; it's a great source for ideas!


Terri Lee Takacs said...

A Party?? Of course I'll be there!
No time to talk .........with all you creative folks coming by I have some cleaning to do!

GlorV1 said...

Hi, I think this is fun but don't put me down please. I just stopped by to see what it was all about.I come via Silke's blog. The think is I just got done posting about the de-cluttering of my blog and I did post pix and all. So I am spent on doing that and just look forward to seeing other people's studios. It should be fun. I will put the button on my sidebar. Good luck and have fun. I'll be here to read/look at the posts.

Baxter's Mom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Baxter's Mom said...

Hello! I'm new to blogging, but would love to participate. I hope I can get my studio in order in time...count me in!

donna joy said...

Guess i'll add my blog to the list~
look forward to seeing where others create!

vanny said...

Hello Karen,

What a wonderful idea and I would delight in being able to participate. Thank you so much for hosting such a lovely event.

Take care,


Roberta said...

Wow I thought that I had left a comment before requesting inclusion to this fun party but I don't see my comment or my blog listed...so I'm trying once again...cyberspace can be tryin' at times...lol

Tammy Neal said...

Hi Karen,

I am new to the blog world and my mom Ginger told me about your fun party next Saturday. I would love to join in on the fun. I love to create like so many others and I would be honored to join the party. thank you so much for giving us this opportunity! Your site is so lovely and you are a very talented lady. I look forward to getting to know you better! Have a wonderful day!
Hugs and Kisses! Tammy

Roberta said...

Wow...lots of issues with posting a comment...sure it's because there are so many of them...lol
Here's my blog post sharing this event and my participation...thanks so much !

Cathy said...

Hi Karen,

I would love to participate. I will take your image and post this great opportunity on my blog too.


pinkroses said...

Please count me in!
Suzanne Duda


Sherry Williams said...

I would love to participate, Karen. Please add my name to your list!! How fun is this!!!

hugs, Sherry

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Karen,
I would love to join in. This event will be so much fun. I have emailed back and forth to Jo Packham a couple years ago. She had wanted to come to my studio when her magazine was just getting started. The details for her travel at the time could not be worked out and we never did connect for a studio visit, but I enjoyed the thought anyway and she is so nice.
This event will be wonderful to meet the many studios and great creative people from blogland.

I would love to post about it too and link back.
Thank you for hosting this again (I missed it last year)
Sure enjoyed my visit to your blog too.
Smiles, Celestina Marie
I would

gretchen said...

first...i just love the font you are using.
And count me in, also, for this Blogging Party! what a fun, smart idea.

Bab's Kitchen said...

Please count me in. I am really looking forward to it!

Cortney said...

This is the perfect motivation for me to work on a summer poject that I've been thinking about! I posted a link on my blog http://livingandlovingincalifornia.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Hi! I am Rena Askey and I would love to join the fun! Is it too late to be part of the party? Thanks so much!

Heather ~Pretty Petals said...

I would love to take part in this party... so exciting! I cannot wait to see everyones beautiful spaces and get inspired!

Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess. ;)

xoxo Heather

Scrap Krazed said...
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Scrap Krazed said...

Dear Karen, I would love to participate. My blog is very simple, but I do enjoy adding photos from my life, my art and what I am up to. My blog address is: www.terryfrias.typepad.com. My email address is: scrapkrazed@yahoo.com. Thank you! :O)

Laura said...

Hi Karen,

I love parties! And do not want to miss this one. Please count me in. My space is nothing special,but am happy to share my humble working space with everyone. And I am a big fan of Jo Packham. Oh how I wish I won..lol
Have a great weekend everyone and I wish everyone lots of luck.
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,

I love parties! And do not want to miss this one. Please count me in. My space is nothing special,but am happy to share my humble working space with everyone. And I am a big fan of Jo Packham. Oh how I wish I won..lol
Have a great weekend everyone and I wish everyone lots of luck.
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,

I love parties! And do not want to miss this one. Please count me in. My space is nothing special,but am happy to share my humble working space with everyone. And I am a big fan of Jo Packham. Oh how I wish I won..lol
Have a great weekend everyone and I wish everyone lots of luck.
Janet Bernasconi
Janet's Creative Pillows

Nancy said...

A perfect opportunity to fluff up my craft room...haha - who am I kidding? I've got a whole lot of work to do but count me in! Nancy

RedBettySummer said...

I posted that I would be there on the 19th but I see my blog address is not on my post. Find me at Another Summer of Fun at http://mcgwirekids.blogspot.com/
See you all soon.

Into Vintage said...

Yikes! I am follower #1000 - guess I better get in on this!! -amy

Angie said...

Count me in! How exciting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen! I just heard about your party from another blog I follow. And I would love to participate.

My blog is http://jsimplylive.blogspot.com/ Thanks! Angie

Tena Tell said...

I just read your feature in the May issue of Where Women Create and found the information for Where Bloggers Create. I think I even screeched out loud! I just started my own Blog and have been hit and miss blog hopping, mostly in stealth mode. I look forward to visiting the blogs where I share a common interest with some creative warm women. What fun!!!

Dreams and Decor said...

Hi, Karen: Did I make it in time? I would love to participate, if it's not too late....Also, I can't wait to see everyone's amazing spaces! Patti in TX

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it, but count me in ! I think I'll go start my post now so I know I'm ready. So nice to 'meet' you through Suzanne Duda's blog.
Many blessings.

Tricia said...

I hope I am not too late to join. I just found you through a Pink Saturday post. If I am too late, that is ok, but it sounds like a lot of fun.


Object of Maya*ffection said...

Hi Karen~

I am so EXCITED to see everyone's spaces! I wish I had been here a day sooner so I could've entered! Is there any way you could squeeze me in? If not, I totally understand - you've had a LOT of people wanting to participate and that's a lotta work!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!

Please include me! You are terrific to do so for everyone. How exciting!

What an inspiring day it will be!

love, kelee @ www.katillacshack.com

A Gilded Life said...

We would love to participate!!

our blog is www.whathappensnext.typepad.com, but our business name is "A Gilded Life", and we would LOVE it if we could be listed that way.

Thank you so much for hosting this!!

Rebecca said...

Hi! I just read about the great Where Bloggers Create party & I would like to participate, but, alas, it's June 12th now and I'm a day late??? Can you let me know if I can still join the fun?? Thank you!!

Julie Marie said...

Hello Karen... I sent you an email but had not heard back... I hope it is not too late to join your party, please let me know... thanks so much... xoxo Julie Marie idyllhours.blogspot.com

melanie said...

really want to participate...I know that I am a day late...but hoping and hoping that I am not too late...
I'll cross my fingers!

Lucy said...

I hope I didn't miss the cutoff--I think I'm a half hour late! :(

My daughters, Molly and Caroline and I would love to participate! I grew up in Scottsdale, but now we're in California. Sometimes I do miss those sunsets (but not the heat!).:D

We have a shocking pink sewing room--we may have to tone the pictures down with Photoshop! :D (It helps to keep me awake and happy ;) )

Thanks for hosting this!


marcia said...

I would like to take part...if I am not too late !

happy day!

Queen of Dreams said...


Thank you so much for including me in the blog party. I am looking forward to all the amazing spaces and stories.

Myrna said...

Thanks, Karen, for allowing me to participate at this late date!
You're a sweetie!!
Blessings and hugs,

deborah said...

what fun! count me in. been doing some fun signs and would love to share

Unknown said...

Hi Karen!

I would love to participate in the party! I cant' wait to see all the wonderful spaces !
Thanks for hosting!
Dandelion Wishes,

Fleur de Bee said...

Karen I can't seem to find my post! I would love to participate! Let me know if I am one of those who you didn't see. If it's too late to sign up I understand. I just wanted in with this amazing blog party. Thanks so much!

Molly xo


Hi. I just found your blog and your contest. I would also love to participate if it's not too late. Just let me know. Thanks so much! I am new to blogging and am loving it
and all the very talented women!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Sorry I missed the deadline this year... looking forward to visiting again on Saturday.

Erika said...

Wow, this sounds like so much fun Karen! I'd love to join in the fun! Cannot wait! :D

Unknown said...

I am so sad that I missed the deadline for this fun event!! I was blog surfing this morning and found your blog. Maybe next year! I will enjoy viewing other folks creative spaces. :)

Rebecca Nelson said...


I signed up for my 2nd year of WBC a long time ago but I still don't see my name on the list. It's Rebecca @ A Gathering of Thoughts.

Can you check for me? I've been working on my space for a month and I don't want kill myself :) to finish it if I'm not going to be included.

I went back through ALL the comments on the POST about party #2 and I don't see mine! Boo Hoo!

Can you give me a heads up if you want me to just blow it off this year or if you can still include me.

Thank you my talented friend!


Can You Believe It? said...

Amy Sperry Faldet just created a blog for me, may I join the party?
Thanks, Shelley Bisch

Seawashed said...

I just found out about your Where Women Create Party today. But I guess I am too late to join in. I am going to post a link for the party on my blog sidebar and post my Art Studio(the place I create) on June 19th anyway. I have dreamed of this Art Studio for 20 years and just got the space for it in my cottage a month ago...so it is new! and evolving everyday. I love it...and want to share about it. Thank you. ox~ Kerrie aka Fairmaiden of Sea Cottage

Amore Artisan Boutique said...

Oh I hope I am not too late to sign up! This is so exciting and I just found this site. Please let me know if I can be added
tons of hugs sassy gail

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Hi Karen--Congratulations on the success of your party! I see that I'm too late as well. If things change re: the deadline I would participate as well. Thanks and best wishes to you in all your continuing hard work! Jacqueline

One Shabby Old House said...

I am sitting here kicking myself for not signing up. I know that it is too late but if there is anyway I would love to join you. If not I understand. Looking forward to this great day. Congratulations on it's success!

Connie in Hartwood said...

Okay, how did I miss this? Usually, I know about stuff like this ... I must have been out in the garden instead of glued to the computer like usual.

Anyway, though it is technically past your deadline, if you have the time to add me to your list of participants I will be eternally grateful. If not, I still intend to visit next weekend (and beyond) to see other creative spaces. What a wonderful idea!

Unknown said...

I'd still like to participate... I didn't know there was a "cut-off" date to sign up... still possible? Let me know!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have my post ready but did not realize there was a cut off time. Boo hoo! I will post my space anyway and hope to participate next year! Thanks! http://lavenderdreamstoo.blogspot.com/

Her Art Nest said...

Dear Karen, I would love to participate in this special event. I hope I am not too late. I was out of town last year and it was too much of a challenge with a dial up connection!! Thank you, Nancy

Pat said...

I thought I signed up but I've not heard from you with a confirmation. I know you're busy, but if you get a chance to check--I'm Pat @ aRemadeLife.blogspot.com--I hope you find me--I would love to participate!! Lots of love,
Pat, A Remade Life

mycuriousteaparty said...

I am so sad that I have missed this opportunity, I have just followed a link untietheribbons, to your blog....

From a very sad lady in the UK...

~ Julie

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Since I just recently moved and finshed my space I posted about it on my blog and some of my readers told me to come here and let you know...perhaps it is too late...please let me know if I can be included...I hope so!

Thanks for considering, Carrie

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

I just blogged about my little studio and Elyse from 'Cottage' told me about 'Where Women Create' looks like I'm too late for this years party but I'll look forward to joining the next one!

Now I'm going to take a leisurely look around your blog.

Greetings from New Zealand!

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Healing Woman said...

I just read about your studio blog party on Elizabeth and Bluebeards, Altered Arts blogpost. Unfortunately, I missed the deadline but will definitely be watching for it next year. I do plan to come back and have a look at all the participants postings though.

What a great idea you have come up with!
Cheryl Dolby
Healing Woman

Healing Woman said...

I just read about your studio blog party on Elizabeth and Bluebeards, Altered Arts blogpost. Unfortunately, I missed the deadline but will definitely be watching for it next year. I do plan to come back and have a look at all the participants postings though.

What a great idea you have come up with!
Cheryl Dolby
Healing Woman

Marina Capano said...

Karen! count me in!I definitely would to participate!
Last year's party was so much fun!!!

see you on saturday!!!

Marina Capano said...

KAREN! Can I participate in your party? It's too late, but please!!!I'll made a post about your party!!!
My blog is Only cute things http://onlycutethingsar.blogspot.com

I partipated in your first party! It was terrific!!


Unknown said...

Too late to sign up? I'd love to be a part of this fun event.

Vintage Market Place said...

Oh, I am the saddest ever!
I can't believe I was on vacation and missed the cutoff entry.
This is just so amazing I can't wait to see all of the talent and spaces.
I will have to catch it again next year.

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Oh geez, am I too late???

fleurcottage said...

my creative place doesn't have a such a grand name as 'studio' but it is where i create - at least through the summer months! count me in on this!

Kit said...

Well, like many others, I just found your wonderful post and I would love to participate but will totally understand if I am too late. I will enjoy going to see others blogs tho. Thank you! Kit

Kit said...

Well, like many others, I just found your wonderful post and I would love to participate but will totally understand if I am too late. I will enjoy going to see others blogs tho. Thank you! Kit

Jorgelina said...

Count me in.Thanks for the invitation.

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

Karen, if it's not too late I would like to be added to the party...I had such a great time checking out all the amazing gals in blog world.

Carol at Serendipity said...

Please count me in!


Kristal said...

Oh, I hope I'm not too late...it wasn't until yesterday that I felt confident enough to show off my little studio to the world! I was planning on making a blogpost today about the event.

My blog is Grace Goods & my blog address is:

Thanks so much for hosting this! I'm so looking forward to it!

Laura Kirste Campbell said...

I just heard about your party through Abby. I would love to participate! Thank you!


Laura Zarrin said...

I can't remember if I signed up. I hope I did. What an idiot I am! If it's not too late, here is my link http://creativewhimsies.blogspot.com/2010/06/where-bloggers-create-ii-my-studio.html

Love this idea! Thanks for hosting it.

Julie Johnson said...

This is wonderful! I just heard of this today, and do have plenty of photos of my new work space. I'd love to play along, but know it's probably too late!
Julie @ www.juliejohnsonblog.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Greetins....we are participating, I promise we are. ARTful Views shall be here as soon as the coast is clear literally from these terrible storms. Blessings Eded


TechTeacherPto3 said...

oh just missed out on this! I only just discovered your blog! please people visit my blog.. pretty please?

Anonymous said...

At last, the storms are over here on our pennisula and we have posted! We hope you will come and visit us at ARTful Fairy Tales for an ARTful view on things. Blessings...Miss Ray and Eden Clare O'Meara


bichonpawz said...

Hi there! I have just found your blog through "The Sea Cottage" and have discovered YOU! I've added you to my list and am so bummed out that I missed the invite to the Party!! I would have loved to participate...but I will next time!! You sure do have lots of fun stuff over here...love it!

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Oh no, I just posted my sewing room then I was going to link to your party. OOps I see I missed the cut off....bummer! I guess I thought it was one of those linky things! Well if you get a chance I would love to be linked, if not I will enjoy seeing all of these wonderful spaces! Thank you for hosting this! The link for my post is http://thepolkadotcloset.blogspot.com/2010/06/my-creative-space.html my blog address is thepolkadotcloset.blogspot.com
Thank you! Caroi

Renée said...

Hi Karen,

I just discovered your blog this morning...the day of! I appreciate what you are sharing and will be back to see the posts. Count me in for next year, and I am wondering if you would share your source for the beautiful butterfly clip art you use. If you're the creator, I'd love to purchase...looking for birds, and nature. Thanks for all you are doing to share here. Happiness to you!

gm glimmerglass said...

All loaded up and ready to go.

Let's get this party started!

Thank you Karen!

I can't wait to see everyone's creative studio ideas!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

This is so cool! Go Karen! My space is usually an ugly dusty musty old basement. But my art is great!
My art can be found at


Becky in Wa said...

When will be the next one? I wish I had seen this earlier, would lov to put our blog up for the next one! WWW.anoteoffrienship.blogspot.com
Becky from In The Company of Friends

Cara Sexton said...

Bummerrrrrr! I just finished my studio (after many, many months of procrastinating) and discovered this party/site ON the day of the party, so it's too late to join. Next time, for sure, but I'll be excited to see what everyone else comes up with.

Congrats on launching the business and best of luck to you!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Thank you for hosting this wonderful event; I'm late to the party but will enjoy blog hopping. Thanks!

BEEstung said...

i would really like to participate...but i'm not sure how to sign up!
my blog is
this is my home page with links to my blog, my shop and my art on it.

and what lovely things i'm seeing...what a great idea!
coud you let me know how to enter?

Anonymous said...

i would really like to participate...but i'm not sure how to sign up!
my blog is
this is my home page with links to my blog, my shop and my art on it.

and what lovely things i'm seeing...what a great idea!
coud you let me know how to enter?

My Boutique Bijou said...

Hi Karen, I just discovered your beautiful blog..I'm a little late to the party! I have been busy with my new website www.myboutiquebijou.com and have joined WWC as well. Hopefully I can participate next year!

Unknown said...

ahhh, I missed it but I will be sure to go read some great blogs! :)

Be Colorful Coastal said...

I'm a bit confused but I would love to participate. I finally finished my space about ten months ago. Well finished is the wrong word. It is never finished but at least it was at my happy point at that moment in time. It is always evolving. What a great party idea.
Pam at Be Colorful

Debra @ Life in a 320 square foot home said...

Wow! I am so privileged to have found you! By coincidence?.... I want to participate! my blog is minkeebabygiftss.blogspot.com. I have some photos of the current creative space - we are moving into our new studio this week - will get Photos up soon! Debra

Doris said...

I found this way late, but I do have a post up, and linked back to you! here is my post...


Mary said...

I guess with 3 blogs, you didn't know which one to list on the blog roll of "where women create", but that's okay ~ "Sew Dear To Me" was supposed to be participating. Unfortunately my husband went out of town to work and I tagged along with him so I wouldn't have to be home alone! I know ~ some women would be happy to have their men out of their hair! LOL! But I'm having a ball looking at everyone's special places and still hope to get a post done. Thanks for putting together such an awesome party!


RedBettySummer said...

As of Wed 6/30, I calculate 413 Bloggers Create party goers. I want to see everyone's creative space! We'll see if I can do it by next year.

kimkim said...

This sounds like fun,i would love to be a part of it all!

kimkim said...

Oops I for got to mention that I will be leaving my pictures on my blog Thecolourof things,I'm looking forward to this and seeing everyones spaces and work!!!

Unknown said...

Karen~ I would absolutely love to participate in your next Blogger party!! How fun and what great motivation to spruce the place up!!

Thanks!! Krista

Teresa Young said...

Karen, I would love to participate this year! Oh what fun this will be. You have been such an inspiration to me and thank you for the wonderful design for my blog. Blessings, Teresa

Unknown said...

Really gorgeous and well laid out space. I love all the colors and the bright airy feel as well as all the goodies and eye candy. That little golden carriage container is just the BESTEST!
Thanks for sharing!
Wedding gowns

Denise Mulligan said...

Yes, I'd like to play!
I don't have a space but I have an idea of how I'll present my tiny spaces.
It certainly is a challenge. I can't wait!

Rose Carey said...

Not sure how great my space is, but this is a first for me, so count me in to participate.


missshawna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shabbi Skraps said...

I am super excited about this! and also to find your amazing blog! Love it~ I do want to participate. Thanks, Suzette

The Picture Book Playground said...

Count me in! I will be featuring you on my blog tomorrow at http://clarasclosetsoftdesignsforhomeandlife.blogspot.com/

Can't wait!!!

Susan Hemann said...

I would love to participate! I just found out about your blog. So excited.

Anonymous said...

Karen, loved meeting you Sunday at Theresa's blog party! After looking at your wonderful blog, I'm sure you made the right decision NOT to go with pet grooming !! Count us in for the party. I'll definitely spread the word!
♥ Tracy @ Rusted Gingham

Shelly Mendenhall said...

I'd love to participate in sharing my creative space! Sign me up.

Shelly Mendenhall

Shelly Mendenhall said...

Sign me up!

Lily's Lace said...

Yes Yes Yes, include me, duh huh! Miss you already!xoxo-cin

Homeroad said...

Hi Karen
This sounds like so much fun! I'd love to participate!
Thank you!

Heather said...

I'd love to be included as well. Sounds like a lot of fun. Heather

Melissa said...

I think this is a good time for the before-before-before and after photos!

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