I was recently reminded that October is Breast Cancer awareness month when Donna from Donna’s Designs commissioned me to make her a pink ribbon button to celebrate another year of being cancer free. She got me thinking about all the amazing women that I have known who have been affected by breast cancer in one way or another. I wanted to do something special in honor of them, to help spread the word that monthly checks really do save lives. So I made this button....
My hope is that all the women in Blogland will put it on their blogs for the month of October to show our support of each other and help remind us all to take a few minutes every month and do a breast check. Remind your sisters, daughters and mothers, remind your best friends. You really could be saving their lives. So please copy the code under the button on my right sidebar, place it in an html gadget and help spread the word!!!!
I am linking up with Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for this weeks Pink Saturday. I mean what could be more appropriate??? Thank you Beverly for helping me get the word out, and thank you to all of you in advance for putting the button on your blog! Have a great weekend!
My hope is that all the women in Blogland will put it on their blogs for the month of October to show our support of each other and help remind us all to take a few minutes every month and do a breast check. Remind your sisters, daughters and mothers, remind your best friends. You really could be saving their lives. So please copy the code under the button on my right sidebar, place it in an html gadget and help spread the word!!!!
I am linking up with Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for this weeks Pink Saturday. I mean what could be more appropriate??? Thank you Beverly for helping me get the word out, and thank you to all of you in advance for putting the button on your blog! Have a great weekend!
I am proud to place this wonderful blinkie on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing with everyone.
Thanks for the button...I'll display proudly on my blog. I just brought my 81yr old mom to an ultrasound after her mammo came back with an anomaly...Luckily it was just a cyst...no worries...
She is a 42 yr breast cancer survivor...she had it before me!!!!
Thanks for the button! I will post it on my blog.
Thanks Karen for the button. My mom has survived breast cancer for about 40 years now. I just got a clean mamogram. Always a blessing!
Have a great weekend...
Thanks, Karen for the wonderful reminder! I'm off to post it on my blog.
Thanks Karen, this button is gorgeous and I will proudly place it on my sidebar!!
Thank you for caring!
Happy Pink Saturday xOxO Nerina
What a great button and a great cause. Thanks for sharing!
I have posted the button. Thank you so much for sharing with us today! Anne
Hi and thanks for the badge. I posted it on my sidebar and I earlier today did a post about just this. Thanks Karen, have a great weekend.
Thanks Karen,
I have it on my sidebar.
Karen, dear you made a beautifull button,-and I have put it on my blog with pride, what a wonderfull take ,from you.
Happy week-end.
I have put the button on my sidebar straight away. Thank you for designing the button and reminding us of the importance of self checks.
Your button is LOVELY!! But..isn't 'awareness' missing an 'e'??? Oopsie!!
Thank you, Karen. I always think of the old saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
I pray daily that a cure be found for all types of cancer. We've come a long way, but there is still a long way to go.
Oh Thank you for allowing us to post this on our blogs. It is an Honor! Happy Pink Saturday. Grace
Thank you Karen! I will post it on my blog! Early detection is so important...Have a wonderful weekend~!
Thanks Karen will do,
Beautiful Button
Our big fund raising event is today
Thank you for a great reminder and of a terrible killer in our lives. The button is so nice. I am not the smartest kid on the block when it comes t adding buttons. I am not sure if I an do it.
Hi Karen,
I will gladly place the button on my blog. Thank you and Happy PINK Saturday.
You did a wonderful job designing the button. Off it goes on to my blog!
Karen, Thanks for the button I love the design. In January I'll be a 5 year survivor of uterine cancer. It is important for women to have regular check ups and they need to listen to their bodies.
thank you karen, for this pink ribbon!
I've put it on my blogs!
thank's for sharing.
Your button sure turned out cute. My mom is a survier. I will put the button on my site and help get the word out for you girls.
Come join my blog contest as well. Its going to be a fun one. Kath'
Thank you so much! I added it to my blog as well.
Thank you for the beautiful button, and reminder Karen. I've added it to my blog.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful button. I've added it to my sidebar x
Hi Karen,
Thanks so much for the button and for linking up with us at PiNk Saturday this week.♥
I'm having my first giveaway in celebration of 104 posts at PS. I know you would love and use everything I'm offering so please come enter. :0) I have a little button for the giveaway too if you'd like to put it on your sidebar.
♥ & Hugs,
Thank you so much for sharing this great button with us. I proudly wear it on my blog. Also, I finally learned how to do it, thank you!!!
glitter and roses
Hi Karen!
Thanks for spreading the word.
Sabre' :)
Thank so much for sharing my button.
Stephanie ♥
Thank you so much for this sweet button Karen. I will add it to all of my blogs!
Best wishes always,
I too shall place the badge on my blog, proudly. Thank you. Marcia
Well done. Thanks for the reminder.
THANK YOU for doing this for all of us!!!! I am 5 years cancer free & feel so blessed! I caught mine really early & was VERY aggressive in my treatment & am sooooooooo glad that is behind me. I look at it this way... I had it but, I cut it off & am done with that!!!! HUGS sweet girl & thank you again.
As a breast cancer survivor I so appreciate the beautiful button you have made! I will add the button to my blog and a link back to yors! Would you consider linking back to mine for my charity? Cans For Cookies US TROOPS?
email me for the details poemsmyway@yahoo.com
I added this on my blog! Thanks a lot!
greetings from Holland,
hey doll
you bet i will put this on.
my adopted mom died when i was 19 of cancer, and my birth mom had it 3 years ago. i have some sweet friends that are fighting the battle right now. chin up girls
be brave!!!
ooh ps i can mail you one of my buttons, just email me.
tee hee
Thank You Karen for Sharing this Lovely Button! I will Happily Post it on my Blog! My Daughter found Lumps in Her Breast when she was 17.To our Relief, it was not Cancer.Mammograms and Self Examination are So Important!
Thank You Again for Sharing!
Hi Karen! I posted today on my blog about breast cancer awareness. Thanks so much for creating the badge. It is on my blog as well as the picture of the badge in my post. It can't be stressed enough to check yourself, and in my case, get a mammogram once a year. Very, very important.
Oh thank you Karen! My Aunt just started her chemotherapy for Breast cancer about a month ago. I flew to Utah a few days ago and we had a chance to shave her falling out hair. It was such a special experience to be there and I'm grateful to be able to put this button on my blog to raise awareness. Loves!
Hi Karen, I have just been enjoying your blog (linked from tarnishedandtattered) and want to thank you for offering this great button. I may be a little late, but am putting it in my sidebar. I have had a friend just a few weeks ago (another one) diagnosed with breast cancer and want to honor all those brave women in their fight.
Thanks for reminding the female population with that cute pink button...
Those vintage items are so adorable:)
LOVE the pumpkin candleholders! Why didn't I think of that? So creative, yet simple.
Loving this blog. Can't wait to set aside a big block of time to explore it more.
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