Click here to visit my Party Post!!!
I can't believe the Where Bloggers Create party for 2011 is less than two weeks away!!!
Are you ready????
As I have been linking up all the wonderful blogs participating in this years party I've been noticing a few little details that I think I might be able to help with, to make your blogs even more fabulous than they are. After all, we want to put on our very best party dress right??
So here are a few tips for you to play around with if you want to....
If the blue navigation bar at the top of your blog doesn't match your "decor" you can change it by going up to DESIGN. At the very top of your layout right above HEADER you will see the box for the NAVBAR. Click on edit and change the color to Transparent light (for a light colored blog) or Transparent Dark (for a dark colored blog). Click save and presto! No more blue Navbar.
The other thing I saw a lot of was the double lines around some of the headers. If the header doesn't fit exactly within the lines it distract from the fabulousness of your blog! You can remove these very easily. Just go up to DESIGN and then click on edit HTML. Find the code that looks like this...
#header-wrapper {
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:0px solid $bordercolor;
#header-inner {
background-position: center;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 0px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;
margin:0 auto 10px;
border:0px solid $bordercolor;
#header-inner {
background-position: center;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 0px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;
Then just change the 1 that you see, to a 0 instead. Click preview and if it looks good, hit save!
I also saw a lot of headers that weren't centered. If your header seems to big, upload it again but make sure you have the "Shrink to fit" box checked. That can make a BIG difference. If you are using the "Simple" Template you can center your header by going up to DESIGN and then click on TEMPLATE DESIGNER. Click on ADVANCED in the right hand column. (This is also where you will find the ability to change font style, size and color) Scroll all the way down until you find Add CSS and paste the following code in the box...
.header-outer {
Adjust the number as needed to center your header. This code might also work in some of the other templates so give it a try!!
I hope these little tips will help any one who needs them. For TONS more info on Blogger and how to make a good blog look even better, visit to find a book filled with all kinds of great blogging info!!!

Thanks for sharing some really good advice! Pop on over to mine im doing a giveaway if you are interested! xx
as're a wealth of knowledge! Lucky me, i don't have to make ANY of these changes because my very personal blog designer made mine just PERFECT for moi! :)
Thank you so much, Karen. If you have time, please check my blog and please add me to the swap. I have a nice big button of yours on my sidebar.
Warm Regards,
Susan B., Western MA
p.s. Rocky is too precious!
No! I'm not ready, Karen! Well, almost. I'm almost ready, which is better than not being ready at all. : ) I need to get a few more pictures and just put one or two more things away. I just realized this morning that it is just around the corner! Really looking forward to seeing everyone's spaces again!
Hi Karen! I'm busy busy trying to get my room ready to photograph and will email you when I'm ready...but in then meantime, I've just followed your directions for fixing the margins around my header and your directions are so wonderful! Those pesky things are now Gone!!! Thanks so much!
Blessings, Doni
Hey Karen!! Didja get my email? 'Twas wondering if you're free on Thursday the 14th??
All good suggestions!
I'm really jazzed about this years "party" :-) I've been busy cleaning up my studio for the big event!
Thanks, Karen. INo, I am not ready and visiting some of last year's guests is really intimidating. Such talented artists. I am enjoying meeting other inspiring bloggy neighbors and dreamers though.
Karen thank you so much!!!
I am finally able to center
BEAR's picture at the top of my blog :D
also tweeked some color and fonts in my comment section :D
Good thing I had a fantastic blog designer do all that stuff for me ;c) What generous tips! No, I am not ready for the party YET, my studio needs a little bit of fluffing and then I am ready to take photos. I will be there with bells on!
Hi Karen
I'm working on getting my photographs ready for the party in two weeks.
As mentioned in a few comments so far, the stress of getting things perfect for my blog is out of my hands and was put into your most capable ones.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I purchased your on-line book as well, so I'll have some reading (and picture editing) to do this weekend!!
Great tips and thanks for the link! I am always messing around with my blog, trying to get it to look "nice."
Thanks for the advice! Always needed for us who dont know! :)
Thanks Karen! I'm not ready yet, but my ta-da list today is to work on it.
Hi Karen! I am new to your blog. I followed you over from The Painted Garden and am hoping to join your party next week. I am your newest follower and I hope that you will stop by to visit me too.
Susan and Bentley
As always... full of helpful hints... WHO WOULD HAVE KNOWN??? Karen of course. So glad you are having lots of folks sign up for the event. I can't wait to look at all the wonder. BUT, NOT EVEN YOU CAN MAKE ME SHOW THAT HIDDIOUS WALL PAPER ONE MORE YEAR!!!!!!!! Why didn't I have that done this year? Best laid plans of mice & men... hmmm women.
You have some great tips! I will definitely use them. Thanks!
Hi Karen
Just leaving a short message to check on that issue you brought to my attention. Seems to only from the comment on your blog.
Thank you for the tips. I can't wait to see all the beautiful posts next week. I always come away with so much inspiration. See you next week.
Hi Sweetie, Watch for my email, I'm sending info for another Etsy banner. :) Marilou
Thank you, Karen. I knew that my header was centered at one time, but then became uncentered -- don't know why, but I fixed it with the code you gave. When I'm finished tweeking things, I'll put your button for Building Beautiful Blogs book. I want to wait until it is actually beautiful so I can be a good advertisement for you!
Great tips!! So how do you make the background transparent on your signature logo? I thought I knew how but it's not working :( Thanks!
Hey Karen,,,,I have a two friends that still wants to sign up for the party. Not too late is it? Where would it be best to contact you with there blog address.?
You done very beautiful work in blog. The background transparent on your signature logo work is such a very much impressive. I never seen this type of art in any blogs.
printed stress relievers
Thanks Karen for all the blogging help that you give to so many of us. I can't even imagine how many bloggers that you have helped with your great advice and assistance.
You are to bloggers what a wonderful decadent icing is to cake~~
Hey Karen - thanks again for this info....I added something to my blog that caused my header to be off center (again) and after remembering that you talked about it, I've fixed it! YAY YOU!!
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