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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Yeah!!! A new sofa for me!!!

Happy New Year my friends!!! It's gonna be a great one don't you think???

Last October I made the plea to my hubby that we needed a new sofa. The one had was more than 20 years old, and although it had a slipcover, it had seen better days. The cushions were shot and it hurt my back to sit in for any length of time. To my extreme amazement, he said yes!! (Even after I told him approximately what it would cost.)

You see... I knew exactly what I wanted. I had already done the research and really,  the Pottery Barn Comfort Sofa with the rolled arms was the only sofa that fulfilled my wish list. (almost)
I knew I absolutely had to have a slipcovered sofa. With a husband a two dogs living in the house, there was just no other option. I also wanted a sleeper sofa because we do not have a guest bedroom and I got tired of making guests sleep on a blow up mattress. I also wanted a shape that was very similar to what we had.

My next decision was what fabric to choose. I dreamt of a lovely white denim sofa, but unless I wanted to wash it every week (not!) that wasn't going to work. My choice was this lovely grey cotton twill. It looks fabulous in the room and so far shows no signs of dirt.

That brings me to why the sofa was almost perfect. Pottery Barn does not make ruffled slipcovered skirts (Only straight skirts) So... I improvised!! I cut a dowel the width of the seat opening. I then sewed a pocket for the dowel and gathered the hemmed fabric onto it. Then all I had to do is tuck that dowel right under the front cushions!

It serves 2 purposes beautifully.  
1. I get my ruffled look without actually having a ruffled slipcover.
2. Its easy to take off and wash frequently as my dogs like to lie right at the base of the sofa.

 To top off the look I made this patchwork pillow. I used the fabric from an old linen tablecloth as the base. It is so soft and perfect for hugging while I'm sitting on the sofa.

 I also bought 2 pillows from a wonderful seller on Etsy. Her business name is artanlei.
The quality of the pillows was excellent. Clear crisp graphics and sewn to perfection. Plus she has a huge variety of patterns to choose from!

I love the way all the pillows look of the sofa. :)

Since almost every single piece of furniture in my home is second hand, it was wonderful to start out the New Year with a new sofa designed just for me!!!!


Judys Lace Creations said...

Very pretty!Lovely fresh look. Happy New Year to you!

Cindy said...

This is the cutest most clever thing ever. Love it!


This N That said...

Designed just for you, by you..Love the ruffles and the pillows are fabulous..I'll have to look her up..I would like new pillows, ones with graphics but I have a light aqua sofa and need six pillows..I'll have to wait a bit, I think. Happy New Year.

This N That said...

I just checked her Etsy site..Love her pillows..Hope we can get together..I need 12x12 covers

Denise Kraft said...

Such a comfortable looking sofa! I love the idea you had of attaching the ruffles to a dowel rod! Genius!

Deanna said...


Carol Held said...

Good Evening from Canada my friend. A huge Happy New Year to you as well. The sofa is scrumptious, and oh so comfy looking. You did a wonderful job on the skirt. How talented you are .....AMAZING! I love seeing pics of your home. Thanks for all you do to inspire other's.

My Shasta Home said...

Wow, just beautiful. I love the idea of the dowel and the sofa ruffle. I may have to do that one day to hide some kitty scratches. I just had new carpet installed in my LR and master bedroom and I am feeling quite giddy myself. Happy New Year. We're worth it.

Unknown said...

So beautiful Karen!! Goes great in your home a well.

Joy Junktion said...

Oh, it's just lovely Karen! The perfect fit for your beautiful home! Enjoy!! Cindy xo

Curtains in My Tree said...

Congratulations on your new sofa. It's about time I got a new one also after 21 years LOL

Bohemian said...

Congrats and it is indeed Gorgeous and I think the Grey is a much better choice than White and will be more practical and yet go with your Color Palette Beautifully! Love the Pillow you Created for it and you're so clever to have invented the solution to the ruffled skirt! So Happy for you! Happy New Year... Dawn... The Bohemian

Hastypearl said...

What a brilliant adaptation to what you wanted! Worth the wait:) ����Laura

jeanniemc said...


Linda Walker said...

I do like the way you improvised the ruffled look. So clever! I want this style sofa when mine needs replacing. I love the look especially with your pillows!

Laura said...

I like your sofa I like the soft color.I'm going to look at pottery Barn
Like the solid fabric.There so many dark pieces of furniture nice to see light.

Unknown said...

I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at SiteHoundSniffs.com.

Okio B Designs said...



Rhonda said...

I love it! I does look so comfy! Happy New Year Karen!

Tins and Treasures said...

Greetings, Karen,
I love the fresh look of those pillows. Can't wait to lighten things up for spring! Have a marvelous Monday. Take care, ~Natalie

Unknown said...

I like the fresh look of your sofa. I like the color and the solid fabric.

- Gustavo Woltmann

Linda said...

It looks lovely, and your pillows are gorgeous!

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