So here we are, Sunday night, and there are still so many of you enjoying the amazing spaces that have been posted for the party. This has been successful beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you so much for your sweet comments and gracious emails (I'm still working on getting back to many of you.) They have been so full of love and excitement over the event. It makes me so happy to know that my party was the catalyst many of you needed to fix up your spaces and prepare them to function as they were intended... to provide you a place to let your creativity soar!!! I just can't convey how much that means to me. I think we all want to help or touch others in a special way and even though this party wasn't a world changing event... for some of you it was a life changing experience, even if it was on a small scale.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
from the bottom of my heart to all of you who participated, and all of you who came along for the ride. It was great fun!!!! Maybe we'll do it again next year???
I'll leave the links up until Friday so you all have a chance to finish your visits or return to some favorites. I hope you all made many new friends, as I did.

Hi Karen,
What a beautiful post! I have had such a good time meeting people that I may not normally have "run" into that share the same taste as I do and some that do not - but that's fantastic too. What has been reinforced during this beautiful party is that we're all in this creative world together and continue to lift each other up.
I had been wanting to clean up my space for months and months and this was just the thing to give me the little kick to get it done. I would have never thought so many folks would visit my petite blog and it's truly touched my heart. Well, as you can tell, I could easily write a book (and would) if I wouldn't completely bore you and everyone else out there!
Thank you, Merci, Grazie ~ people are just kind souls fand so amazingly talented. What an experience!
Dearest Karen, thank you for bringing this to us. I am one of many who have been inspired to look at my work room in a different way. I found countless ideas that I will be able to use. I must say my work room has been long overdue for a good makeover and reorganization and this was just the inspiration and motivation that I needed.
Congratulations on this very successful event.
What a great time it has been going through all these spaces. Thank you for organizing it.
I wanted to let you know that I recently featured your blog along with 2 other in my inaugural 'favorite places' in my July 22nd post. Hope you will have a moment to stop by and just take a quick look. I love it here and I want to help others find you!
What a fun group of blog girls!
I have never done anything like this. I had so much fun yesterday, I can't believe all of the women who are like me, or who I try to be like, or who are better at doing what I like to do, or whatever.
Thank you so much for letting me join in with your fiends. Your efforts definetly show that you have a great ability to excite people for good. I love that! I think I've made a few new friends.
That mean alot to me.
cindy g.
What a fun time. I have never participated in anything like this online, but have to admit that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The response I got was so overwhelming and supportive that I was extremely touched. Thank you for bringing us all together to share the excitement of creating in our spaces. xo jana
Lovely, lovely, lovely!! We are all smiling - so many of us!
Blessings to you!
Hi Karen,
Thank you for hosting the party! I have found some wonderful inspiring people and spaces out there, and am still working through the list! (So thanks for giving us a bit more time to get to them all. . .)
Thank you Karen!!! Not only did I get inspired to clean up my space, I was so inspired to meet new friends and it was so lovely to visit other creative places!! I had a great time, I am in awe of some of the beautiful rooms that women have made, so fabulous!!!
I am still going around to visit!!!!!
Thank you for being such a wonderful and considerate hostess!! I was truly blessed to be able to join in the fun, it was a weekend I will forever have in my memory!!!!!
Margaret B
Thanks again, Karen.
I really had a ball. All the visitors leaving wonderful comments, and some new friends. Who could ask for more?
I hope you'll do this again next year. I'm already planning some creative changes for the next time.
I'll be back to visit often. Hope you'll stop in and see me from time to time.
Hugs of Gratitude,
Hi Karen,
I only happened to visit your blog right about when this party started and no.. I do not have a craft room~wish I did...but it was so nice coming back and hearing rhese ladies talk of the changes they had made and the inspiration they had found, You came up with a fantastic idea and you must pat yourself on the back for how you have made all these artists feel!!
I'll be back when things calm down!! ;-)
Your studio is beautiful ~ thanks so much for sharing all the photos ~ there were so many wonderful ideas in them!
Thank you for organizing this peek into others creative spaces...I have enjoyed it so much. I still have quite a few to visit so thanks for leaving the links up for a bit longer.
My father-in-law moved in with us about 1 1/2 years ago and my workroom has been a shambles ever since. It became the catch all room when we started making a space for him. I haven't quite known where or how to start turning it back into a place I can create in. But all these wonderful posts have been filled with so many amazing ideas and I have the inspiration I need to at least give it a try!
Thanks again and I really enjoy visting your blog.
Have a happy day!
Hi Karen, Outstanding honey. Bravo! Bravo! Can you hear me clapping? Take a bow or curtsy. I did not get to participate this time, but I did a lot of reading and looking, and oh my how fun is this. It like taking one heck of a big tour around the world, and sitting in your chair while you do. Thanks for sharing with us all. Country Hugs, Sherry
Of course the big thank you goes to you Karen. You're right, it was a perfect success. All the amazing ideas out there were such an inspiration!
Thanks again,
Karen it really was great. I blogged about it LOL! I had wonderful visitors and comments and got new followers and contacts because of it. Also people that were visiting my blog that are not bloggers found the Party and jumped in visiting other peoples blogs! What fun. It made my day Friday and started my weekend off. So I tip my Crown to you and your Crown! LOL seriously, it was awesome.
Thanks again
Karen~ This was great! I didn't participate but looked through a lot of links and even found some new talented folks to subscribe to.
I like your button for it so much too, I haven't taken it down yet!
Hi Karen!
You have fabulous blog and so many wonderful ideas.
Thanks for sharing the photos.
I can hardly wait your next post.
Have a nice day.
Warm greeting from Finland.
I just Loved your Blog train on some beautiful places.. I have link to you blog from mine for Wednesday night for the blog train..I am member of PCCrafter and they are having a party on wednesday to show thier spaces...I thought they would love to see your blog train too..
visit me at:
you will see this wednesday night at 7PM central your counts go up my friends are coming...
Karen, that was such a great idea! I so enjoyed looking at all the wonderful spaces. Thanks!
Thank you again Karen for hosting such a wonderful event! I've still lots more Studio Spaces to visit :-) & enjoying every minute!
What a delightful and inspiring blog you have! I LOVE your creative space! I live in mine. I need to take pictures soon...waiting for the perfect chandelier to add to it! Enjoyed my visit!
What an amazing blog party this was. Thanks for allowing me to participate. Your 'thank you' post is beautiful. This was a wonderful experience. People are still trickling in to view my space and leave a comment. I like that you are leaving their link up so we can revisit. Ideas galore, new friendships made, beauty expolored, we all benefited in so many ways. Thanks again, my friend. We have to meet someday since we live so close! Happy Creative Space!
hi there!
I just stumbled upon your blog and wow am I lucky! I totally love it!
Karen, I am so glad I found you and signed up for your party. I saw so many awesome studios...and "met' so many cool artist!
Thanks for doing this...
Dancingly, Denise
I had so much fun..I made it to most everyones was like an addiction. So many wonderful creative spaces too see. Really talented ladies. And all unique to their likes and intersts. A thousand Thank Yous for hosting the blog party!
Wow Karen! and thank you for a wonderful party. It was perfect timing too as I am in the middle of planning my new studio space. I can honestly say, this is the best blog party I've attended. I'm only worried that I won't make it to all the 'stops' before the train has finished running. I'm almost 1/2 way through. Thanks again, Tami E.
Thank you so much for hosting "Where Bloggers Create". I was unable to participate, but did I ever enjoy visiting all those who did!! What inspiration!!
Thanks again;
I wanted to thank you too - for a chance to meet some great new blogs! I can't wait to check them out. It was wonderful to see I wasnt alone too in my "clutter" to others and that these guys get it!
Hi Karen,
I didn't have a chance to join in on this wonderful party, but oh what a great time I had checking out everyone's studios. This was a fabulous idea and thanks so much for sharing with us.
Thanks so much for the wonderful blogging party, Karen. I was late coming in to visit with most people (due to weekend at the farmhouse - no internet) but I had a fantastic time peeking inside everyone's creative spaces. What a privilege. By the end of the party I was quite pooped (there were a lot of people at your party!), but very inspired, I must say. Thanks again!
Hi Karen
Well I hope you had as good of a time as everyone else. This was so much fun and I have to tell you it was such a good diversion for me this week. My husband went into the hospital Friday with congestive heart failure. He is doing well and will be home tomorrow but the news wasn't that good at first, so as I sat in he hospital I got to read all the wonderful comments and meet all these wonderful people. So thank you it turned out to be such a blessing for me.
I have to say this was the best blog party that I have seen. It was so much fun looking at everyone elses' studios. You can visit mine at:
I am stilll making my way through the list, but I been inspried beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you so much.
Your creating space is to die for! I am so sorry I missed the party. Live is moving at Warp speed lately. Thank you for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!
Hi Karen! WOW! Your party was a huge success! NOT any any way due to my post which was a HUGE disaster. Problem after problem it seems. I'm just now getting around to visiting most bloggers and leaving thank yous for comments. Thanks so much for an amazing party!
Hey Karen,
Thanks so much for the party invitation. I so enjoyed participating and I am still here the party guest who never leaves!
I am leaving for vacation on Thursday night but I can tell you I will still be here till I walk out of the door!
Thanks for everything Karen we all had a wonderful time.
Yep, it was amazing.....I'm still getting around to peek at everyone's fabulous spaces. Thank you so much for putting this great even together. It's been fun.
Karen thank you so much for hosting this creative space party. It was so much fun- I loved all the different creative spaces- each so wonderful and inspiring. Thanks again it was wonderful!
Hi Karen,
I've just made my way to your wonderful blog via The Altered Page. I'm excited to check out all these creative places you've assembled! Any way you can leave the links up a little longer?
Thanx and hugs, Laura
Hi Karen, I saw your creative space party on another blog and wanted you to was what I needed to rework my beloved studio!!!! Thank you so much. This is such proof that none of us ever understand the power of our words or deeds.
I took a bloggy break to redo my space. I have posted at the bottom of my blog my progress so far. Please take a look at it if you have a minute to spare.
Again, thank you! This is such a blessing to me.
xoxo, Barb
I just saw the list of participants on your sidebar --I can't wait to explore as many of them as I can. Thanks! What a nice event!
I'm so glad you invited me to share in your Blog Party. It was fun and helped get my room cleaned up. Loved your workspace.
Enjoy your evening,
I found your blog a few days too late to participate, but have since posted a few pics of my teeny-tiny studio/nook.
I still haven't had chance to visit all of the spaces, but am off to check out a few more now.
Thanks so much for the inspiration!
thanks to you Karen, you made it possible!
Please, please, please leave the creating spaces list up another couple of weeks. It takes so long to get through each one, but we/I hate to miss any of the posts!
Thanks for considering it!
Jayne at mysongwithin
Karen...I just wanted to tell you how much I've loved your post on creative spaces. I've been trying to go to all the blogs on your list because I'd read you would leave them up only a bit longer. Too bad, soo sad for me. There gone! No complaints though, it was wonderful while it lasted. I've only known about your "party" for a week and a half. Just seems I'm late for everything. Thanks so much for being our creative space guide.
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