I thought I would take a short break from posting vacation pics and show you some of the room photographs that I have been collecting in my inspiration file. Since tomorrow is White Wednesday over at Faded Charm and most of these are rooms are predominantly white I thought I would join in. Please go on over and say hi to Kathleen and see all the other wonderful White Wednesday wonders!
I have wanted to make some changes in my home for quite a while now. My tastes evolve over time and knew I wanted to go with a more neutral color pallete so I could make changes as I desired without spending a lot of money. I have been wanting to go with (shades 0f) white and this last trip was the kick in the butt I needed. I started almost as soon as we got home, and although you won't see any of the changes in this post I will show you what I have done as soon as I am finished. I love the room above. The architectural elements make it for me and this photo was the inspiration for alot of the pieces in my home.

Brown, white and green... I don't think a more soothing color palette exsists for me.

I ADORE green hydrangeas!! Slipcovers are my absolute favorite decorating secret. You can get a whole new look for your room every season if you want too!!! I'm having one made in off white as we speak!

Pottery Barn always has the most wonderful rooms. I love the clean modern feel with a major cottage influence. I'm going to try to get a bit more of that in my home.

Okay, I know this room isn't white. But you've got to admit it's FABULOUS!!! For those of you have a clock fetish like I do I know you will love it too!
I haven't been around Blogland as much as I would like these days. I am so absorbed in projects it's not even funny. In order to make these changes I want to make, as economically as possible, I am painting and sewing up a storm! I've made two sets of curtains and several pillows already but I have so much more to go! I'll show some photos soon!!
btw...Thanks to Country Living, ME Home Companion and Pottery Barn for there constant inspiration!
Oh wow! all of the photos are fabulous but that first one is my favorite. I love every detail from teh huge white china hutch to the gingerbread trim to the old colander on the coffee table. Great style!
I'm leaning more & more towards a white palette in my home too but am finding it difficult when I love my things & so much of it isn't white.
Can't wait to see what you're doing, Karen! I am also planning on a white slipcover for my living sofa. I just love all the pictures I'm seeing of chairs and sofas in white slipcovers.
I think your inspiration file is going to bcome mine!! I love the 1st picture and I have been searching high and low for an old cabinet and hutch for my kitchen. The hutch in this picture is perfect!!
I too, like the color combo of white green and brown. I am in the process of redoing my bedroom at the lake and I am keeping it in pale blue, green and cream. It is coming along great other than artwork on the walls. I am so picky!
It is hard to change everything out to neutral colors, such as my living room, but if I can eliminate the hodpodge of items in the room and get it down to 3 main colors, I think that will work. Can't wait to see how everything turns out for you!! :-)
Love love love that first photo Sounds like you are having a lot of fun - I love a good project.
Can't wait to see what you are up to.
I love Pottery Barn. I was just in there tody - just kinda seeing what was up. They have some of the most amazing table scapes.
Now if someone would be kind enough to loan me their Americn Express Card - I could be a happy camper! :)
Great post!
Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds
pitter-patter is right, karen!
looking forward to seeing your reveals!
I love your post today. I love the picture with the slipcovered wingback and the green hydrangeas. I'm trying for that look too, can't seem to find a shade of white that I like. If you have some favs please post. Can't wait for the reveal.
I keep an inspiration file as well...they are wonderful to keep me, well, inspired! Love your choice collection of whites..beautiful and refreshing, even for fall! Have a wonderful day!
Aren't green hydrangeas the absolute best! Beautiful rooms....love the clocks, too...xo jana
Lovely peeks Karen. I am going to get some ideas and do some changes in my home. DANGER...WARNING Have a Buona Notte Rita
those rooms are amazing, so many choices, not enough rooms
Hi sweet Karen!! I have the SAME photos in my inspiration file too!!!! The last one is by the wonderful Elizabeth of Elizabeth House fame.....featured in ME Home Companion mag ~ and her blog:
Her style is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!! You sound like a busy girl, hope you're week is going great ~ xxoo, Dawn
Hello Karen,
Those pictures speak to me! I have such a large collection of vintage tablecloths and other fabrics that I fight with myself on what the color scheme will be...I give up! I think I'll use it all..LOL
I'll enjoy watching you pull it all together while I just pull it ALL out! LOL
Have fun,
Wonderful pics.
My fave is the top one.
barbara jean
karen, such pretty rooms..Can't wait to see what your room looks like when your done :) Rose
All are pretty awesome..but I like the clocks.great ideas abound here...I would be perfectly comfortable in any of the...
Can't wait to see what you've done! Your inspiration photos are drool worthy!! I still have the magazine with the whole spread that included your first photo, because I just loved it so much :)
Well if those are your inspiration pictures color me inspired as well.
I can tell your makeover will be glorious.
Can't wait.
Thank you for the great inspiration. As a fellow desert dweller in Scottsdale I know the draw for fresh and growing. Can't wait to see your transformations. If you need some hints on great Phoenix places to shop let me know. I have a lot of resources here. Have a wonderful day. Heather
I love how white goes with everything... I have added my Autumn colors now as well... Bisous... Julie Marie
You sound like a kindred spirit, Karen...I have a huge inspiration file too, and I adore green hydrangeas, too. Thanks so much for coming over to see me on my blog, I can already tell that I'm going to visiting you often...so many amazing things to see!
~ Anne
I am actually sighing out loud. These are so beautiful I want to climb into the photos Mary Poppins style!
I think your house is beautiful already but can't wait to see what you are changing :)
My dear friend, you are right, white, tan, and lime green. Perfect - yes - perfect. The only thing close to that is, white, tan, and plum. (My bedroom)
Can't wait to watch your room evolve. Maby I'll get a clue for your pillow.
Hi Karen,
Beautiful rooms. I've saved pictures from magazines and websites that inspire me too. One can certainly get a ton of ideas even from a catalogue! Thank you for stopping by today. Have a great day.
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
I just found your blog and love it! It is very creative and alot to see and enjoy! I have just become a follower!~Patti
Seems we all collect many of the same photos. We all have fabulous taste! hee,hee,hee.
Can't wait to see your new rooms!!
bunny hugs,
Yep! That first room is enough to make me go pitter-patter, too! I just *love* architecutal elements!
Thanks for sharing the inspiration!
Hi Karen,
That top photo I have loved since the day I opened to that page of Country Living. That house is gorgeous, I never tire of looking at it! I am with you and wanting to make some changes to my front room... more shades of white to match the rest of the house. I need a slipcover for my couch and have been dreaming about it for a while now. I haven't been to all my favorite blogs either, end of summer is always hard to get around.
Off to look at some of your past posts. Can't wait to see what changes you make to your already lovely home.
Are you doing your own slipcovers? Oh how I want some. I too have lived with colors & I love color so I don't want to upholster my pieces. I just want great slip covers in off white so I change the look. I am going from the red Queensland fabric that has been so popular (fruit & flowers) but, I am so over it. I can't wait to see your final results. Are you doing the walls nuetral too? I did.
I just found your blog, and it sooo amazing, I love every single picture. I've been to the rose bowl before and you are so right about it being huge, I didn't amke it all the way through. I adding myself as a follower on your fabulous blog and adding you on my blog roll.
Sweets to you, Janice
Hi Karen!
I allways love comeing here, yours blog.
Fabulous photos.
I wish you lovely day!
i love that top picture..its got to be my favorite room....and about everything in it is findable....what and eye...what an artist!!!
she used to be our customer when we did shows.....the yardlong rose picture in her bedroom was from us.....i remember when it came out in country living...
love your blog...
You go girl or should that be you sew girl! Can't wait to see what you've been whipping up. I, too have used that first photo, love the bit of railing hanging from the ceiling. And the one with the brown, greens, and whites...earthy & natural...calming. But I do like the color in the last one. And the time pieces all fixed not running. Makes me think 'Here time stands still' and the scripture Be Still and Know that I AM. Now that will bring peace.
Thanks for stopping by and you are welcome to curl up for a rest anytime at the Rock.
These are great photographs- I really want to have the same color scheme I think it is so pretty. Can't wait to see what you are doing!
While I am not a fan of all white rooms, I sure did like the white with the brown and green. So calming!! I'm excited to see what you have been creating!
Have a great day, Karen.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment....these pictures are beautiful and sooo inspiring.
Wow, thanks for sharing your inspirational photos!! I love white, I can never get enough of it!!! I keep running out of money!! Hehe, I don't know why!
Your photos are so lovely!
Margaret B
I think it is so fun when you post a room that you find inspirational and so many of us find it so inspiring as well!!!
Amazing inspiration, thanks for sharing the rooms with us. I just love lot's of white with a touch of natural wood, I think that has to be my favorite :)
ahhh! karen, i know that top photo by heart! it's michelle joy's home in new jersey. i know because i look at that issue all the time and just love her home. architectural salvage everywhere mixed with target and ikea. it completely rocks!
fyi - michelle has a shop in NJ called primrose. http://www.stylehappy.com/
whatever you do will be fabulous!
My heart is pitter pattering right with you, those are some great photos you picked out!! Have a great weekend, Janna
Pitter, patter too, Karen!
I'm with you - I love neutrals. We'll be moving into a new house soon, and my mind is awhirl with all the possibilities, but going with a neutral color scheme seems to be winning! ::Jill
I'm with you, love the white shades. My home is painted this lovely light chamois color, so peaceful in the summer, but now, after 6 years, it's beginning to look too yellow in the darker winter months. I want to pain the whole inside, which is a major undertaking, but the first hurdle is convincing the Dear Husband that it is time to paint!!! EEK!
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
Lovely photos! I can't wait to see the changes.
Thank you for posting these lovely photos Karen! I don't get to visit as often as I'd like so will need to change that in the upcoming fall season.
WOW!! Love all those rooms,your blog is amazing!!All the best,Chrissy
Green hydrangeas are the best of all! I love 'em!
I absolutely love your site and the pics you've shared. I can't wait for the reveal! The green hydrangeas are wonderful...as is the chair. Details are everywhere ~
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