As I sit here on the morning of Memorial Day , and watch TV commercials about Fantastic Memorial Day Sales events, for furniture or cars... I can’t help but wonder how many people don’t even know what Memorial Day is really about. They scurry about shopping, getting food for a BBQ or going on a 3 day mini-vacation somewhere and probably never think about the sacrifices that were made just so we could live the fantastically blessed lives we are able to lead in the United States.

Freedom isn’t free. It sounds trite, but it’s so very true. The liberty that we all enjoy in our great Nation is paid for with the lives of fallen soldiers. Look at the wonderful nation around you. We owe all of it to our veterans, and to our fallen heroes. It is they who preserve our Constitution and our way of life. Without them, the America we know and love would be very, very different. (and not in a good way!)

In November we will honor our Veterans.... the brave among us who have served and sacrificed for our beloved country. But this weekend, we honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, those who have paid the highest price for our liberty. Their lives were cut short, their hopes and dreams never realized. Their families, though proud, would forever know the sorrow of loss. And they did it all for us, without knowing us, so that liberty (Liberty is a concept of political philosophy and identifies the condition in which an individual has the right to act according to his or her own will.) would prevail in America and grow around the world.
God Bless the American Military. If you would like to show your appreciation for what they do, go to www.anysoldier.com and click on “where to send”... read some of their letters. Then pick a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine to support by sending them a letter or care package. They need to know we still care.
Have a safe and happy, and hopefully grateful Memorial Day!!!!!
What you say is so what is the times.By the way love your bedroom Laura Q
I could never figure out why America had, basically, two Remembrance Days. (In Australia and elsewhere we call Veteran's Day "Remembrance Day" because on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the war ended.)
Then I found out this year that Memorial Day began as a Civil War holiday. Presumably not just to remember the fallen, but to remember that a nation had been torn apart and that it should Never Happen Again.
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Day) has a whole bunch on it, and my presumably doesn't seem to figure into it.
Australia also has two Remembrance Days. Our other one is April 25, ANZAC Day, where we remember a defeat during WWI that lost scads of lives.
So -- which one means more to Americans? Memorial or Veteran's Day?
Umm, I think I might blog this :)
Amen Karen! It is so sad that so many people won't take even a single second out of the 86,400 seconds they have been given today, to say thank you, we will never forget!
Thank you, great post. Even though we do have family get togethers and fun, we try do do something to honor those who sacrificed to protect us and our freedom, Like visit a nearby National Cemetery.
Well said, Karen!
HOOAH! May we never forget. This year my soldier is back on American Soil, but next year he will be deployed again...I breathe easy for another six months. **blows kisses** Deb
Very well said Karen! :)
Thank you for the beautiful reminder.
Wonderful post Karen. Our freedom is not free. It is paid for by blood from courageous Americans. We need to give thanks to each and every soul that has given his or her life for us. And pray every day that God will keep blessing America!!!
Hugs, Pat
Well said and oh so true.
Well said!
We are a God blessed nation, honey. I'm flying our flag high today for all our military men and women. I wish they could read all the blogs thanking them today. They would be astounded. Bless you for this post for our military.
Perfect. We went to the Plaza in town and gave our respects this morning and my heart is always heavy all this day thinking of all who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us and of course, so very grateful for all the privilege often taken for granted.
I wrote a tribute to Memorial Day on my blog today, too. I even observed the National Moment of Remembrance at 3 pm. I was shocked to read that it was brought about because school kids were asked what Memorial Day meant to them, and they answered "the start of summer." We need to teach our youngsters what this day really means, and you have truly hit on the genuine meaning. Happy Memorial Day!
truth spoken! may we NEVER forget!
I have enjoyed your post today, well said. Hope you had a great day.
Really such a wonderful post and so well put - all of it. I just returned yesterday from a trip to Washington DC, and I can't tell you how moved I was to be there during this weekend of remembrance. You post really says it all. BRAVO!
Wonderful blog today Karen. I so agree with you!! My sister in Law just came back from Afghanistan and although we could not reach her by phone (she is in Alabama) She knows we are very grateful for her service and all military. We took a trip to Lakeside today. Me Hubby and kids..and We took a moment to remember..we get to spend this day together BECAUSE of those that have sacrificed so much!
A lovely tribute to a great country, love the art :)
Thank you for saying this. I so agree with you.
Karen, thank you for reminding us to slow down and say Thank you! We get so caught up in the holiday hype we forget the reasons for the holiday altogether, and this goes for most holidays. Have a lovely week!
Hi: I would like to be a part of the Blogger Party this month. I could not find where to sign in. I would appreciate you adding me to the list. I will add your button to my blog tonight. Thank you, Martha
Hi Karen
How are things going on your side of the world?
Great post on Memorial Day...
Everyone is so busy getting ready for the studio tour... I feel a little guilty this year, it is too easy :)
Blessings to you
Very big words.
In Italy we do not have any of this: no sense of country, no respect for veterans, no memory for the fallen. over 60 years ago?
However I believe that these feelings do your Cuntry the great Country it is.
Thank you Karen for your thoughts on Memorial Day. My father & grandfather both served in the Korean War & WW1 and I was brought up with a strong understanding of the cost of freedom and all that you talked about. I still have a very old paper poppy my Grandpa used to pass out on Memorial Day. Thank you again,
Great Post ! Many of us out here in this blogging community "get freedom", even if they don't blog about it. You are not alone.
My heart is on the ground half of the time, as I know what sort of evil is leading this country into socialism. Just soooo wrong. We must vote each time it comes around, and educate ourselves and the children as we have never done.
My man is a vet, many relatives too. Living near an army instalation is a daily reminder too, one that I enjoy.I see the daily news on Fox about AZ.and imigration. Now the beautiful Gulf.....sigh...
And I pray.
Sweet post! So many don't remember that freedom isn't free. My hubby is a Vietnam Vet & he always says "it's better to fight them on their own soil that to fight them on ours" Oh sooooooooooooooo true.
I miss you girlfriend!!! We haven't talked in forever. We need to make our plans for Round Top or we won't find a place to stay (in fact we may be too late). Check your calendar & I'll be calling next week. HUGS! Charlene
I found out this year that Memorial Day began as a Civil War holiday.
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My sweet friend! I loved your words. Thanks to you and Steve for the work you have done with ANYSOLDIER. I just heard from my Army pen-pal in Iraq today and for some reason I was drawn to your blog-even after I just spoke to you (but then again, I am always drawn to your blog)love ya d
My sweet friend! I loved your words. Thanks to you and Steve for the work you have done with ANYSOLDIER. I just heard from my Army pen-pal in Iraq today and for some reason I was drawn to your blog-even after I just spoke to you (but then again, I am always drawn to your blog)love ya d
but to remember that a nation had been torn apart and that it should Never Happen Again.
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