Well it only took me 3 weeks, but I finally made it through the whole list!!!! The participants in the party this year blew me away with their creativity, their ingenuity, and their amazing assortment of supplies!!! I could only wish to have half of the goodies many of you have filled your studios with. Thank you so much to everyone who participated and everyone who just came to visit. I couldn't have done it without you! I will keep the list up on my blog throught the end of the month and then it will be available on the "Where Bloggers Create" blog. (I will have a link to it on my sidebar)
I know you have all been anxious to hear who one the prizes. I am happy to announce the winners for the goodies from Where Women Create, but Jo still needs to look through a few more blogs before she makes the final decision of the photo shoot winner. And so without further adieu... the random winners!!!
Cerri from The Little Pink Studio and Stephanie from Art of Stuff won the Free 1 yr magazine subscription to Where Women Create.
Marcy from Queen Marcy Originals and Sherry from Blessings from Our Nest won the sets of wonderful books written by Jo Packham herself.
and Cherie from Humble Pie Designs and Violet from Create Beauty won those pretty charm bracelets.
Congratulations to all the winners!!! I promise as soon as I hear from Jo about the big winner I will let you know!!!
Again, thank you all so much for making this years party a smashing success! I think we all made some new friends and gathered up enough creative inspiration to get us through until next year!
WooHoo! Congrats to the lucky winners!!
Congrats to the lucky winners... and thanks to you Karen for hosting such a wonderful event!!! hugs~~~ Daphne
Hi, Karen,
Thanks again for being such a lovely hostess...And congratulations to the lucky winners. I'm heading over to see their studios now.
Yes, I am still making my way through the list and visiting all the participants. (I was away from home in June, caring for my elderly mom.) So I appreciate your keeping the links available for us.
I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. ~Natalie
Oh congrats to all the winners! This was fun to visit everyone's space!
Hugs, Lisa
WOW! Karen I do not envy you with the task you had before you!! Awesome job!!:) Congratulations to all of the winners!! Woohoo!! I totally agree!! These where some of the best studios that I saw during our party!!! I'm actually still working down the list;)
Congrats to all the winners! Can't wait to find out which lucky one will grace the WWC publication! Thanks so much for hosting the best party of the year....see you next year, I hope:)
Yay..Congrats to all the winners..enjoy! And thanks Karen for this fabulous creative party!
It was wonderful to meet new talented souls!
Hi Karen
Congratulations to all the lucky winners! And Thank you so much again for hosting such a fun party!
Awesome Karen!! And Congrats to the winners!!! Everyone's studios were amazing- fun- and inspiring!!!
Many Blessings!!!
Kaniki's Prims & Whims...
That took some work didn't it darlin!!!!! Good job!!!! And congratulations on the winners. Thank you for having the party for us again this year! I know it was a lot of work. I enjoyed our little phone conversation. I've missed talking to you too. HUGS! Charlene
congratulations to the lucky winners! This was a lot of fun ~ I'm still working my way thru all the spaces. So many great spaces!
Congrats to the winners! And, thank you Karen for all you hard work...this has been so much fun!!!
Happy day for all the winners. Congratulations to all.
Congratulations to all the lucky winners. I'm still working my way through all the participants, but I'll get there!
Thanks again for hosting this wonderful event, Karen.
Congrats to the winners, my there was so many beautiful studios, some looked like stores! I wish I was just designing my space! There was so many good ideas! Thank you for hosting this! it was a lot of work!
Well, I'm still out here prowling...so many studios to visit...I'm getting there though....and still having fun and making furriends! Thank you so much for introducing me to so many wonderfur people and cats! You've been such a wonderful hostess, stop by whenever you can and I'll be sure and leave some snacks out for you with some milk of course! Yep, that's how grateful I am for you. I wouldn't share those with just anyone you know!!!
A special conCATulations to all the winners!!!!
Purrs to all!
So enjoyed visiting many of the beautiful blogs that participated--what a wonderful event you organized, Karen! My goal is to work on my work space and participating next year...thanks for giving me something to aim for!
Hope you're having a most fabulous weekend!
Congratulations to all the fabulous winners! You are all so lucky. Enjoy and thank you so much Karen. You did a beautiful job organizing and going through each blog is alot..lol
Have a fantastic weekend,
Janets Creative Pillows
Dear Karen,
Thanks so much for making it possibly to be a part in this wonderfull and funny party. It has been fantastic.
And then CONGRATULATIONS to all the lucky winners.
Have a lovely sunday, Karen.
Congratulations to all winners! it was so fun look in to everyones studio!
And thank you Karen for hosting such great event!
Thank you for your beautiful comment on my blog. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I'm thinking of you. I haven't lost anyone as close as my Mom but I do relate... as much as I can, to losing someone and the hole that is left behind. xoxooxo
Congrats to the winners! I'm to the "S" blog now...I'm determined to make it through...it would be a shame to miss some of the wonderful spaces.
Congratulations ladies!!! And thank you Karen again for hosting tthe blog party, Im still working down the list of all the party goers : ) Seen some amazing spaces, ton of inspiration (including keeping my space tidy more often : )
Thank You for this Karen,What a huge undertaking!!! I have been sipping my Sunday Morning coffee and enjoying the so generously shared blogs.
Wow!! so much inspiration,
Maybe next year I will play along.
Thank you again for hosting this fabulous event.
I'm not through visiting everyone, but what I've seen is amazing and inspiring!
Karen, you are awesome! How fun this has been! I've just started looking through all the great posts here and have hundreds more to look forward to. Congratulations to the winners! I'm already thinking of what I can do to pretty it up more around here. Thanks Karen!
Thank you karen for hosting such a fun event. I am still going around and visiting the inspirational studios!!! Wow, we are very creative bloggers!!!
This is really a wonderful idea!
Margaret B
lucky sweet ladies...congrats..thanks Karen for hosting so we can all be inspired!!!
This was so much fun and I was so inspired by all the beautiful studios...congratulations to the winners~thank you Karen for hosting this super party!
Congratulations to all you winners!
Karen, thanks for being such a gracious hostess. I've enjoyed visiting the studios and workspaces of many, I've many more to peek into. I'm glad you're leaving a link so I can continue my visits.
How exciting! Congrats to the winners...Christine
Hi Karen
Thanks for all your hard work... it was so much fun and you deserve an honorable mention for your amazing inspiration.
Congratulations to all the winners and now I need to go see the winners studio's.
Thanks so much for all you do!
Congrats, not only to the winners but to you, Karen, for doing such and outstanding job. I did meet a lot of new blog friends and gained so much inspiration. I bookmarked so many sites to revisit. Can you even imagine what the list might look like next year? Have a wonderful Monday!
It has been GREAT fun! Thank you so much! I've never see so many beautiful work spaces! There should be a decorating book on these! Congrats to the winners! ♥
Congrats to all the lucky winners!
I still haven't made it around to visiting everybody...I don't see how you did it Karen!
Hello Sweetie, I'm totally impressed that with all you do you visited all 4oo participants. I did not participate but that isn't stopping me from visiting all of them and I still have a few to go but I must say that I am enjoying myself and getting some great ideas for my own studio that I am beginning to set up now. Thanks everyone for sharing. I'll join you next year.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Congratulations to the winners, way to go!
Thankyou thankyou gracious hostess! Still working at the list myself. I did have to pinch myself when I saw the random drawings~gaaaaa!!! So very fun!
Again, thankyou and you can email me at cariani1@bluemarble.net if you need my address. Many Blessings back to you Karen!XO
How impressive that you made it through that fantastic list!! Thanks again for hosting. I'm still getting stragglers coming through and looking around from it.
Lucky gals all! I'm green with envy, LOL. Can't wait to see who the winner of the photoshoot is. There are some top of the line studios out there to be sure! Thanks for all the fun, I had a great time!
Vintiquities Workshop
Wow, great looking studios! Also, thank you for the tip about the Blog Guidebook, it looks like a great reference.
Yay! Congratulations to all you lucky winners! Thanks again, Karen, for hosting this fun event-it has been so much fun meeting new people and getting to see all the fabulous creative spaces. :)
Okay, You girl deserve the prize. First of all to dream up & organize the most successful of all blog parties for 2 years in a row & as if that isn't enough you visit each & every post! Great job my friend & congrats to the lucky winners! Lisa
Congratulations for the lucky winners.
This has been so fun. (But I admit I'm still only half way through them!)
WOW!!! I am so thrilled to have won the beautiful charm bracelet! Thank you!
What a delightful party this has been, and continues to be. Thank you Karen for all your work and time put into this endeavor!
~ Violet
Hi Karen!
Thanks so much for hosting the party and congrats to the lucky winners! Who wouldn't be thrilled with those lovely prizes? Believe it or not, I'm still visiting creative bloggers! I think I'll be into Christmas before I am finished... but it is fun and something not to rush through!
Dandelion Wishes to you!
Deborah Jean
Karen, kudos to you for hosting such a swell soiree! You really are the belle of the ball and the hostess with the mostest. What a fun time visiting all these gorgeous and creative studios! Congratulations to all the winners! ~ Angela
What a lovely time! It will take me double that to get through, but, know it is appreciated! Blessings and enjoy some down time.
Congrats to all the winners! I'm still making my way through the blogs - up to the "T"s now after being forced into a small break from the computer.
It's been so much fun, traveling all over the world & never leaving home, getting great ideas and inspiration, FOLLOWING & meeting new crafters. Just the ticket in this crummy economy to lift a girl's spirits!
Hopefully, next year, I can enter MY she-cave, though it won't be as nice as most of the ladies that participated this year...you're all AMAZING!
Congrats to all the winner. And many more thanks to you Karen for hosting.
Congratulations Ladies!
What a fun party! I am so happy with all the new people I have met and new blogs to follow.
The domino effect has been wonderful.
Merci Beaucoup Karen.
Hi Karen,
Wow, you had quite the job didn't you? Congratulations to all the winners. Hopefully, after I redo my studio and classroom I can be proud to show them off next year. Thank you for all the work you did.
Good For you!
...I am still somewhere around R...quite a ways from being finished!
Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you again Karen for hosting this oh so fun event!
I really enjoyed visiting all the creative spaces and ...didn't mind cleaning my studio to share.!
It really needed it anyway!
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
This has been so fun and thank you so much Karen for hosting. I am still working my way through the list and have many more to visit. I am so excited about being one of the winners of the prizes, you should have seen me when I read your e-mail message Karen. Blogging and meeting such wonderful people these past few months has been a blessing.
I'm sending congratulations to the winners and another big thank you Karen for hosting this event!
thanks for hosting such a fun event karen. i got a lot of new ideas and inspirations from viewing all these great studio spaces. congrats to all the winners! hope you have the strength to do it again next year???
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your contest sounded very successful--as 57 comments shows!
I'd love to have you stop by my blog any time. And I will check yours out as well.GraciousInteriors.blogspot.com
Hola, desde España.He visitado tu casita y me encanta,yo tambien tengo una casita, te invito ha visitarla, un saludo
congratulations to all!!
blessings and many thanks for hosting this event Karen
barbara jean
Congratulations to the winners. Thank you again Karen for hosting such a wonderful event. I loved visiting all the studios, and I was filled with so much inspiration on how to decorate and store things in my art space.
I still haven't made it through all of the lovely, creative spaces. I have to give myself a break between all of that envy.
Thank you for stopping by today! I appreciate the compliments!I've been out of the blog loop lately..Looks like I missed a fun event! Lucky winners indeed!
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