My dear friend Cindy at Lillys Lace has asked me to share 8 things about myself that you might not know, as part of the Stylish Blogger award. I don't normally participate in these types of things because I never know who to turn around and share the award with and I never know if they really want to playalong or not. So I am sharing it with everyone, because you are all stylish bloggers in my book! If you want to share 8 little known facts about yourself with all of us, I know we would all love it!
So... here is my list....
1. I was a total 80's rocker chic!!! (Don't laugh!) That's me in 1989
2. I have to fight very hard to keep weight off and as I get older it gets harder and harder. This is because I am a total carb addict and I love anything baked. I can't keep sweets in the house. I just eat them until they are all gone. This is very frustrating for my hubby because he has a huge sweet tooth too, but God has blessed him with a great metabolism.
3. I can be very shy at times and it's taken me a lot of work to get over that, and feel comfortable in large groups. (It's still hard sometimes.)
4. I HATE Lima beans!!! When I was a kid my dad used to make me eat them for breakfast if I didn't finish them for dinner the night before. I think he was trying to teach me something, but I'm not sure what. All he succeeded in doing was to stop me from EVER eating Lima beans as an adult.
5.In the Summertime, I love to float in the pool and read fantasy novels (no, Cindy...not those kind of fantasies.) I know that laying in the sun is not good for you but I can't help it. I need a tan in the summer! Oh, and in case you are thinking it... I do not get as tan as I used to. (What was I thinking???)
6.I used to say, "I like most dogs better than I like most people." That was before I started blogging and met a whole world full of kind, generous and caring women. Now I like dogs and people just the same! LOL.
7. I secretly wish I was as talented as many of my favorite bloggers. ( I guess it's not a secret anymore.)
8. I love clothes. I have been a clothes horse ever since I can remember. My mom tells me stories of how I used to change my outfits several times a day when I was 3 or 4. Things really haven't changes much since then. :)
9. I'm sad that I don't have time to visit blogs and leave and answer comments like I used to. Since I started Valentine Design I have been very busy working on blogs and trying to grow my business. I feel like I am disappointing some of you. I hope you all know that every comment is cherished, and I hope you understand when I can't always come by and say thank you.
I know that was 9 and not 8 but I really wanted to share that last one with you anyway.
I hope if you are snowed in this week, you have someone or something warm to snuggle up with.

oh miss karen u are fabulous
i am sure everyone understands ur busy!
i am sure even with 80s hair u were fab
ps i was age 1-9 during the 80s
You are "growing up" ( not aging) beautifully. You look even younger today.
I haven't eaten a lima bean in over 20 years and whoever thought creaming them made them better was nuts...
Ah, the '80s. I think many of us have a photo like that buried in a drawer somewhere. I was a New Wave girl... :-) Thanks for sharing!
Oh...I love number 6!
Hi Karen,
I so understand about the sweets, they definetely have a voice calling to me from where ever they are hidden.
Like you blogging has given me so much,and it has all been inspired by your beautiful blog. Thank you.
Hugs, Angela.
I was a true 80's girl, too, with the big hair and makeup! And I love my carbs, too. We share many of the same traits.
Best of luck with your projects and business. Those of us who know you are behind you all the way!
CUTE!!!! Thanks for sharing & I KNOE that was hard for you to open up because you really are shy. But, you are a treasure & I'm so glad you are seeing yourself grow. I remember that day I said to you "Start your own buisness... YOU are so talented" What that other company offered you was a slap on your beautiful face because YOU are worth ssssssssssoooooooooooooooo much more than they could pay. THEY SAW A DIAMOND & wanted her for nothing... Now you KNOW your worth & share yourself & your talent with us. Oh HAPPY DAY! LOVE YA sweetie! And I will tell you we are freezing our fanny off here in TEXAS! HUGS!
oh that made me chuckle! "Merci" for sharing so much of your "true" self with us all. How sweet. love that rockin' 80's hair! LOL! And...don't beat yourself up over #9!! you're a kind, talented and generous spirit and we all know it whether you leave a comment on our blogs or not! (Still want to make some blog changes but have been so darn busy myself. i have your number and will call soon!) happy day!
You are a brave women, no way am I posting my big haired self from the 80's complete with shoulder pads on the net...EVER! I love it!
Well Karen I see you are in many ways a younger version of myself, I used to be a little shy and for sure #6. I just was a 1960's chick! Somewhat of a Hippie for awhile, maybe that is how I ended up with all these children, now adults umm... Hugs sweetie and you are wonderful at least to me and many others for sure, what is it about those sweets! Thats a hard one, xoxo, Marilou
You look better now! I think all things get better with age...including cheese and wine!
Thanks for not forgetting about your viewers.
You and me with the sweets... And who eats Lima beans anyway!
We are on the road and so far so good but we are only in St. Louis
I just spit my lima beans across the kitchen table! You where rockin those bangs sister! At one time mine where so high they touched the headliner of my jetta. Loved learning your secrets. Lisa
Very fun Karen!
I wanted to let you know that I am currently organizing a Blogger's tea for March 26th. All of the details are on my current blog post.
Please feel free to grab the button to help spread the word.
It should be a very fun event and I hope that you can make it.
I enjoy reading your blog and hope some day I'll have people reading my blog. Thanks for share and I'll be checking out your Valentine blog as well.
Hi Karen!
Thank you for sharing so much about yourself. This picture is to die for - VERY 80's! I was just telling my kids the other day that I think they implemented school uniforms here as a result of the 80's fashions. I graduated high school in 1989 and OH MY...the things we wore!!!
Blessings and Hugs,
Karen...thank you so much for sharing a bit of yourself. Your post made me I remembered and related to a few of your comments.
Lima beans? Not a fan.
Fond Regards, Donna
I love your rocker chick 80's photo!!!! (I think we all have at least one photo like that at home! LOL!) Your blog is beautiful!
Thank you for sharing. I have trouble keeping up with the blogs I follow & I don't have nearly as many as you. I don't think anyone will hold it against you. I know I won't.
Great info Karen! I would have NEVER guessed that you struggle with seemed so comfortable and outgoing when you taught your snowman class at your lovely home. You are an amazing creator and a truly sweet person. Thanks for sharing. Still hoping you will offer more classes. XO Nancy
Hi Karen:
Is that little Jasmine a corgi? She looks like one in the photo. All the times I've visited your wonderful blog, I never noticed before. I'm sure my little Fezzik would find her quite fetching!
Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself with your readers.
Good Morning, Karen,
It sounds like we have a lot in common. I love clothes too, and don't keep junk food in the house. I enjoyed reading these and getting to know you better.
Happy Super Bowl Sunday ~Natalie
Hi girlfriend-
Does that rocker babe shirt glow in the dark? Lol!! Love how you handled this question activity- might have to do the same later myself- great idea! Is really fun to learn new things about each other. ( makes me so mad that my hubby can get by with the snack thing better than me!!) what's fair about that!
I am so glad your business is booming. You are the greatest person to work with- love your blog creations. When I see a beautiful blog- I can tell in an instant if it is your work!!
Fablous picture~!!
I hate lima beans too!!
very fun post, for sure!!
I love your blog!
Hi Karen,
I just found your amazing blog! I tried in vain to find contact info so I could request permission to use your "following your bliss" graphic on my blog.
Could you email me at
Thanks! I love what you've done here.
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your kind words - you can definitely use my blog as you please. I will be following you too.
love you Karen...big hair and all.
I noticed your blog design and love it ! After you did my blog I went in and rearranged a few things and made a mess....learned my lesson and one of these days we will need to talk again.
As far as the rest of the list I am right there with you on wieght, shyness, and loving dogs and people equally...
Catching up today and loved reading this very nice story. It's nice to know you a bit better, gotta say you got some nice hair there and the carb thing is me to a tee....
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