Well, I finally decided to get off my scaredy-cat butt and send some things in to Sommerset Studio. They are refrigerator magnets and not newly made, but they are my own designs and I don't recall seeing anything like them in the magazine. I thought about making some of the apothecary tags and sending them too, but I know that will postpone me sending these out. I don't know why I have avoided doing it. I've been wanting to contribute for a couple of years now. I guess it's just a fear of rejection. Silly huh? I would really like to continue to submit, so maybe now that that I'm getting my feet wet, it will be easier next time. Wish me luck!!!!

Good luck on your submissions!!!!!
BTW....LOVE the magnets.
Karen ~ I can't see them rejecting you; these are beautiful! I feel like such an idiot asking this {because sometimes there's a button right there staring me in the face}, but do you have a shop where you sell your items? My Mom and sister would love these magnets and I think they'd be great holiday gifts. Heck, I want them!
LUCK! They are so pretty! I LoVe them.
They are gorgeous, Best of Luck, keep us posted on the outcome, Blessings. Janna
Good luck! I think they're GREAT!
Your magnets are beautiful! I'm thinkin' you're a shoe-in.:)
Hi karen
I think they are great and I don't know why they would reject.
They are wonderful ... good luck! Have a great weekend. TTFN ~Marydon
Karen they are lovely and I can't wait to see them in the magazine...I have seen your artwork on your art blog, it is just beautiful..to be honest I always just assumed you were published :) when you get a chance email me on that gorgeous Follow Me button :) Be well..be happy..be loved. Rose
They are great, Good luck, not that you need it.
I think they are very unique...you will be successful with these!~Patti
Good luck Karen! Your magnets are great!
Best of luck...does not matter what anyone says..go with your heart.
They are great...you have made some wonderful things. Do you sell on Etsy or even your blog?
Thinking positive and sending it your way....Sheri
Wow! These magnets are gorgeous. I think they'd fit right into that magazine -- the apothecary tags too! You have a beautiful sense of style - don't be afraid to share it! :o)
OMG! They are just adorable!!!
Let us know the outcome.
Best of luck, Karen (you won't need it). We all are afraid sometimes, doesn't it feel good to just give in to the "I should" feeling and go for it? I'd love a couple for my refrigerator... ooh, or screen door, that would be charming!
How darn cute are they??? Good luck! Tami E.
I can not believe that you have never submitted to somerset before they will love them I am sure!!!
Karen,I LOVE your magnets and I'm so excited for you. It is a secret dream of mine to be published too. I find it difficult to create someting totally original these days with blogs, magazines -art everywhere. Just when I think I've hit on something I see something like it online. Your stuff is so your own. Good luck! Lisa
These are wonderful and I am sure they will use them. I too have some things I need to send them. I guess I have been hesitating because of fear of rejection - LOL.
fear of rejection, that's the worst, i know, but you did it, and there wonderful, good luck!
Good luck! I have wanted to do something too - so you are one up on me Girl!
Have a great weekend!
Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds
From what I've seen, all your work is absolutely beautiful, so I don't think you need any luck. Sometimes you just gotta put yourself out there. Wishing all the best,
Karen I also wanted to say you have amazing style I really enjoy seeing your gorgeous home pictures !! I can see what you mean when you say you have a project you are working on at home! Your home is a work of art!!
These are wonderful! Best of everything on your submissions, Karen.
Blessings, Linda
I love them! Are you selling them now? I'd like to buy from you, if so. Pop on over to my blog and let me know!
~ Anne
I son't you have anything to worry about. Your creations are amazing. If you were to get rejected it would only be because it's not what there looking for at this time. I encourage you since, I think you have true talent!
Oh good luck for sure! They're wonderful!!! Good for you for putting yourself out there!
:) T
They are a delight!!! As are you! Such luck and wishes I send you! Blessings dear.
Hi Karen! I think these are one of the prettiest entries they will have ever received! I read all their publications and if I were skimming through the pages before purchasing these would seal the deal and make me buy the magazine!!! Really unique and useful too! I know they will publish these and many more of your designs!!! Sincerely, Jeannette
These are gorgeous!! Thinking I may have to make some for my own fridge- after I repaint it... :) Want something special... And your stuff is just delightful!!
Congrats on submitting... WIshing you luck for getting into that wonderful magazine...
Many Blessings
Kaniki's Prims & Whims
Good luck to you.The magnets are wonderful and different. You are a multi talented gal.
Jean in Virginia
Not to worry! They are lovely....I'm trying to work up some courage myself to submit something.....good luck to you!
They'd be blessed to have your stuff in their magazine! It's gorgeous.
Steph Jordan
You go girl! Good luck, they will show them, it just takes patience.
I hope you are well.
Karen - these are beautiful! Once they are accepted, it would be so cool if you did a tutorial! Or I can just buy the magazine and get the instructions there!!
Good luck, you deserve it!
Oh la la! These are fabulous - I will look for these in an upcoming issue!
Sharon :-)
They are fabulous!! Glad you got the guts and went for it!!! You'll do great. They will love you!
bunny hugs,
Karen, I LOVE them!!!! I bet they scoop them up in a heart beat. And then you will wonder why you didn't JUMP in sooner. But, I bet anyone who has ever been published feels the same way. GOOD LUCK!
Hi Karen, I think your magnets are wonderfull, soso cute!! Bravo to you for getting past your fears and "going for it". We never know till we try, right. Good luck to you. I really enjoy your blog and thank you again for the opportunity to put my art studio on your Where Bloggers create. Have a wonderful day!
Are you kidding me, these are so dang cute. Everybody loves your work. Especially me! I wish I lived right by you. We would have soooo much fun. You would kick butt in the art department but I would kick butt in the excited department.
Let me know if you need my help in kicking that butt.
You have nothing to fear, those are very cute magnets.
Good luck!! They are awesome!
Good luck.
They are so fantastic.
These are beautiful and professional - I don't think you need to worry about rejection, just let us know which magazine and when!
Hi Karen, thankyou so much for your compliment on my Hattie Jane. I just found your comment. About the pillow...I have it up for sale where I have my space in Rusty Pelican antique mall. But will go in and take pics of my space and put pics up on my blog. I just posted a pic of a sign that says Honeymoon Inn..I painted my white roses on it also. So if you want to take a peek.. I cant wait to see your new decorating for your home. Also send in your art to Somerset magazine. You do an excellent job. Ive looked at some of the magazines and some are no way near the great art that you do. Thanks again Sally
These are beautiful and I am sure they will accept them right away! Your blog is lovely. I am going to start following it right away!
Good luck Karenj-they are just charming! They would be so beautiful in the magazine!
Your magnets look great! I hope you get in. I have been wanting to submit something, as well. For the very same reason I have not. You have inspired me to get my butt in gear. ;D
Love your new living room redo. It looks tres chic!
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