I want to thank you all so much for coming over and helping me celebrate with my 500+ Followers Giveaway. I cannot believe I am now up to 665!!! You guys have all made me feel so special. The random winner of my box of goodies is Cami @ Creating Myself. Congrats Cami!!! (I'll be sending you an email shortly) And now for the bonus prize.... You guys just blew me away with some of the most heartfelt answers ever. It was obvious to me how important Blogland is to many of us. It was VERY hard to choose a winner as there were quite a few comments that really spoke to me. I have chosen three to share with you all. All of them describe exactly how I feel about blogging.
Sharon @ Shardon Exclusives said
"What I love about blogging? Let me count the many ways, I can create and you pat me on my back..bloggers encourage not criticize..they inspire not draw me down...they care, really care..when there is a hurt we pray for one another...we are supportive of each ones talents and encourage us to think outside the box.... On and on and on...there are tremendous souls who give and give and keep on giving. I struggled with getting started but now I can not remember life before my blogging friends came into it. Thank you so much for this opportunity to express a fraction of my heart, Sharon"
Cheryl @ Basic Living said:
"I love blogging, though I've only been doing it a short time, like you, for so many reasons. Obviously I love the friendships and support you develop from your interactions with other bloggers. I love the whole concept of people being willing to "wear their hearts on their sleeves" so to speak. People can be so closed in "real life" sometimes, but in blogland, people are willing to reveal themselves in a more intimate way than imaginable. I love that! My favorite thing about blogging, however, is it's not just something I DO. It has become an extension of who I AM. Does that make sense? Blogging causes me to really THINK about the way I live life, because I know I'll probably be blogging about it later. That doesn't mean I do things just so I'll have something to blog. No. But knowing that I will be blogging, sharing the most authentic part of who I am (through my words and artful creations), I want to LIVE fully. I want to create with passion. I want to be the best version of ME I can. If something can inspire one to live daily life with such purpose, it must be a truly wonderful experience. I just read on someone's blog the other day (sorry, can't remember whose!) that according to an 1800 something version of Webster's Dictionary, Romance means "a style of living". That so spoke to me because that's how I want my life to be... ROMANTIC. That doesn't mean I want roses and candy and hot passionate sex (though I'm certainly not knocking those!), but it means I want to live in a style that feels true, authentic, and inspiring! Blogging inspires that in me. "
and lastly Rose @ Bella Rosa said:
"Karen amor, what a beautiful and sweet Giveaway! I love visiting you and seeing what new beauties you have created and you like so many of my favorite blogs not only nourish my heart, but you inspire me with your beautiful creations...you ask why I love to blog...it is this reason above and the fact that even when I feel I have nothing to add of beauty for my own blog...I can visit all of you and replenish my creative...wanna be heart...When my heart is hurting from life's losses, I know visiting you all makes my heart stronger as do the comments that the wonderful friends I have made here leave on my own blog...it is like a huge group of friends that helps to pick you up with love and support, who share not only their beautiful creations and how to's but also their beautiful hearts...where else can you come in your pj's with your hair sticking out every which way and if your like me, still have remnants of yesterdays make up and yet...you and my other sweet friends never complain as I visit and laugh, cry or just think while I visit your wonderful blogs, I can come back as many times as I like and go back through your older posts and no one minds when I ask my silly questions about all your how to's and I am so thankful for that...I thank you and all my other wonderful friends in Blogland for this every time I visit and leave you smiling. Besos to you Karen, for always making my visits so special :) Rose"
As I said it was very hard to choose a winner so I just put three numbers in a box and picked one. So, Rose... you win the bonus prize! It's not much but I do hope you enjoy it!

Congrats to the winners! Very well said by all three!
Congrats to the winners....
Hope you get to feeling better real soon...Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...
I won? SHUT UP!!!! ;o)
Oh wow Karen...I am beyond thrilled. How exciting!!!! Lucky, lucky, lucky me!!!
Hello Karen,
Thomas is home full time now and we've been organizing the house in a big way. I guess that's how I MISSED entering your giveaway. :0)
I feel the same way as so many others do about what blogging is for me and how it's affected my daily life. I can't imagine not having all of you to talk with and share my life with.
Thanks for creating such a loving place to visit and for your kindness and generosity..you are a shining example for so many souls in bloglandia. :0)
Now..chase that nasty cold away, away!! Feel better soon...
♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥
Congratulations to all the winners and congratulations to you for your successful blog! I think you'll be doubling that follower number before you know it!!
Congratulations to the winners and Many Blessings to you... get well very soon!
Congratulations to winners!
Do you know Karen, your blog is wonderful place to be here. Thank you so very much for it.
Congrats to the winners!! Hope you feel better soon... Have a wonderful day.
I am so glad you shared the three women's response to why we love blogging. It was so heartfelt and encouraging!!!!
Congratulations ladies on your goodies that you won !!
Congrats to all the winners.!
Congratulations to the lucky winners... I loved reading all the posts they wrote,, and each one is so true,, I feel the same way...
Karen, Hi Congratulations to Cami!!!
Its a beautiful box of many lovely things and the responses you showed about blogging were wonderful to read,Thank you for sharing,Looking forward to visiting again, Best wishes,Sincerely, Jonny-Salone Di Petros
Congratulations to all the lucky winners, Char
Congratulations to all you lovely winners. And thank you Karen for the three responses on blogging. They were all great.
Hope you are feeling better! Have a great Tuesday!!
Hugs, Pat
Wonderful giveaway and beautiful responses! Congratulations to the winners. Blogging really is an outlet for all of us. We find many with kindred spirits. We're all a bunch of 'sistas' with the same wants and needs in this walk of life. Thanks, Karen for a super post!
Robin's Egg Blues
You are So dear! And thank you for all your wonderful comments about you followers! I always love your blog posts and we are ALL winners to get to know you a bit more!
Hugs and congrats!
Congratulations to all you lovely, lucky, ladies!
Thanks for such a great place to visit Karen.
barbara jean
Congratulations to the lucky winners!!! And I hope you feel better very soon. :) Theresa
Karen amor...first, I hope that you are feeling better soon, I myself sound like a froggy from the little rascals right now, my voice comes and goes...giving my family a lucky break right now :) But I wanted to say Congratulations to Cami! I know she will love her gorgeous gifts..and also to Sharon and Cheryl, their feelings about blogging were so beautifully put and exactly how I feel too, I am honored that you picked mine to be with their lovely thoughts and feel so lucky to have been picked to win one of your beautiful art works! Thank you, I hope you don't mind but I am visiting you, looking like a sick harried woman, with a red nose (my kids words lol) drinking some warm tea and smiling as I read this post and visiting with you for a few minutes before I go to sleep, it is after 1am here, sorry for the late..err early visit :) Thank you for the lovely visit as always! Besos, Rose
Congratulations to the winners. Thank you Karen for hosting, it was fun to put my name in the hat :) I'm looking forward to visiting again to read your musings :)
Congrats to all the winners. What great sentiments to share with everyone.
Have a blessed week.
Well that one hit close to home, Cami is a friend & part of my art group so maybe I can talk her into bringing that wonderful hatbox of treasures for us all to see. Lucky girl. And congrats to Rose & the others. Good job Karen, you rock with your 600+ followers! Lisa
Congratulations to everyone that won something in your lovely giveaway... I shall keep following you beautiful blog as I have added it to my Blogwatch list... take care, Kirsti xoxo
Oh Karen congratulations to your winners. Such sweet ladies. Love blogging!!!
Look at all those followers! Amazinig!
Enjoy the bogularity!
Look at all those followers! Amazinig!
Enjoy the bogularity!
Congratulations to your winners! What great comments!
WOW on your followers! You are famous :)
Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy your goodies!
Karen, congratulations to you on your MANY MANY loyal and adoring followers! Thank you for asking the question. It gave me a reason to reaffirm my love for blogging.
Congratulations to the winner of the oh so fabulous giveaway! I know you will adore it and treasure it always! I'm on cloud nine, because I'm getting a blog makeover by the one and only Karen Valentine! So excited Karen and honored to have you re-do my blog! Speaking to you on the phone made me realize I am in great hands. Thanks, Karen for getting to me so fast! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend..xxPam
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