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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Welcome to the Party!!!

Wow, I can't believe it's finally here! It seems like I have doing preparations for months!! Wait... I have!!! First, I would like to welcome everyone who is participating in the party, and everyone else, who weren't able to show us their spaces, but who are still visiting all the amazing and talented women who are gathered here. It has been so much fun putting together this event.
The final count for our party list is over 450!!! (Last year it was 150) I can't wait to come and visit each and every one of you! It's probably going to take me 2 months to reach you all, so I will be a busy girl for a while! I will be putting a direct link to each of the party guests post on the Where Bloggers Create blog. ( I will put a link to it on my blog as soon as it is ready.) So have no fear, the list will be available all year. Now, let me show you around my space!

This is the view you see when you first walk in the room. All the furniture you see comes from either Goodwill, or Garage Sales. I love to take used pieces and paint them up and give them a whole new life.

When my son moved out of this room a few years ago, I was thrilled to take it over! We recently tore out the old carpet and replaced it with a laminate wood floor from IKEA. I love it, and the price was sooo right!

These spools of lace DO get used... but not if I can help it!!! I like the way they look in the apothecary jars!

These are just a couple of little projects I have on display.

The cabinet on the wall came from IKEA as well. It used to be red. Before I put it together, I painted all the pieces white and ...

decoupaged the inside with book pages, postcards, and letters. It's the perfect size to hold all my little do-dads.

An old ceiling tin makes a great bulletin board.

An old dining room table makes a great desk.

The bookcase used to be brown. It is just a basic "put it together yourself" piece that you can get anywhere. I decoupaged music sheets this time to the back and stapled lace across the front of each shelf.

I can't help myself. Ivy goes just about anywhere!!!

I love wooden cigar boxes for storing odds and ends.

I love making shadowboxes filled with vintage images.

Would you like to take a peak inside some of my drawers!???? I was lucky enough to grab a HUGE bag of old lace at a recent church rummage sale for the bargain price of $3.00.

I collect stuff wherever I find it...including the hardware store!

Paper Tools

Inks, chalks, stain and glazes

I love rubber art stamps!

I try to stay organized. Putting my ribbon in bags according to color works pretty well. That is... when I put it away where it belongs, and don't just shove it back in the drawer!!!

My constant companions!!!

Now my creative space tour is not complete with out showing you the place where I spend most of my creative time these days. This is my office. It is on the other side of the wall from the studio and is part of my master bedroom. This is where my most valuable creative tool resides. My computer, my Mac to be exact. I love it, and I love what I do with it. I am one of those very lucky people who can say I love what I do. And it all started with you guys. I fell in love with blogging, with the women who blog, and with helping you make your blogs beautiful. Since I started Valentine Design in March (You can click HERE if you want to see some of the blog designs that I have done) I have had the pleasure of helping so many of you build the blog of your dreams. Nothing makes me happier, than when I get an email from a client who is
thrilled with the look of their new blog. I never thought I would ever be able to earn a living being creative and doing something that makes people happy!!! I am very blessed.

I would like to thank Jo Packham and the wonderful folks at Where Women Create Magazine for helping to make this years event so incredible. In case you missed the May/June issue.. this is it and I am on the inside pages, in the company of some incredibly talented women. This all started with last years party, and now one year later there I am. At least one lucky gal is going to find herself in the pages of this fabulous magazine too!!! Isn't that exciting??? I'm sure Jo is going to have a really hard time choosing, if this year is anything like last year.

But there are even more great prizes! 2 party guests are going to receive a one year subscription to the magazine!

And one of you will receive both of Jo's books filled with more inspiration than any one person can handle!

And last but not least, a beautiful Where Women Create charm bracelet!

Well, we better get started. We have lot's and lot's of studio spaces to drool over! Pace yourself girls. Drink lot's of fluids and remember to get up and stretch now and then. Remember...this is a marathon, not a sprint!!! Have Fun!!!!


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Anonymous said...

Hello Karen:

We all owe you more thanks than we could possibly express! What a glorious adventure it is romping through all these creative spaces...and how kind of you to put in the huge amount of work it must have needed to pull this all together.
If I'd known blogging was this much fun, I'd have started years ago!

Thank goodness I picked up a copy of 'Where Women Create' and discovered this event. I am having a blast! Thanks again...


Tricia said...

Karen - your space is absolutely beautiful - just like you! You are so gracious to host such a wonderful party - I know it has taken a ton of time and effort - but is is such fun! I love, love your creative space. Everything is so well done and looks like a designer put it together. You are truly a talented lady. Thanks so much for giving me a chance to participate. I am with you - I will be visiting blogs for quite a while to come, but it has been quite a good time already and I am looking forward to meeting more wonderful, creative bloggers. Blessings,

Cindy said...

Hi Karen, I love your play place! Its fab! The neutral colors are very soothing and I would think, very conducive to working and creativity.

Thanks again for hosting such a great party, and even thought I did not make the deadline, I played anyway! :D


Roberta said...

OMG Karen this is so exciting! I'v been working all day and some of last evening trying to get my post done...whew! I used a lot of photos and typepad was not likin' that at all...lol BUT I DID IT and before midnight tonight, Sat. the actual WWC II Party Date...woo hoo! Now I can relax, grab my glass of wine and go read what everyone else has posted. I have the lates WWC magazine and love seeing your studio there and here on your post. I never get tired of looking at other people's CREATIVE spaces and they display and store their stuff...so inspiring! I want to join last year but we moved and had two weddings and I just didn't have time to really get it together...BUT this year I was so inspired after reading about you in WWC and reading alot of last year's links. Have a fabulous weekend, fondly, Roberta

Renee said...

What an absolutely beautiful room you have. No where is a paint brush and a can of white Paint?

Robin Sanchez said...

Thanks for sharing your space and this fun party!!

I can hardly wait to check out where everyone creates and see their creative ideas.


Lori said...

Hi Karen, I just want to THANK YOU for hosting this fantastic party! I haven't even gotten through the A's yet and I've been at it for a few hours. I just LOVE your room--it's absolutely gorgeous! I especially love those shaddow boxes and the inspiration board--who would've thought?! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment. I'm thrilled to have been a part of this great event.

Annesphamily said...

What a great space you have! It is so wonderful to see all the different ideas everyone has here! Thanks so much for sharing! I have the book, I recently won it, Where Women Create. It is such a wonderful book!

Happy weekend to you! Anne

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen!

Your space looks romantic and functional all in one!

I love your team--they are adorable!

Thank-you for hosting this great event! I know the effort is incredible that you put into it! I really appreciate you!

love, kelee @ www.katillacshack.com

KathyJ said...

Ohhhh Karen what a wonderful blog post. I can't tell you how happy I am for you, there is nothing better than loving what you do.

Your studio is absolutely stunning!!!

Thank you again for hosting such a fun event.


Shell said...

Oh My Sweet Karen!

I remember connecting. TRULY with you last year. when your dog was sick. Nothing like feeling close to another by sharing pets.....their antics, their companionship and the joy AND sorrow they bring us.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by MY blog today and your lovely comments! Wowza! You have a LOT of sites to visit THIS year!

I SO remember last year,,new to "Blogland" and somehow "stumbling" into your Event. I posted my then, HUGE space-lent to me by my Best Friend-a Realtor and property manager,,,,but the meager crafting materials that I'd just started to gather.......

A year later.... A YEAR? Where did it GO? My best friend leased her HUGE building just after my WBC post and I moved it all to my little old Bungalow....warts and all.Literally, throw it ALL in the kid's old Playroom-Circa 1980s in the basement,,,,,and Create. Ughh.
Yep, I DID,,,,,but your event announcement for THIS year really helped me to Revaluate the space,,,,what I needed to work there and call it a "Studio."

So,,,,after "Farm Chicks" and meeting "Jo"-she's great and can't wait to see her again at the "Silver Bella" event-- and bringing home "My fun Farm Chicks Finds" I set them all aside and dove in...
Painted/sorted/cleaned. Thought about what I needed to do to avoid loading up a tray or two, or 5 and moving my projects upstairs to work on.....It was OUT OF CONTROL!..
When I look back, in Retrospect and in following your life and your circumstances through your Blog, I hope you KNOW the faith I had in YOU,,back when your life/career took a turn- and you my dear, took a "lemon" and made "lemonade" as Erma Bombeck would have said!

Look at YOU! Stand up and look in a mirror! All Shiney and NEW! You went from a low point in your life and asked for help/guidance/insight from us, your Blogging friends,,and LOOK what has happened! Wowza!

I'm SO happy for you! This is well deserved and as this event shows,,well recieved!

As you have stated and shown, we meet some marvelous people through blogging..creative-yep. Inspiring? yep. Friends in parts of the world we'd never dreamed of knowing, let alone having them become a part of our lives. And, for example for me,,,,this lovely little Blog(ger) in Arizona!!

Well, you have a "Bazillion" entries to check out,,,,but I just had to share how much I've enjoyed having YOU become a little piece of my life.

One last comment/insight. I didnt really even THINK about the colors I chose when I repainted and worked on my studio....Truly. But I thought it was funny that it turned out to be the SAME colors I'd requested when you updated my Blog........

Big Hugs and Love you to Pieces and I am SO SO happy for you!!


Geralyn Gray said...

Ok.....you know how to host a party!!!! I am exhausted.......my computer was impossible today....I haven't even gotten through the a's yet.....oh my goodness....this party could last more than a week....I am anxious to here how long it takes the first person to complete seeing all of these blogs....It is so awesome to see how each persons space is such a reflection of them and a place of their own....this must have been a tremendous amount of work....you are awesome...I am off to bed to try to get through more tomorrow!!!!!!

Dreams and Decor said...

Oh, Karen, your studio is amazing!!! It is so beautiful! You have so many fantastic ideas, like using the ceiling tin for a bulletin board! Thank you so much for hosting the party! I just got my studio photos posted, and I'm looking forward to visiting all the studios! Patti

cinnibonbon said...

This is fabulous. I was not able to play along last year or this year. But I am visiting everyone!! I love looking around--thanks for sharing.

Jo said...

oh your space is just so amazing and lovely ... what a wonderful party ... i cant wait to do some looking!

Glenda said...

can we swap craft rooms, my is way to small and yours is so lovely and neat., Thank you for holding this and have loved visiting everyones blog,.love from Glenda

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Your space is wonderful and your companions adorable! Thanks for hosting this fantastic event. it is so fun to take a peek into the creative spaces of other bloggers!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

how fabulous is this :) love your working space ..thank you for showing. I am off to blog hop
Hugs x

Draffin Bears said...

Thank you for hosting this wonderful party.
Your workspace is fabulous and I have enjoyed seeing where you work.
So much inspiration and talent.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend

Erika said...

Wow I love your work space it's so tidy and coordinated....makes mine look like a dumping ground, lol. I find shutting the door works. :)
Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful!
Thank you for the party!
So much fun!
My post is on my right side bar with your button.

Cathy said...


What a wonderful idea and an amazing opportunity, but most of all for the "fun". I know I will spend many hours visiting so many gorgeous workspaces and visiting so many lovely homes.

I am thrilled to be a part of your great effort to put this together for the second year in a row and I "thank you".

Have a wonderful weekend.

xo Cathy

Michele Seraphim said...

An absolutely gorgeous space! Many of these blog post have inspired me to create more beauty in my home and yours is no exception! I simply love the muted colours and vintage pieces. Thanks for sharing!

The Tablescaper said...

Wow! I learned about your party too late to participate, but I love your space and am loving the party!!!I came to you after I had already visited some of the participants.

I think you need to move your Mac into the room you showed. It's a great room filled with lots of love and creativity.

- The Tablescaper

red.neck chic said...

I just love it ALL!!! I can't even pick a favorite spot, piece or anything... I just want to move in! LOL

Thank You so much for letting me join in the fun! I have had a blast!!!

Now - I'm going back to drool over YOUR wonderful space - then check out all of the others! Hmmmm.... I wonder how many times I'm going to get inspired...

Thank You again!
:-D robelyn

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Thank you so much for hosting this fun party! I love your space and am going to enjoy peeking in at all the other spaces, too!

Cyn said...

Karen..your space if just so beautiful! I love how you take the ugly store bought do it yourself furniture and make it looks so lovely!

I ENJOYED seeing you in the magazine..it is where you belong ;)

Maybe next year i will join the party..since we moved..my creative space is well..not very creative lol

Lynn said...

I absolutely love your creative spaces Karen, both of them, they are simple and chic, not too cluttered which is what I like :)
I am so sad I could not participate, I think I told you I am moving tommorrow (Monday) so my studio is all packed up, but for sure if you do it again next year I will be ready, and I am trying to visit some of the blogs in the party as inspiration for my new studio :)
Thanks for all your hard work and inspiration, you ROCK!!!!!

arlene said...

I'd never be able to work in your space...it is so beautiful I'd spend all my time looking at what is around me! You have exquisite taste. I can only dream! your storage is art in itself - luv the lace spools!! and so much more..
thank you so much for sharing with us...

Wildflowerhouse said...

What an inspiring work place you have created.

Rebecca said...

Thank you so much for hosting this! I have had such fun visiting all of the wonderful creative spaces our there in Blogland!!! What a wonderful creative space you have! I could get lost for hours in there! Thanks for sharing!

Creative Blessings,

Angelique said...

Hi Karen,

Thank you for letting me join the party and for giving us ladies (and gents ??) all a chance to visit exciting spaces, small and big !
I can see why your room was chosen for the magazine. It looks great and I would trade places with you in a heartbeat ! Thanks for sharing.

Kind regards,

NanE said...

Karen, thank you so much for hosting this event and for all the encouragement you give to new bloggers like me! Your space is fab! So light and bright with so many small details. I got my first glimpse in Where Women Create (ha ha I felt like a new a celebrity)and was so looking forward to seeing more. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing week, you deserve it! Nan

Baxter's Mom said...

Karen, Thanks so much for sharing your studio...it is so beautiful and insipring! So organized, but still so fun...and I love your frames!

Thank, also, for visiting Baxter's Mom's Studio and leaving such nice comments. And for hosting this incredible event...you are my hero!

MaygreenFairies said...

Karen, Thank you so much for hosting this amazing event again this year. I must apologise sincerely for not participating as I had hoped but a personal situation arose within my family the prevented me from taking part as I had planned, please accept my apologies, I look forward to being involved next year. hugs, Mandy x

Decor To Adore said...

What an amazing space! It makes me want to go create something.

I adore all of your storage solutions.

Anonymous said...

OMG I love your room.


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Karen,

I thought I'd let you know that I've finally completed my studio post. It was entirely too much for one sitting..LOL So I'd love for you to come back and see the rest of what I've added.

Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Karen,
Where you create is a wonderfully beautiful place. It's so organized and tastefully done. I love all your cabinets and wall art. Heck, I love it all!!

I want to thank you so much for hosting such a fun party. This is my first year blogging and I can't begin to tell you how much my life has been enriched....well, you know.

I am amazed at all the beautiful spaces where bloggers create. What a wonderful world we all share.


Gypsy Fish said...

Oh my Karen...this truly is inspirational overload and I'm LOVING it!!! thanks so much for being the hostess with the mostess...

Angie @ thejunkranch said...

Everything is lovely...I know you are inspired just by walking in there in the mornings. All the attention to detail is incredible and inspiring to ME. Thank you for hosting the party...such a wonderful idea.

The Rustic Victorian said...

Oh my goodness, I stole away to do a bit of looking at some creative spaces,,just wonderful Karen. This is amazing how many joined. Next year may reach 1000!!!
Keep breathing!

jane maday said...

Your studio is beautiful! Thank you for putting the party together. I got my photos posted a little bit late, but it is fashionable to be late to a party, right?

krys kirkpatrick said...

I love your space...but what I really really like is the border you have on your blog. How did you do that?
I have a give away..first time, wish me luck. This blogging world is fascinating and intimidating all at the same time.

Unknown said...

Hi Karen!
Your creative space is charming, beautiful, romantic, functional and inspiring! Thank you for leaving a note on my door on the tour at Dandelion Workshop! Your party really got me off my duff and creating the perfect " summer studio" for our family! Just the motivation I needed!
Happy Creating and Dandelion Wishes to you!

Anonymous said...

Well there's lots to like here, but my favorite is the tin ceiling tiles and how you used them.
Thanks for hosting this party!

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for allowing even the simplest of crafters to share their creative space. This community of women allows anyone to belong and learn and grow in their own artistic journey. It has been such a pleasure to be apart of this year's event. Elizabeth

Charlene said...

Hey sweetie!!!!!!!!!! It's finally here! Thank you for all your hard work. I know it will be amazing. Your studio is of course divine. But, we all knew it would be. I want a black dresser just like yours (for my jewelry design area not the studio I showed in this years party). And I want the calm neutral of your studio. NEXT year baby that wall paper will be gone & it will look diffrent. I have had my GRANDS all weekend & am just now begining to visit the studios in the party but, it is my goal to go to each site & see each studio in the next few days/weeks. Thanks for sharing yours. HUGS! Charlene

superbadfriend said...

LOVE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SPACE! And thank you to everyone who stopped by my bloggity. :)

Deborah said...

Karen, Quite a few people on the list don't have relevant posts up. I would like to suggest a McLinky next time so that people have to actually do something to participate. Some people seemed to have signed up weeks ago and have never posted since. it is quite a waste of time when you are trying to visit almost everybody. Those that I have visited though I have enjoyed and received so much inspiration. thank you for hosting this event.

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Karen thank you for putting this party together!
Two thumbs up!
Love your creative space!

Hugz, Dolly

Romeo said...

Oh Karen! I loved your space in WWC adn I am LOVING the photos you've posted here!!! Your colors and placement of every single little thing is purrfect! And organization? Great use of containers and storage! Would you mind if I crawled into the drawer of lace for a short nap? All this excitement....well as a cat you know I must rest from time to time. Haven't had this much fun since that pair of chipmunks wandered into the front flower bed a few weeks ago. Guess I'm out of shape. Anyways, thanks so much for hosting this event - it's my first year and I am so loving it!!!!! What fun!!!



Robin said...

By the time you get to this comment I will be in assisted living just trying to keep my undies dry! Can you say decoupage! I love your warm and cozy space. Your shadow boxes are amazing! Your picture should be in the post office for stealing lace! $3 for real? Thank you again for hosting this amazing event! ~Robin~

fireythreads said...

love your studio and the idea I find it so hard to get he magazine in Aus now that I have tocatch up how I can thankyou for sharing

My Creative House said...

Karen thanks for a great party ond for visiting my creative place, your studio is so beautiful and all these wonderful things you have wow.
Have a nice day.

Polly said...

Hi Karen! What a great space you have!! Very inspiring!!

I wish I would have been more prepared to show my space! Maybe next time!


Unknown said...

Karen, your space is really tranquil and beautiful. Thank you for this wonderful idea - I have had quite a few visits already. I am sure it will take me at least a year to visit everyone ;-)

Geralyn Gray said...

This is great Karen.....thanks for all of your hard work....I have to say I am only up to the letter c.....we should have a contest to see how fast the first person finished takes.....this actually could take me longer than a week at this rate......you do have a beautiful and inspiring place to create!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness I love your work area!! These are images that you see in Magazine! Just gorgeous...and so inspiring!

I just posted to my blog, thought I had done so as a scheduled post while I was out of town but it didn't take. But better late than never.


zandra said...

Well, Karen it's been one grand of a time! I just finished going threw the list this morning. Whew...lol This what Mardi Gra must feel like? ;o) I really enjoyed myself, but now need to give my fingers so MUCH needed rest. THANKS againa for a fabulous party!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

It was great to see your space too, very soft colours and fabrics. Love the old cigar boxes and your cute little mates that keep you company. Thank you for letting me take part in this blog party, I was away on the day it self (my dh took me away for the weekend, our anniversary)... But I was so looking forward to come back and start looking (Im having fun). You done great work on this with setting all of this up and hosting it. Thank you, cheers

Mari Brown

Anonymous said...

Where do you actually work? No one can work with a tiny spill and your studio is so perfect I would find it hard to breathe in there. Ms_Syd

Mary said...

Super-duper congrats on your feature and cover of WWC! Yours is my most fave space....and your work is inspiring. Thank you, thank you! xo Mary

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful this year's event is! I've seen so many beautiful spaces and had some nice visitors to mine! I love your creative space...my favorite part? All of the supplies! I love having what I need to sit down and do a project. I usually stare at my supplies to get ideas! heehee! Thanks for the fun! I am amazed at your talent and all of the talented ladies on the list! ♥♥♥

Niki said...

Better late than never, I hope! I finally posted my space. I have really enjoyed looking at all of them...can't wait to finish. Thanks for hosting!!

pamdux said...

I enjoyed your blog and am in awe of your office. pamspinks.blogspot.com

Cindy said...

love your space and this great opportunity to share our studios with all these great women. what fun to tour around and see everyone's creative rooms.
i was away all weekend and am trying to catch up with all the posts!!!

24seven~the journey awakens the soul

Create With Joy said...

Dear Karen,

Thanks for everything! Your creative space is just gorgeous - your displays are lovely - everything is so inviting, just like your blog!


Anonymous said...

I just now got my post up -- my sincerest apologies to those who already stopped by and wondered where it was. I had forgotten about it, and then when I was reminded over the weekend, I couldn't get to it til tonight.

I LOVE that IKEA shelf. I wish they had a store here. And I love the little touches of decoupaging pages to the back of it.

And using ceiling tiles for bulletin boards -- very creative!

I love your space -- it is inspiring. Thanks so much for hosting the party and for the giveaways.

Unknown said...

Karen I have looked at your studio over and over in the latest WWC, but this is great to see so much more. I love all your drawers of yumminess. What an amazing space!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, Karen, your place isn't too pretty, too sweet, too cozy! How do you do it...its all just so lovely! I wanted to thank you for orchestrating this grand event. It is my first time and I am loving all these "Rooms with a View". Blessings Eden

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Thank you so much for hosting such a fun party! I've been on vacation and am finally back to my own computer so now I can really do some looking! Your space is beautiful! I loved it in WWC and I really enjoyed all of your pictures as well. I've found some great ideas to incorporate into my own space! Thank you and congratulations on throwing such a well appointed party!

Tins and Treasures said...

Good Morning, Karen,
I just love vintage lace and cigar boxes too. Your studio is perfect...and no creative space is complete without a pet!

Thank you, again for being such a gracious hostess for such a lovely blog party.

Take care ~Natalie

Cathy said...

Oh dear I almost missed the party! I wasn't able to add my space to this years party, but I will most certainly be drooling over each and every one that has participated, so please, please leave the list up for a while--a long while it looks like.
Your space is gorgeous and so inspiring! So many wonderful ideas to glean from it. Everytime I look at a photo I see something new!
Thank you so much for hosting this fabulous event! I'm off to begin my journey........

Cathy ♥

Sheila Rumney said...

LOVE your space! Each detail is beautiful! Thanks again for hosting such a great party! Off to visit more spaces... pacing myself!

Beth at Crazy4Art4u said...

Oh my gosh I love everything white! Your studio is beautiful and I love your two companions, what would we do without our furry friends? :D Thanks so much for hosting this party, I have seen so many great studios so far and am starting a list of ideas I just need to incorporate into my studio. Already looking forward to next year with all my new ideas added of course LOL
Thanks bunches Karen,
this was fabulous...
Beth P

Jennifer Dixon said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR STUDIO! So pretty and calming and inspiring! Must my taste too! I could move right in and be right at home! I love absolutely every detail!

Thank you so much for hosting this blog party and for all your hard work and time you put into it! This is my first year and such a fun thing to be included in and it has so motivated me seeing all these talented ladies spaces and their beautiful art!

Thank you again. This has been such a fun experience, I am so grateful to be a part of it! :)


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Karen - I'm sure by now you must be well aware of what you have created with this party because I'm sure everyone is telling you. I just wanted to add my kudos to the list and thank you SO much for hosting this. It will take me days to get through all the studios and I'm having a blast. Thank you!!

Little Pink Studio said...

First, let me say thank you for taking this event on! I can imagine how much work has gone into it.
Your studio space is just gorgeous! I love how inviting it looks and how organized you are as well.
Thank you again!

Liz-Anna said...

Such a beautiful space and so artfully presented! Thank you so much for the tour and all the great ideas.

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

How Wonderful this Event has been, How Beautiful Your Creative Space is.... I had trouble uploading my photos, had to order a new camera cord, which finally came today.... So Finally, I have My Photos Up ~ Better Late than Never ~ Thanks for This Fun Time

Rhonda said...

I must have been living in a cave, I just heard about this.

What a fabulous idea. I must say your name is so familiar. Are you originally from Chicago? LOL

It is always so nice to find blogs from the Phoenix area, glad I found you and even though it took a long time, I'm excited!

Your studio is amazing and so inviting. I too snag a spare bedroom and it is always a work in progress.

Rhonda of A Little Bit French

Traci said...

Oh wow! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous space and also for going through all the work of getting this party up and running. You got the party started.....so excited to be able to check out all the gorgeous studios.

Scarlett said...

Thank you for such a wonderful blogg... very inspiring!!! I just love love love your "Creative Space" {where creative minds are just busy playing with the objects they love!}
lots of good wishes!!!
Scarlett @ 3VintageHearts

Tamdsgns said...

Ohhhh! I think I'm on love! I can't wait to seee more!!!! This is just what I needed to push me to create a space just for me!

Deborah said...

I honestly can't remember if I posted or not...but I love your room. I'm going to spend the day browsing all the wonderful sites.

Deborah Kay at The Paint Splash said...

Your space is amazing. I have a room but it's not up to par yet. I would love to join this group and will try to figure out how.Hope you can get the time to drop by and visit. Debbie

kluless said...

Thank you so much for hosting this party. It has been an amazing experience. I only have about 20 to go. It's taken me nearly the whole week but I think I'm going to make it! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can't even imagine the amount of work it has been for you.

Melissa Valeriote said...

LOVELY! What an amazing and creative living/work space. Inspiring.

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration and this post came at a good time for me since I am just now moving into a new creative space. This is full of ideas so thanks for sharing.

Tawnya said...

I love your room/studio. We are currently moving from Glendale, Az. to Idaho. I want to follow your studio scheme.....if you don't mind sharing, what color is your walls? And are they faux painted... I can't tell from the photos, but it is beautiful.

Keli McKinley Hansen said...

Thank you for hosting this event again. I'm very late for the party... but am enjoying everyone's spaces. Your area is beautiful and I really enjoyed your article in the magazine - congrats on that!

Amore Artisan Boutique said...

I am so bummed I signed up then did not realize I had to post last Saturday. I have been going down the list and enoying all your posts and pictures! Please feel free to check out my BLOG designed by Karen! I love it and know you eill to! If you go to older posts you will see my work space.
hugs sassy gail

Tina said...

oh - your room is So pretty Karen. So packet with beautiful stuff. I love you Ikea cabinet - what a great idea with the decopage and the shelf you have besides your table with all the rooms in it.
xo Tina

Becca said...

Hi Karen,
thank you again for hosting this party and sharing you beautiful space. I am so sorry I missed this. I had all great intentions for my second year and life stepped in and took over. It has been a really "rough" few months and I am sad I missed this~ next year I will be on top of it!

Patty C. said...

Wonderful creative space!
I just found your blog - what a wonderful time I have had :)

Diane said...

Hi Karen! I am still trying to get thru all of the beautiful studios, and just got to yours ~ LOL! I love your space...especially the ceiling tin! I have got to have one of them and I will. It will go perfect on one of my walls =)
Thanks again for hosting such a beautiful gathering. It was FUN!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

Love your studio!!!! I could relax in there easily. Do you sell the info on how to put the pretty shabby scroll frames around your photos? I would be interested, I love the look. Right up my alley!!!
Pat (angell100@comcast.net)

Diane said...

Hi, Karen, Thanks so much for visiting my creative space and your sweet comments. This was the first time I participated in anything except an ornament swap and I couldn't believe how involved and fun it is and has been. I'll be checking out the other party goers as long as you have the list. It made me look at my space as more than a space but as a sacred spot for my creativity. Yours is absolutely wonderful, I love......well, everything!!! I love the way you have the pictures framed and how it fits into the whole page. But what else was I to expect because I think your blog Desert Cottage is so beautiful and well laid out, too. Thanks again, Karen Diane

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Oh my gosh... I love your blog!
I am for sure signing up to be a
follower! I am pretty new at this, if you have time, check out my blog at: www.msbinglesvintagechristmas.com
Happy 4th to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Hey wonderful!!! Just looking around :) Junnel

Julissa Mora said...

Karen, Thanks for having such a wonderful studio party. It really helped me get some things in order :) And I enjoyed all of my visitors and loved seeing where others create :) I just love your space. It's so creative, full of lots of fun crafty goodness. Thanks for sharing!
Julissa :)

Janice Selby said...

I would purchase the charm bracelet. It is really cute.Your pictures are fabulous also.You should be in Where Women Create. That is such a wonderful magazine. I have purchased all of them.I will be keeping up with your blog.

Janice In Missouri

Kay said...

wow..you have a wonderful space to work in....congrats on the magazine too and thanks for popping over to see my teeny corner...xx

Scrapping With Sherry said...

Karen~ Can you believe that I am just now getting to the M's. I work at it a little everyday... lol!

Where do I start... I love the ceiling tins for the bulletin boards and the way you used vintage paper to add a background to your cabinet. Whats not to love?

I just started blogging a month ago today, but maybe next year I can take part in this great event.

BTW~ I am having a giveaway to celebrate the 30 day anniversary of my blog... Yes, only 30 days! I would love it if you would come by and visit at http://scrappingwithsherry1.blogspot.com/ Hope to see you there~ Sherry

Anonymous said...

Well, I am probably the last participant slowly making my way through the amazing list of blog partiers -lol. Started at the bottom & now in the m's so I am making progress.

Your studio is just lovely! The cabinet with the pages and letters decoupaged on the back is so pretty especially with all the jars of goodies inside. Love how you have all the old frames hanging like artwork on the wall and all the yummy vignettes throughout the room. So many things to inspire!

Thanks for hosting the party! I have enjoyed peeking into the worls of my fellow bloggers & have been amazed by all their many talents. :D

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Oh what a lovely space you have.
I covet ivy too although there is not much in my house. hmmm...?
Anyway, I am your newest follower and off to visit others.

Peace...Naila Moon


MLB2k11 said...

Nice post. Great blog. It was very interesting and meaningful. Keep posting. I bookmarked it for future reference.
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Anonymous said...

Thank you Karen, for shearing your beautifull roam with us! I adore you're constant companions :)
I taken many idees from your studio, thanks for inspir en Thank you for orginazing "where bloggers create"
love from Belgium, Sonja

ByLightOfMoon said...

Wow Karen

Thanks for sharing this event, there are so many enchanting visuals to see and dream, What inspiration!

Smiles, Cyndi

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