The first real leg of our vacation started at Tenkiller Lake in Oklahoma. I had no idea how green parts of Oklahoma were! The lake was beautiful.
Our campsite could not have been more perfect. Because we were there in the middle of the week, there were no other campers in site.
The tranquility was wonderful and all the sounds of the forest were amplified.
Squirrels were chasing each other in the trees... (No, you are not blind. The squirrels jumped out of the shot before I could get it!)
Those squirrels definitely had Rocky's attention!!!
As the sun went down the temperatures hovered at a wonderful 70 degrees or so.
Dinner was my favorite camping dish. I've been eating or making this since I was a little girl on every camping trip. I call it Girl Scout Stew. My mom learned the recipe many years ago during summer camp. The ingredients sound weird, but trust me... It is DELICIOUS!
You will need:
1 lb. ground beef
1 pkg. of onion soup mix
2 cans of Italian style stewed tomatoes
1 can of corn
shredded cheddar cheese (the more the better, I say)
Fritos corn chips
Brown the ground beef and the onion soup mix. Add the stewed tomatoes (with juice) and the corn(without juice). Cook for 15 minutes or so and then add the cheese. Serve over Fritos.
You will love it!!!
Sun down brought a lovely glow to the lake.
I loved how this photo turned out!!!
The fire was warm and lovely. I love camping!!
This morning we woke up and hit the road toward Arkansas. On the way we stopped at a lovely state park and took the dogs out for a little leg stretch. The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery. I can't think of a nicer way to spend the day than playing with my dogs, hanging out with my hubby and being surrounded by all this lovely green!!
By far, the pettiest pace we've been so far on this trip has to be Natural Falls State Park.
I could spend hours here just soaking it all up. The sounds of the water is so soothing.
There was a wonderful little grotto where the water falls from holes in the cliff. It's cool and full of moss and ferns and wet forest-y goodness.
There were pretty wildflowers...
...and my first real glimpse of all the Fall color to come!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday my friends. May your day be filled with smiles, beauty and the love of good friends!

So glad you had such a LOVELY TRIP TO some really fun places, Karen!!! I thought about you last weekend and wondered if you made it to Texas to relive all the shabby chic fun you had last year....but I see you came to see our Cadillac Graveyard instead! So glad you had a wonderful trip! BIG HUGS FROM TEXAS!!!
merci pour ces belles photos, je passe un agréable moment, le coucher du soleil est magnifique, et la cascade est un plaisir , j'entends d'ici le clapotis de l'eau,
bonne suite dans ton fabuleux voyage
Looks like a wonderful trip....enjoy it! We got rain today!! It is cooling off too...but no running brooks or fall colors...Your pics are beautiful!!
Well, it looks like you are having a wonderful time. The pictures are perfect. Oh, just so you know this good friend loves you and misses you :):) Squish to you both. ps. your plants miss you too! They aren't liking the way I'm watering them. Something about a song and a dance that they usually get. :):) I told them I can sing but they soo don't want to see me dance.:):) Man, you really spoil these guys.!! lol!! squish!!
You know you missed your calling as a photographer! The photos are beautiful and I love seeing these wonderful places through your eyes.Hugs to all the fuzzy faces, including hubby! Be safe sweet friend, xoxo-cindy
Thanks for sharing your vaca photos. I went to Cape May with my daughter a couple of weeks ago. It's nice to get away, and nice to come home too. Your stew sounds interesting and Rocky is SO cute!! I love the nose freckles! Love, Linda
Oh my Karen, those pic's are just wonderful and I feel like I went on a mini vacation after soaking them all in, just breathtaking. Thanks so much for a fabulous share and post. Hugs Marilou
GLORIOUS! And I'm jealous...
Hello Karen, I am an Oklahoman or Okie as we are called, and Tenkiller use to be my favorite lake to go camping at, isn't is beautiful!!
Now I reside at Lake Texoma in southern Oklahoma. YOur trip sounds lovely enjoy
what stunning photos. I especially love the fire one. And that recipie sounds yummy. Hugs Sara
Hi Karen,
Looks like a wonderful trip so far. I sent you an email this morning, let me know your thoughts.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
oh my goodness all the way from Arizona!! Hopefully if you are heading to Arkansas you will stay at Fort Smith State Park or Devils Den... both are awesome and I have blogged about them on my site under travel.. have a blast and if you come any closer to Texas holler!!
Thanks for taking me on your lovely trip.Sounds like heaven and the photos are great.I have alwsys wanted to have a camper and just go off whenever I was free ! All that beauty makes you realize what it is all about!!!!
looks like you are having a wonderful time on your trip! Thanks for taking us along. What beautiful pics!
You are so close to where I live!!!! I so wish we could have met on your trip through our state! Enjoy! Be safe!
I am mesmerized by your beautiful photos.....what a treat to get to see all of those new places with hubby and dogs!!! Stay safe and enjoy!!! hugs...cleo
Gorgeous pictures Karen! Thank you for taking us all along on your lovely getaway. Looks like so much fun. I love your new Halloween themed blog-look too.
Have a great day!
Oklahoma always surprises me, for some reason. It's lovely, as are your photos. Lucky you, surrounded by green and trees and water. Please keep posting with lots of photos!
Hi Karen, I am enjoying your pictures so much and seeing country that is new to me. we are heading to Branson, Mo. this next week to see the fall color and take in some shows. It is my favorite time of the year being we were married 48 years ago the 19th of this month. I will be looking forward to seeing more pictures. Have a great trip. Your Missouri Friend.
Karen, What beautiful photos!! When we drove through Oklahoma at the end of June it was 108!!! Much nicer in the fall...
My sister and I went to the Launch Your Creativity conference and she won a C.D. that you donated . Thanks so much for such generosity!
What Magnificent Images! I've got Family that live on the Rez in Oklahoma but I haven't been back there since the early 70's... your Images are making me consider a Road Trip!? *winks*
Dawn... The Bohemian
It´s a lovely trip! All the photos are amazing
Hugs from Spain
very pretty the little waterfall!
Camping is the best, I'm with you on that! The food sounds delish, must try it when we go camping! :)
I love your pictures, theyre fabolous!
So amazing to follow your trip. Love the photos.
Hugs from Norway.
Hi Karen! I'm enjoying your trip with you. Going to make your Girl Scout Stew, looks & sounds delicious! We are in our Art Show week. Got two ribbons on my Folk Art! Really pleased. We're getting ready for Vacation Too! I'm doing some searching of the blogs you have designed, but busy time here right now.
Thanks for sharing your lovely trip with us. The wildflowers are stunning!
Have a great time.
Wow Karen- you are on the best trip ever! What stunning scenery- I never imagined that Oklahoma would look like that! I don't even have to ask- I know you are having the time of your life in that camper- good for you- enjoy this wonderful trip and keep the great pictures coming. That sunset was fabulous--
Oh My Goodness, I just want to caress Rocky's little adorable face, and give him a sweet kiss on his adorable cheek. You look so happy, it makes my heart glad. It really looks like you are enjoying your trip.
The trees here in Minneapolis are brilliant golds, on the way home from the hospital (work) there were the most beautiful golden Maple trees I've ever seen, the sun was hitting them just so, I just heard on the news, the colors of our trees haven't been this brilliant in 10 years! I believe it! I'm hoping you get to see autumns glory!
What a fabulous time you must be having! Sounds like such a fun trip...& your photos are gorgeous...makes me almost want to go camping:) Safe travels, Karen!
Such a lovely post, and Beautiful pic's,and your babbies adoorable. sounds and looks like heaven.(((Hugs)))
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