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Sunday, August 12, 2012

From the bottom of my heart.....

 It's hard to find the words to express to you all how grateful I am to everyone who took the time to leave such sweet and encouraging comments for me after the last post. You don't know what a gift that was for me, and even though the issue has been forgiven and forgotten, I will always have those comments to look back on if I ever need a reminder of how amazing the women  in Blogland really are.  I would be a much less fulfilled and happy woman if you were all not in my life. :)
So... Thank you so much ladies!!!!


While trying to visit and personally thank everyone who left a comment, I ran into a few blog type issues that I thought you might enjoy a little information on, plus a few bits of random blog info. Some of this stuff you may already know about, and some you may not, so I hope you find some of it useful.

1. There were several women who left comments for me that don't have a blog. That's fine, but there was also no way for me to contact them. If you are a blog reader, but not a blog writer you can still fill out the Blogger profile and make your email address available, so that when you leave comments, the recipient can respond to you.   (So thank you so much to all the ladies, that I was unable to contact.)

2. Speaking of the Blogger profile... That may be going away and replaced with the new Google+ profile in the near future.  If you have started a blog recently, you were given a choice of one or the other. It's important to know, that unlike the Blogger profile, you have to manually add your blog addresses to your Google+ profile or they won't appear. When someone clicks on your name to be taken to your profile and then visit your blog(s), they will hit a dead end if you don't add it yourself.

3. Did you know that when you are on a blog and there is no "Home"button, you can just click on the header and it will return you to home page of the blog??

4. Sooooo many of you are still using Internet Explorer as your browser. I understand why... it came on your computer and that's the one you have always used. Did you know that quite often you are not seeing things they way they are supposed to look?    I have to use a special website, to look at how things look in Explorer before I publish a new design because quite often, it looks great in every browser besides Explorer.  Any site that is very graphic based (like our blogs)  doesn't work to it's full potential in Explorer. It's the first question I ask someone when they are having problems and 8 out of 10 times, that problem is solved by switching to another browser. Before Google created Chrome, it #1 rcommended browser was Firefox. Now of course it's Google chrome and truly both are excellent alternatives to Explorer. They are free and easy to download. I always think it's a good idea to have a choice of two different browsers on your computer anyway. Give them a try. You will be happy that you did. :)

5. Have any of you noticed that sometimes when you do a post, you wind up with a whole list of links that are not yours at the bottom of that post??  If you want to prevent this, go to your layout page and click on the "edit" button under your posting area.  Un-check the box that says "links to the post" and then hit save. Now people will not be able to add random links to the bottom of your post.

6. One last little bit of advice. It's so nice when I get an email and that person has a link to their blog under there signature or sign off. If you always put a link to your blog in your email correspondence, the recipient can go visit your blog and know exactly who they are speaking with. You may also get new visitors to your blog that may not have found it otherwise. Promote yourselves girls!

Have a wonderful week ladies and I will see you Thursday for another Sweet Salvage adventure!


Unknown said...

Karen, you are most welcome! I hope you never have to go through anything like that again and that you always come here happy. :) I like to think all people are good, they just sometimes dont know until its too late and they hut someone. :) Thanks for all the tips, I've saved them!
Have a most amazing day!


Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello Karen
I missed your previous post and had to go and read it. This is the problem with computers - things can get away before you're ready or accidentally end up where they shouldn't. You handled the situation well by the sounds of it, and venting to your blogging friends is quite acceptable. A shame the whole thing had to happen in the first place.
I like the quote by MG - good words to live by.
Wishing you a happy week ahead with sunny skies.

Unknown said...

"here" for you sistah!! always!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen, I missed reading your last post until now. I'm so sorry you experienced something so hurtful. It's unfortunate that there are negative people out there with nothing better to do. Just know that most of us are kindred sisters who care for each other...for you. In fact, this post proves just that. Take good care.

Hugs, abby

Sea Witch said...

Great post and advice for bloggers new and seasoned. I use FireFox as my primer browser but Chrome and Safari work just as well. Stopped using IE over a year ago...too many problems with it.

Marlynne said...

Karen: You are so welcome. You gave us a lot of words
for thought on our blogs. Thank You.

Judys Lace Creations said...

Thanks for all this "bloggy" info Karen. I understood some, but will print off this post so I can try and learn what the rest means.I'll just work through it slowly.There are just so many little tips that we miss if you don't know about them. I had no idea I was a No Reply blog until I saw this on another site with an explanation.
I'm glad you feel better. I think we've all felt that sting in the tail when someone in the blog world is mean to us.Glad you've had lots of support.I have the Mahatma Gandi quote on my sidebar to remind me!

The Painted Garden said...

Dear Karen,

I missed your last post about the mean e-mail and wanted you to know that I am so sorry that someone as nice and kind and generous with your time as you are had to experience something so negative.

Things seem to happen for a reason and now look at all of the positive that has come out of it by the way you handled it and the beautiful quote you posted and shared by MG -such lovely and wise and words of wisdom for us to live by.

Thank you for the blog tips and for hosting the fabulous blog party.

Wishing you many Blessings,

Shirley said...

Hi Karen, I went and read your previous post. I don't know why people are like that. I thank you for the information on this post. You are great help to people and I like to think of people who visit me as my friends. Take care Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.

JD/ Jill said...

Thank you again, for all the kind advice...You have helped me many times with all your hints...Jill

Unknown said...

Karen, I've been on the road, traveling to family reunion and now an RV rally so I didn't get a chance to give my support to your last blog. My philosophy is "Life is too short to let that bother me" It's hurtful, but what you ask yourself is "Will it make a difference in 5 yrs? 10?" If not, let it go. What you think of yourself is what's important, not what an unthinking comment says.
I'm glad you are feeling better today and feeling the love and kindness of our fellow bloggers.

Your comments were very valuable. Firefox for me so far.

Diane at Craftin Your HeART Out! said...

Hi Karen, Thank you so much for all the information you shared with us. I learned alot from the list you wrote.

I don't have a Blog, but I am a follower of yours and alot of others thanks to you.

I love everything about your Blog and your Artwork is absolutely beautiful!! Almost medicinal in a way it is so tranquil....

Have a wonderfuly week!
Take care,

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I'm just now catching up on some blogs and I've never commented before but I wanted to send you a (((HUG))).

I've been blogging now for six years and I almost stopped twice because of really nasty snarky remarks.

Both times it hurt because it made me doubt what I wrote and how people responded to it.

I came to realize when someone talks like that, it is usually not the blogger's fault but the other person's issues.

A friend of mine gave me great advice, see if there is anything in the snarky words that have any seed of truth and then throw the rest away. Not easy but I want to see you around to read for a long time.

Betty Ann Harris said...

I too, had to go and look at the original post because I missed it when you posted it, Karen. Let me say, you are right. There will always be those who will take the negative route, that need to say nasty things about others to feel better about themselves.

You are also right that there are so many lovely women doing wonderful things in Blogland. You are a beautiful and talented lady who I am proud to know and call a "friend" in cyberland. Hugs to you! ~Betty Ann

suziqu's thread works said...

Hello Dear Karen
I am still catching up on your last three posts as I have been away!
I was quite disturbed about what I read but none of it was intended for you so let the most positive words of Mahatma Gandhi wash over you sweet friend who comes from the heart!
Read these words daily and nothing like this will ever effect you again!

Thankyou also for sharing my gift to you. I am thrilled you love it so much - ENJOY! and just remember that THIS is what blogging is all about!

I'm sending you some big virtual hugs ((((((OOOOOOOOOO))))))) dear friend!
You are a sweet woman and we so appreciate you and all the wonderful help you give to us all!

Love and hugs,

Unknown said...

Hi Karen, I can't believe anyone could say mean things about you, I'm so sorry that happened. Glad to see your feelings recovered and that you are getting ready to have fun tomorrow, get something nice for yourself, that always makes you feel better, lol. Hugs and love, Marilou

Kadee Willow said...

As always, great blogging advice! It's a generous heart that will share and support others in their vision!

Isabel said...

Thanks for all the wonderful tips:O) Im not computer savvy and this will help me:O)I read the post below and am so sorry that had to happen to you a sweet generous person, and glad you are letting it roll off your back. You are awesome:O) Hugs Isabel

Vicki Boster said...

There you go again sweet Karen-- helping us all so much!! I'm totally ignorant of the google profile thing-- dread having to learn something new-- again!! I hope new bloggers take the time to read your words of wisdom here- you've included some very helpful tidbits!!

fairyrocks said...

Thank You for always sharing your computer saavy wisdom.
A quick comment about mean speakers. "I find mean people to be very unhappy with their own lives. Certainly the blog world is somewhat of a give your best and you will reap the best others of like mind have to give."
There is a lesson for all of us in your experience. Thank you for making me more aware of what I think, write and speak.

Little Miss Maggie said...

Thanks, Karen. You just explained a serious problem I was having and I'm on my way to fix it. You are so sharing with your knowlege. Thank you so much.

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