Spring certainly feels like it has arrived in my part of the world. Temperatures this week are hanging out around 74 degrees. So, I thought I would put together a few spring vignettes. I don't have the wonderful natural bird's nests that are all over the country so I make due with nests from the craft store and I try to spruce them up using moss and feathers and twigs.

They are resting in some little silver dishes that I have found at garage sales over the years. I buy those little compotes whenever I can because I always seem to find a use for them.

This nest IS real and was given to me by a sweet lady. She was having a great sale with several vendors right in her front yard while I was visiting my friend in Oregon/Washington last summer. In fact some of you North Westerner's might know exactly who I am talking about because her sale was happening at the same time those Barn House Boy's were having one of their big sales. I wish I could remember what the name of her shop was. Anyway, I asked if her nests were for sale and she just gave me one. Very sweet.

This is what I have so far with my apothecary jar. It's not quite right, but I haven't been able to come with anything better. If you have any ideas, I would love to hear them.

A couple weeks ago I finally got tired of looking at my golden oak dining table. It's not that I don't like oak. It's just that there is SO MUCH of it in the house. Again, there's that painting stumbling block that is my husband... so I decided to slipcover it! I knew I didn't want a traditional tablecloth, and then I got the idea to make something fitted. I had an unused matlesse bedspread that was queen sized so I used that and purchased the ruffle trim from JoAnne with a coupon. It took half a day and about $7.99 worth of trim. I'm really happy with and it helps to lighten up the whole room.

I hope you all are having a wonderful week. Mine's had it's up's and down's but I'll tell you about that in another post.
Thank you for the beautiful photos of your gorgeous home!
Lovin' the bird nests and the vignettes! It's like Mother Nature stopped by and left little gifts tucked here and there to announce the promise that Spring she's-a-coming!
Great idea on the fitted tablecloth - so creative!
Your spring decorations look so pretty! It definitely looks like spring in your home.
I can't imagine 74 degrees! The other day it was in the low 50's for a little while here...we thought we were having a heat wave! hehe!
Love your beautiful home...everything looks so cozy and welcoming!
Karen amor, I love all your spring touches...how funny I am in "sunny" California...waiting on that sunshine..send some our way please:) I think your slipcover for your table came out just gorgeous, if I knew how to sew I would make one for my dark wood dining table with a long skirt...ahhh to dream the impossible dream :) Besos, Rose
So beautiful pics! Your Easter decors are gorgeous.
Thanks, dearest Karen!!!
What a great idea! Slipcovered table. I'm tires of the dark wood in my dinning area. Thanks for the inspiration. I like what you have done with the nests.
Everything looks so lovely! My favorite was the tablecloth! It looks great.
I love your nests, Karen! I don't use real ones either; any I have are from the craft store, too. We might have a high of 44 today ~ woo hoo! Looking forward to that! : )
Love your table cover. My hubby is an oak man, too, that's why I'm moving slowly on the painting of the kitchen cabinets idea. My dining room hutch looks very much like yours, except I don't have the mirrored back on that mid-section {just inside the top part}.
I love love your table slipcover ~ what a wonderful idea !! I adore your sweet bird's nest vignettes too ~
VERY pretty! I am making a square burlap tc for the dinning room to match the round one I made. I may have to re-think and make it fitted.:)
Love your spring vignettes!
Love the spring vignettes Karen. Your home looks very cozy! Love that!
love the tablecloth idea!
I love this post! What wonderful birds nests you have!!
You have such a charming home! I really like your idea of a fitted tablecloth, rather practical, no chance of it slipping off.
I love all your nests real and faux ..they truly give the home that outside in feeling ..and your idea of slip covering the table was Great ..I just saw a slip cover top made for a card table for picnicking in a book I bought and loved the idea ..
Have a beautiful Day ..
Blessings ..Sara
How clever--love the slipcover for the table. Perfect solution for not painting it. You know, I used to be just like your husband about painting the Oak. Sort of got over it the past couple of years. I almost could not believe it myself when I painted one of my beautiful Oak Buffets. I needed it for a sink in a bathroom in the Pinetop house we were redoing. I color matched the blue of the original bathtub. I will post a picture someday. I realized the painted pieces could always be stripped someday, if desired. I know because 36 years ago I stripped an Oak bed that was painted white. Now I am thinking about painting it again!!!
Hello Karen Valentine,
hope this week is 'all-ups' for you!
Your Spring-y decorations are lovely, and so fresh. As for the apothecary jar, what about putting the tag outside, maybe tied up in raffia?? It's not that visible under glass.
Oooh! Love your nest collection! Cute vignette on the side table.
Apothacary looks fine to me,but I know what you mean when you 'feel' like it needs more.
What a great idea to 'slipcover' the dining table! You're right..it does brighten the whole room and looks cute to boot!!
It's always so lovely to visit here!
Oh I can just feel that warm 74 degrees now and can hardly wait. Should be to us in about 6 weeks! Those bird nests are adorable and I love your slipcovered table. Fabulous idea girlfriend.
Hugs to you,
Hoping your beautiful nests will bring you peace!! Your house is a great place to find a good spot in your heart..
What a pretty job on your fitted table cover! I like the vignette too...don't change it!
the vignettes you have created are so pretty- I love the eggs in the jar and what a wonderful idea for your table- it looks lovely.
So many beautiful things. Thanks for sharing.
What a great job on the vignettes, love the nest in the apothecary jar! Your table looks great with the new slipcover! My hubby painted our oak table cottage white last summer and it just changed the whole look! I just got back from the desert and the weather sure was grand! Cindy
{{{74}}} Oh how wonderful that would be!! Your home is adorable...love all the nests!!
Everything looks so wonderful, so fresh and light. You did a beautiful job.
Looks great, your home just looks so comfortable to me. It's the kind of house you'd walk into & just go ahhhh, look around & take in everything your seeing. Taking mental notes about what ideas you can apply to your own home. Beautiful but so liveable. I love it all. Lisa
PS You should have you bottle by Monday.
Silver compotes and bird nests..so I never thought of that. I love your vignette and am just gonna have to copy that this weekend! Have a wonderful Friday! deb
Uh Oh. I can see I'm about to get in trouble here at your place--far too many dreamy things to see.
Hi Karen,
I love your beautiful slipcover!!!I love fitted tablecloths, especially for outdoor tables, because they don't blow off as easily by the wind. My little neighbor just did one for her table and it is so darn cute too.
I love all the beautiful spring you have brought into your gorgeous home!
Hi Karen, I love to visit your blog, check out mine, I have given you the sunshine award. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Terri
Your home is BEAUTIFUL! I adore what you've done for the new table covering. I have an antique table that I've not had time to refinish yet and have been using those standard tablecloths that always slide the wrong way at the wrong time. What a CLEVER idea to make a fitted one like this. Thank you!
The photos of your home are beautiful!!!I love all the touches of Spring.I cant believe you have such beautiful weather thats wonderful.Sincerely, Jonny
Found this beautiful post on Pinterest. Lovely blog ... now following, I hope you will consider doing the same. :)
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