It all started innocently enough... I was having lunch with a friend. How much trouble could I possibly get in??? It was a fabulous lunch, full of laughs and good company (and the most decadent grilled cheese sandwich ever!) As we were leaving my friend said the words that will stay with me, haunting me forever...... “Hey, let’s go into Anthropologie.” “No problem,” I thought.” I can go in there... The store is great for window shopping, but I rarely find anything that looks good on me.” Ohhhhhh... if only I had known. My desire to actually interact with real human beings instead of sitting in front of my computer all day must have clouded my mind. I started picking up piece after piece... I grabbed my booty and headed to dressing room. Great.... No big surprise in there. Most of the stuff looked awful on me. And then I tried on the top that sent all sanity completely out of my head. A simple little top really. Probably no more that a yards worth of fabric in the whole thing. But it fit so beautifully. I held my breath as I looked at the price tag.

I looked again. And again. It was obvious I have not been out shopping in regular priced “trendy” shops in a very long time. What was I thinking??? I started reasoning with myself... “You've been working really hard... You deserve this... You haven’t bought yourself anything new in at least 2 months. I’m doing my patriotic duty and feeding the economy. (That’s the excuse I’ll give my husband if he ever finds out...) And so... I decided to buy the top. My friend had an appointment to get to, so she had to leave. (Traitor) She should have known better than to leave me in a clothing store unattended. “I’ll just look around a little more...” I thought innocently to myself. (Yeah, right)

First, I hit the sale rack where I found the cutest sweater. I know I will not be able to wear it for at least 8 months, but I couldn’t resist. Then I found another adorable top with the prettiest shabby roses all around the neckline. Before I could talk myself out of it, I grabbed my items and RAN to the counter to check out. (I won’t tell you how much each item cost, mostly out of self preservation should my darling sweet wonderful husband ever read this post.) But I will tell you, I have completely and utterly lost my mind!!!! This is what happens when you don’t get out of the house enough!!!!

Of course, I do LOVE my new tops, and now I’m going to need to make sure I get out once in a while so I can wear them!!!
they are adorable! don't blame you for giving in to that! Love the one with the flowers!
This is why I don't go anywhere. I have enough problems going to Michaels! I must say these tops are beautiful, Karen! I have never been near an Anthropologie and I think that might be a good thing!
They are adorable! I know what you mean. I haven't been shopping in a while and it's scary to consider going.
Really cute, but I know what you mean about the prices!! OUCH!
Really cute!!! I need to do some clothes shopping myself, but I always end up at a antique shop or junk shop. Blessings....Daphne
Good for you, Karen....I know what you mean..I'm such a homebody....I'm that same way when I get in a store....I hate clothes shopping due to a terrible time finding anything that fits right....but let me in a fabric shop or the Shabby Chic shop...omg, it's big trouble.
I have a JoAnn's Fabric opening up this summer in Pigeon Forge! YAHOO....the closest one to me [which has kept me out] is in Knoxville and the 30 mile trip takes the fun out of it.
You've worked hard..you have to treat yourself and don't wait til you go out to wear them..put one on as you start your computer work each day. ♥
Have a wonderful day...
Stephanie ♥
You SO deserve it! You have been through a lot recently and you have been working SO HARD!!!
(I am the queen of retail therapy so if you ever need an excuse, just let me know,,,,,I can give you a bazillion after working at Nordy's for so many years!)
"Cheaper than therapy,,,on sale,,,,not ever going to be in a mall/shop/site again. I've lost weight, I've gained weight. It's matches my eyes, my shoes, my lipstick. I'll wear it for years, -I was going to buy a car, book a trip, contact an attorney, but I settled on this."
Besides, you have blogger friends that your working for to help support your habits!
(Working on ideas!)I think my blogger bill and others will help pay for a top or two!
Big Hugs and Enjoy!
They are great and you so deserve this. Good for you!!!
Oh, they're all so beautiful! "You deserved them! You've been working so hard with your new website!"... lol
Enjoy them. I sure would!
great tops......i think i will call myself part owner for contributing $10 to the "cause"...lol, although I'm sure that didn't even start to cover the sales tax :).....wanted to thank you again for your help...I posted your design blog in the new post I created after having to delete the "bad" one.....hope someone came you way because of it....
have a great weekend
Very cute! Now wear them so you won't regret them! They are great and it is time to get out side!!
Hugs, Lisa
Yes you do need to go out in your gorgeous new clothes!
They are so beautiful, I love hem all and if I could fit them I would buy them too!!! You will look stunning in them, I love the sweater!!!
You have been working hard and deserve something new!!!
They do have some wonderful clothes there.
Margaret B
Oh dear I meant to say I love them all....must have been thinking faster then I could type!!! LOL
when I get back from my vacation i am going to get your help with my blog.....I love what you have been doing with so many blogs!!!
Great work!
Margaret B
OMG! They're soooo cute! And you HAVE been working hard....you DO deserve them!
karen - enjoy those beautiful tops:) and don't feel guilty for even a second...life is too short!
Karen, they're GORGEOUS girl!!! And you have been working your bootie off....so don't worry and beat yourself up! They will all be so beautiful on you Karen ~ hugs and love, Dawn (thank you so so much for my lil' branch with bird...I love it!)
Karen amor, I was laughing out loud because I can soo empathize with you, but amor, you deserve something pretty and frilly after working so gosh darn hard, creating such beauties :)psst...your welcome to use that as an excuse lol
Oh my stars...they have Anthropologie's in Arizona??? (never been to one..can you tell?) Oh man, I am in trouble when I go visit my best friend and sister in law :) well now I know where I wanna go when they ask me out to shop lol
Your new clothes looks great Karen - and you HAVE been working hard ;D - well deserved
~ Tina
Thanks, Karen, for a fabulously funny post. I couldn't stop laughing. I was so comforted that someone else had also experienced a bit of "computer work insanity" induced by activity that is much too fun to be called work!
Its been years since I was in a "regular" store; however you have inspired a trip to the big city which will certainly include Anthropologie.
Hope you have great fun wearing your cute, new treasures.
Mi piace tantissimissimo quello che hai comprato, penso che una volta indossati non passare inosservata...hai buon gusto!
Buona giornata, Anna.
Hi Karen,
So glad you had a spot of retail therapy and all that wslking will make the calories in that cheese heaven disappear. You goodies are just as delicious.
Keep smiling,Angela.
Oh I wish I could fit into let alone own the top with the 'roses'on! All the tops are lovely though.
Well, it obviously made you feel a heck of a lot better...call it 'keeping in touch retail therapy'!
Sandie xx
YES, You do deserve it my friend. Show my comment to the hubster if he gripes. I'll bet he won't tho. I've had my eye on the top with the roses for awhile. Just don't know how good it would look with snot & kool aid all over it. Did I just say that?? LOL Glad you got out honey. Have a great weekend. Talk soon, okay? Lisa
It's a vicious cycle. Get a new top so you can go out more, so you can get another top, LOL, it never ends! But on a side note those tops are gorgeous! You did the right thing, LOL. Have a happy day!
Well, I must say -- those tops are absolutely adorable so I can see why you would be drawn to them. I am such a cheapo! Can't stand to spend too much on any one thing. Drives my husband crazy that I always goes straight to the sales rack. Everyone is talking about Anthropologie these days and I've not once stepped inside one. Love your sweet Rocky and Jasmine. Have a fabulous weekend. Tammy
I can't blame you I adore Anthropologie they have the cutest and most expensive clothes ever.
And when you start with them you are trapped forever, you will want to buy more and more........
Karen you crack me up. I guess because I have said the same words to myself when shopping. LOL However, when we find clothes that look good on us I say buy away!!! I love what you bought.
adorable tops karen! I HATE going shopping because i am a "larger" woman and nothing ever looks right. That being said i have lost 65 lbs and now things are looking better! i too fear one day i will do as you..find some shop that has great clothes and find myself loosing my mind. :)
ooooo, they are gorgeous!!!! now you are going to want to go back..hahah
I love the sweater!
Karen, I would have done the same thing! The mistake is trying them on. You deserve them, heaven knows you are working hard lately! Enjoy your finds!
oh how fun Karen! don't you just hate it (love it) when that happens? the problem is, the really spendy stuff always fits wonderfully & feels so good etc..etc..etc.... But you HAVE been working so hard and you ARE making $$ so you DO deserve a little gift to yourself! :) Right?? I bet they look adorable on you!
Oh how I understand! I never worry too much about finding clothing that suits me when I visit Anthropologie, but the last time I went there I saw the most beautiful lace top. It fit perfectly! However, I put it back because it was $95.00 (!) and I had just bought a whole bunch of things at a flea market a few days before. I still think of that top though! I wonder if I'll ever see it on a sale rack? ::Jill
Karen....We all do that once in a while. Sometimes we just have to buy ourselves a little something..being the women that we are! Just like yoiu said...you work hard...why not? I bet you look darling in the tops!~Patti
Either way there is danger...shopping with friends and shopping without friends. But looks like you held your own and I'll just tell you...way to go. Cute tops, great telling of the adventure, I so enjoyed reading it.
Now go out and be your cute self ;-)
After reading your post and then the comments that precede mine...There is a "hunter gatherer" mentality that we women share...
Wear your gorgeous new tops every chance you get now! They are beautiful and you'll feel even more gorgeous than you already are!
Thank you for this post...so real, so funny, so makes me want to visit one of their shops!
P.S. Great Buys!
Every girl deserves a treat once in awhile, and those treats are beautiful. I have been exploring your blog, and OH MY, I will definitely be back, A LOT!!! Just beautiful blog.
glitter and roses
What lovely tops - and of course you need them! For scheduled outings to relieve eyestrain from staring at a computer screen all day. And you can take the sweater when you go places that have the AC turned down to -10. See, it's a business necessity.
Well, from the fact that you at this time have 38 comments on this post I would venture to say that there are others out there that understand this problem. MYSELF included if you see the post I did a day or so ago. Hmmm OVER $300 for shoes.... OVER $200 at JJill. Oh baby I'm feeling your pain. But, we'll be looking FINE! :)
And I LOVE the top with the flowers. I found one similar to that one done in white linen. I am thinking I should CREATE a few of this type. What do you think? Gotta be better than paying that price for A FEW of them.
I gave out your information to a couple of gals last night while I was at the special event with Kaari Meng of the French General. I hope they contact you for some blog design work. I'm spreadin the word so you can keep shopping. :) HUGS! Charlene
I like your choices of tops. I was at the Gilbert store on Friday. I bought salt n pepper shaker birds and three jars for spices in the clearance area. I have spoiled myself there in the past. We will have to get together so you can get out of the house just to wear a new top and I will need a break from unpacking.
Karen..love your little tops! We all need to get out once in awhile and shop for us! Have not been to Anthropologie and maybe that's a good thing.
On another note..could you email me as I would like to have my blog spot "updated." I have seen some you did and think they are great.
I have some ideas and will let you know.
Thank you, Karen
Smiles and Blessings,
Nan C
They are beautiful! And...you do deserve them!!!
It only hurts for a little while! The tops are adorable. You only live once..haha..
I love your tops, I'm with you, I would of bought them too!
Oh my I can so relate! I love them tho great choices can't wait to see them on you!?
Karen, I am laughing right now!! I love Anthropologie-it is a dangerous place!!! I finally bought something off of the sale rack last year and have loved it!!! But I won't even try something on if it's not on the sale rack!!!
They're beautiful. I'm very frugal with clothes shopping but I have learned that it's much better to have a few pieces that fit beautifully than a whole closet full of "bargain" things that look terrible! Enjoy them!
It's like a candy store for girlies, isn't it?
Glad you had a wonderful time.
Warm hugs,
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