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Monday, April 26, 2010

Where Bloggers Create 2010

Click Here to visit my Party Post!!!!

The Permanent Link list is up and ready to go! You can visit the list of party goers by clicking HERE!!
I cannot believe that almost a year has gone by since I made the announcement for the first Where Bloggers Create party. So many wonderful things have happened since that party. I have made some amazing new friends, there is a story about me, and the first Where Bloggers Create party in the current issue of Where Women Create magazine (I still can’t believe it), I got laid off from my job and decided to use my love of creativity and blogging to start my own Blog Design business and thanks to the amazing women in Blogland, has so far been very successful. I believe the catalyst for all of this was last years party. I got so much fabulous feedback from all of you, I knew this would become a yearly event. And so I would like to announce the
2nd Annual Where Bloggers Create party- June 19th, 2010!!!! It’s time again to share your creative spaces!!!

Is your space at the dining room table? Do you have a room of your own? Have you converted a closet? And what do you do in there? What kind of things do you create?

This year is special because Jo Packham and Where Women Create magazine is offering some fabulous prizes!

The first prize is your own feature in Where Women Create magazine! (How cool is that?) Jo Packham herself will pick the winner and boy is it ever a fun experience!

Then we will be offering to 6 random party goers,
2- 1 year subscriptions to Where Women Create magazine
2 -Sets of Jo’s books Where Women Create and The Book of Inspiration
2-WWC charm bracelets

So this is how it will work. If you want to participate leave me a comment on this post. I will add your name to the list of participants on my sidebar. On the night before the party, post your photos and stories about yourselves and your art. (This assures that the early risers or those bloggers in other parts of the world can see your post on time.) We all love lots of pictures so don’t be shy!!!! On the day of the party we will all meet here and you can spend the whole weekend blog hopping to visit everyone’s blogs and get a peak inside all the very wonderful and creative studios!!
It doesn’t matter if your space is big or small, it’s yours and that makes it special!!!

This year I have set up a separate blog to house all the links for a whole year, so don’t worry if you can’t visit them all in a week or two. After they hang out on my blog for a while I will move them all to my Where Bloggers Create blog so you can visit them anytime you want to!!!

I have one favor to ask.... Please help me spread the word!! I have created a button for everyone to grab and put on their blog. And if you would like to help further please do a post about the party as well. The more folks who know about the party, the more fun we will all have!!!!

I hope to see you all there!!!!

(Cut off for signing up will be Friday June 11th so I have time get all the blogs linked up before the party.)

( A little reminder... I have had several girls leave comments that they want to participate, but their profiles are not available to see, or they don't have a blog listed in their profile. I can't sign you up if I can't find you... and I really want to!! So make sure there is a way for me to contact you! Thanks!)



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Hearts Turned said...

How exciting, Karen! Don't include me...nothing extraordinary about my space! Just looking forward to seeing everyone else's inspiring photos!

Love that you're doing this--enjoy!

debi said...

Karen, I definitely want to participate!
Last year's party was so much fun...I can't wait!

stefanie said...

Count me in....I need to get my booty in gear and finish..haha...I will definitly spread the word...and what Great prizes..fun, fun, fun!!!!

ScrapAddict said...

I cannot wait! I didn't get to participate last year, but I'm rady this year!!!!!!

Lisa said...

I am soooo Excited! I've been fluffing since last July! :) What awesome prizes too! You've come a long way in a year girl! Lisa
PS I'm going to B&N tonight to try to find WWC, I wonder if it's out yet?

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

I'm IN, I'm IN!!!!

Girl, you are one FABULOUS Rock Star to be able to put on a show like this for all of us!!!

Thanks for hosting #2, I can't imagine it topping #1...oh it's going to be so much FUN!!!!


Terri said...

Count me in! And thanks for giving us time to prepare.... My scrapbooking room is somewhat of a mess right now. :-)

Sheila Rumney said...

I will definitely be there again this year! Last years party was so much fun... couldn't miss this years!!!

Can't wait to get my magazine... now to continue to wait!!!

Lovey said...

Hiya! Definitely count me in...sounds like fun.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Karen,
Like I've told you countless times sweetie, I'll be there with bells on once again! Last year's event was so fun to see everyone's creative spaces and make new friends. I will post about it on my blog too.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Woo hoo! Count me in girlfriend! I had a total blast visiting everyone last year and this year I have decorated Bunnyville a little more!
So exciting and glad to be a part of such a great event!
Hugs and Friends,

Dawn-Hydrangea Home said...

Can't wait Karen! I'd love to participate again. Congrats on your WWC feature. I have to go get my copy! Also, I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you'd like to stop by!

Claudia said...

Hi Karen - I would love to participate again - with my humble little studio space upstairs in the hallway! I will post about it in the near future and will put the button on my sidebar.


Connie said...

I'll try and be there, sugar! It sounds exciting.

Tania Pelletier said...

Oh, I would LOVE to participate!


Debby said...

Sounds wonderful. I am not sure I will have time to play but it will be fun seeing everyone's space.

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Hi Karen:
It was so much fun to participate last year. Of course, you can count me in this year. Guess I'd better get to organizing the studio soon. So much planned and I'll need to get it finished!
Thanks for the invitation. See you then! (and of course, you'll see me before then, too!)

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I remember visiting during last years Where Bloggers Create and am looking forward to visiting everyone's spaces! My little space in the garage would hardly be worth showing, but it serves me well at the moment.

Faded Charm said...

Sounds fun and I will have a new room this year. This is going to give me the push I so desperately need to get it finished. This is how I met you one year ago and look at you now.

I've been considering a make over for my blog and have seen some others that you have done an amazing job. I'll contact you when I'm ready and have a little more time so we can talk abou it.

Enjoy your week!


vintage tickled pink said...

count me in!!! it will inspire me to reorganize! diane vintagetickledpink

Jillayne said...

Yes please, I would love to take part!

Beth A. @ Songbird Hill said...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but put me down. I always need a challenge to spur me on when it comes to cleaning and organizing. (you know, like my mother in law coming to visit!) My space isn't much, but I have fun in it! Love the button you created for the party. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up. I loved visiting all of the spaces last year and would love to be a part of it this year!

Unknown said...

Oh, Karen!!!
When I joined your party fun last year (!!!) my fifth post was about where I create.
I just did a give away for my 102nd post!!!!
I feel so fortunate to have come so far in this year and to still be following your blog.
I would LOVE, LOVE to participate again!! Yes, please!!! How fun. Thanks for doing this again!!

Cottage Way of Life said...

I had loads of fun participating last year - plus it got me to clean up my studio (and goodness knows it sure could use some tidying up right now),:-) so count me in again!

Tina said...

This is going to be so much fun again Karen - please count me in.
xo Tina

Monica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Catnap Cottage said...

Hi Karen - I am in! This sounds like loads of fun!

Niki said...

Sounds like fun! Count me in!

Unknown said...

What excitement! You know I want in! I am so excited that your blog design business is doing so well. It's scarey, but isn't it fun fun to get to stay home and play and work with your OWN schedule! Congrats on your article.

Carol Mae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda K. said...

I've done some makeovers in my space and want to share. I loved your party last year and want to view more creative spaces again. Those are some very cool prizes too! (Remember to rest your little self girl friend during all this excitement.)
Your blog buddy

beautifullybrokenme said...

Hi Karen - I'd love to participate again - I need to spruce up my space again & this gives me the perfect opportunity to do so!

:-) Molly

Numinosity said...

I'd like to be included. I'm in the high desert of Bisbee half the year but will be back in the land of the midnight sun this June 19th at my northern studio.
this sounds like fun


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

I missed last year's party but I'm all set for this year!!

I'm in!


Leanne said...

I have just created a blog to share my art stuff and, um, once I get the stuff up off the floor, I'd love to share my creating space ...

I have to say that last year's event really inspired me!

Linda K. said...

Don't forget to put Robin's Egg Blues in your sidebar list!


Chris in Oz said...

Hi Karen,

Please, please, please count me in. Of course, I'll need some time to re-organise and tidy. I've just moved from three spaces around the house into a huge double garage and I love the extra space, just need to make it more 'user friendly'. LOL, I'm sure you know what I mean. Can't wait to see everbody else's creative spaces too. Woo Hoo, thanks for setting this up and keeping us organised.

My blogspot addy is: http://cab53j.blogspot.com/Can wait to join in.


Karen said...

Hi Karen -
You know I am in Girl! Cannot wait! I had such a ball lat year - I can only IMAGINE how fun this year will be! I love snooping through people's creative spaces . . . it is so cool to see how everyone set things up.
Thanks so much for hosting this again!
HAGD! Karen - Some days are diamonds

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Karen, I'd love to be a part of the party group, I missed it last year, but alot has changed since last year. I'm looking forward to it.

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Karen, I'd love to be a part of the party group, I missed it last year, but alot has changed since last year. I'm looking forward to it.

the old white house said...

Hello! I just hopped over from MyPetiteMaison and am so glad I did! This sounds like fun.. my space isn't magazine worthy but I'm going to join the party anyway! It sounds like lots of fun and full of inspiration. Theresa


Karen! I am so excited to join your "Where Bloggers Create II". So fabulous of Jo Packham to provide support and such wonderful prizes!! Thank you for hosting. ~ Angela

Melissa said...

What a great party! I guess this means I have to clean my craft room now. :) Please count me in.

Unknown said...

Count me in! This sounds fabulous! Thanks for hosting!
Tracey at Notes From A Cottage Industry

Justine said...

This is so exciting I could just pee myself. First because I am a military wife who has converted her closet, Second, because I just closed on my first home and I am COMING OUT of the CLOSET........

Unknown said...

...oh! I would like to participate too:) With everyone's unique eye, this is sure to be most inspiring!!
xo, Rosemary

Anonymous said...

hey chickadee! Count me in for the second event! I have a new room every year with the moving going on in my life! haha so it wont be the same as last year! whoooa! cant wait



Jackie said...

Yay - sounds so fun...count me in!!

Rustique Gal said...

Karen, what fun. I'd like to put my name in! You are so on a roll with your new business and all-I'm so happy for you. Can't wait to see you in WWC Mag! Sherry

Monica said...

Hello Karen Valentine,
I think I deleted my previous comment while I was trying to edit it:((
Please count me in, I'd love to join the fun and share my little creative space with you all!

Dawnll said...

Oh how exciting, I would love to participate for sure.Can't wait to spread the word..

Sandy said...


Count me in! Fingers crossed that my new studio space will be done! A hearty congrats on all the good things that have come your way in the last year, I can't wait to see your article in the new issue of WWC. Being published for the first time is such a rush, enjoy it! I will post on the party in my post tomorrow as well as post the button and link on my sidebar.

Now I really am going to need your design services to get my blog whipped into shape! I'll be touch via email!

Thanks so much for hosting this awesome event!

Rebecca said...

Hi Karen
Count me in again! It was fabulous last year!
Have a great week.

Megan Chamberlain said...

Please include me in your party. I had such fun last year and having just moved (again) this weekend it will be good incentive to unpack the boxes and get my work space sorted out.

Thank you for hosting this amazing event and I am so happy that your new adventures are going so well.

Unknown said...

I am so excited...thanks for hosting this party. I can't wait to see where others create.

Unknown said...

YES! Count me in! I will be playing along!!!! I can't wait to see all the wonderful spaces! :)


Anonymous said...

This is oh so clever - I am instantly out of my depth; would love to participate but the link did not seem to work. I'll add you to my favourites and keep trying. A from UK

MaygreenFairies said...

Loved being involved last year and most definitely want to do the same this year, love seeing everyone's creative spaces and now there's prizes at hand!!!! well, I can't wait!! Hugs, Mandy x

marie said...

I'd love to be included IF I get my space together. I do believe this is just the incentive I need.

Thanks a bunch!

Laurie said...

Okay, I'm going to do this. I think I have plenty of time to get ready. Fun!

My Shabby Streamside Studio said...

Charlene of My Heart's Ease and Tracie of Ma Petite Maison encouraged me to submit my studio!

I'm excited to see all the submission!

Great idea, Karen!


Sandy @ My Shabby Streamside Studio

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

I will put the button on my side bar. Not sure I am ready to participate this year as I just finally have time to start cleaning up and organizing my space...but I loved visiting everyone's creative spaces last year and look forward to visiting all again this year!
Perhaps I should host a party called, "Where hoarders stash"...:)

EnchantedBella said...

I would to participate. Count me in. So nice of you to host such a wondrful blog party. Can't wait to see all the creative spaces. Thanks

PS I will definitly post about this party and add your button to my blog.

Robin Sanchez said...

Karen add me to the list.

I just changed my dining room into my studio and would love to share it. I cant wait to see everyones crative spaces. How Fun!!

Gail said...

Thank you so much for doing this again, and I would love to participate...again!

Olive Grove Primitives said...

Good Morning Karen, I would love to join again, It was wonderful last year! I am in the middle of doing my studio again! I can't wait
I have done a post on my Inn Country Blog.
Have a beautiful day Lisa of Inn Country/Olive Grove primitives

Teacup Mosaics said...

Oh Karen I wouldn't miss it for anything! Please add me and I off the do a little spring cleaning before I take any pics.

icandy... said...

I'm in... this is a great reason to revamp my studio!
Last year was alot of fun!

Miss Gracie's House said...

This year I'm gonna do it! THANKS for hosting!

Lynnae said...

I'm in! Last years blog party was one of the highlights of my summer. This year I want to be be a part and not just by lurking...

Anonymous said...

Please count me in - I didn't read the instructions properly when I posted a comment yesterday. Sorry, and this sounds fun.

Marianne said...

I'd love to be in! I have been wanting to do a tour of my craftroom for ages now and this will help me get things moving finally.

Kelly said...

I'd love to join in! I saw this event last year but was a new blogger and mssed it :)

bee'nme said...

Hi Karen!

How wonderful of you to host this awesome party again! Thank you for the opportunity to participate! I was just an observer last year, but I am so excited to be participating this year now that my studio has been completed!

Thanks also to Jo at WWC for her generous gifts!

I've posted about this at Just Bee 'n Me...I'm excited to help spread the word! It's gonna be a blast!!


Donna Reyne' said...

I would love to participate!
I had not started blogging at this time last year.
So....this will be my first year!
Thank you for hosting Karen, it sounds like alot of fun!
Have a blessed day!

Sky said...

Oh my goodness sign me up sister! I totally want to participate! It seems like so much fun. I am new to your blog and love it.

Snugglebug Blessings said...

Hi Karen, I met you through another blogger and you helped me get a "email" blinky on my blog. Now I found you here randomly. How cool is that. It is meant to be, so please count me in. Of course it will be a blast! Have a wonderful, creative day! God bless. cathy

miss lynn said...

sign me up!
loved the
sweet write
up in where
women create...
you seem so
happy and
genunie. i
love it that
you are setting
up a separate
blog, too.
excellent idea!
happy day!

LP Vintage said...

Yes, I want to participate this year - I missed it last year.

It will be fun and will spur me on to 'get my act together' and take photographs of my space!

Decor To Adore said...

I missed last years party but have marked my calender for this year.

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

I would love to participate!
Natalie @ Our Old Southern House

a Pocket Angel said...

Karen, I'm looking forward to the Where Bloggers Create party again this year..
Please add my name.
Thank you,
~Mary~ IsabellasCloset

HOLLi CONGER said...

Count me in this year!

BailiwickStudio said...

I've been waiting for this since I missed it last year! Count me IN!

Kimberly said...

Hi Karen,
I am so IN! I had a blast last year.....This year I am in a new house and have a completly different space. The Garage!

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! I'd love to join in this year! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how wonderful! I just got my own room this past year when one son got married, and this will motivate me to get it in shape by the 19th. I've been working on it, but then life keeps cropping up. Those prizes sound fabulous!! I am in!

kaniki's said...

Karen- this is awesome... I missed out last year- on joining- but had a blast blog hopping at your party!!! Count me in Please??? Would love to join and share my humble spaces...

Many Blessings
Kaniki's Prims & Whims

Victoria said...

Hello , such a super charming and beautifully inspiring blog! I am new here..but I would love to give it a go! What a wonderful opportunity..thanks for this dazzling idea!
my blog address is:


Char said...


Barb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
craftyles said...

I'd love to join in the fun. It will give me a reason to organize my craft room.

Dorthe said...

Hi Karen,
Yes I do want to participate, in your fantastic party, thanks for inviting,and congratulations being in the magazine of beauty.
I posted this on my blog today, sweet.
Hugs and love ,Dorthe

Pellie / Penny said...

Hello Karen
Count me in.
I had so much fun last year.


Anonymous said...

I'm a HUGE fan of WWCreate! In fact I have a WWCreate give-a-way going on on my blog as we speak, he he. I have the entire collection of the mags and hardcovers and am currently working on my room...though I'm not sure I'd be ready for a reveal just yet:) I can't wait to see what other artists will share!

Jan said...

I'd love to participate!

Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

I'm in! I can't wait! I missed last year but am very much looking forward to join in this summer!

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

I found your blog today, gald I did, its really wonderful blog and the party sounds like such a great idea... I work from home (artist & illustrator)and my studio is not done yet, so I kind of travel around the house and came up with a portable studio... posted in my blog way back, so I will put it on there again.

Miss Rhea said...

How Fun, Count me in ! I am an Arizona Girl ( well, now in Las Vegas ) I grew up in Scottsdale, and went to Saguaro High School! Love meeting people from my home town :) Adding you to my favorites :)

Susan Houseman said...

This is so cool. I'm new to the blogging world and just started my own blog. I've been working on my studio space for a while, it will be nice to show it off. The prizes are great, maybe I'll be one of the lucky prize winners.

Anonymous said...

Karen, I would love to be included in this! So yes, please add my name.
I guess I better get out my vacuum cleaner and dust cloth! ;-)

Thank you! It sounds like heaps of fun!


anythinggoeshere said...

I want to take part again this year. thepottingshed-anythinggoeshere.blogspot.com/

Kim from The Sheep's Nest said...

Hi Karen, Congrats on your piece in WWC magazine! I have never done on of these parties before but I would love to participate, so count me in! Kim

Unknown said...

It was so fun last year! Count me in again! How exciting that Somerset is getting involved :)

Sandy xox

The French Bear said...

Karen, yes, count me in...I can't believe it will be my second year of blogging!
Margaret B

Deborah said...

Please add me to the list. I would love to join in.

"Create Beauty" said...

Hi ~ I'd love to participate! And I've just cleaned up and re-organized my studio so yay!


Becca said...

Ooo! Sounds like fun! Count me in!

VS said...

Oh, this is going to be sooo fun & you have soooo many participants already!!!! Thanks for hosting this fabulous party, I will start planning for it now cuz it's gonna be a whopper.

Magdalena said...

I would love to participate!
hope that it isn´t to late...will take some pictures and post them later today.



Create With Joy said...

Wow, this is FABULOUS! Please count me in and add me to your list! I am grabbing your badge to add to my sidebar and know a lot of my readers at Create With Joy will also want to join in on the fun!


Vicki Boster said...

Dearest karen - I would love to participate in this fun and inspiring event! My little space is not extraordinary by any means - but it is mine, all mine - and I do love it so. Thanks for this opportunity and thanks again also for your creative assistance with my blog! You have changed my life in regards to my blogging experiences.

I will post your button on my sidebar later today - right now I am off to see my new grandbaby!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I definitely want to join the party. That was so awesome last year! Thank you for doing this, it really is fun and a good way to find new blogs. Marcy

The Rustic Victorian said...

I'm commiting, I'm in! I'm cleaning and organizing. Goodness what great prizezzzz Yea!
Nothing like company to get-R-dun!

Leah C said...

Hi Karen! I missed out on last year's fun...please count me in this time around:) I better start "sprucing up my space" now, because my step-son is getting married on the same day as the party!

Leah C said...

P.S. Finally became one of your followers:)

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

I missed last year's party & have been eagerly awaiting it this year...sign me up please!

I'll post your button now & then post on it soon.

the gypsy magpie said...

How fun is THIS??? I just found out about it from Notes From A Cottage Industry... and I can't wait to play!
Please count me in!!!

ginger@bearbits said...

Hi Karen,

Congratulations on your successes! I remember last years party and it was great. Your room was especially inspiring. Please include me this year and I will look forward to seeing some awesome spaces!



Unknown said...

Sounds like a blast... I want to come to the party. Count me in!

jane maday said...

I'd like to particpate too! I don't know if my little studio is as lovely as teh ones featured in Where Women Create, but perhaps I can jazz it up a little;-)

Diane said...

Well, I just have to join in. Your beautiful blog itself pulled me in - I love everything, your fonts, colors, all.

I'm not joining because of the prizes ( although they would be wonderful to win) but because this just sounds like fun.

Put me down. I'm posting your button. Have a wonderful day, too. Diane

Barbara Jean said...

This will be great fun!
Count me in, even though i know many will go into shock when they see my messy creative area. (it's the results of the creativity that counts, right?) =)
Although I must say, I am getting organized now, so who knows what it will look like in a month or so!

blessings and thanks,

barbara jean

chicroses said...

I have to beg out..but what a great idea..I want ideas on storage for my craft stuff...we made major move so my room is a huge mess. We had a fire scare the other day..door bell jammed and we had burnt wires smell..scarey..then there is my room with a huge bomb went off. I was afraid the fire dept was going to see it.. I then decided this weekend it has to be cleaned up and sorted..I paint as you know then now Im scrapebooking...oh what more messes...I dont know where to start to organize it..but maybe next year to join..my room looks almost like the hoarders on TV. Sally

Something Special said...

Hello, my name is Michele Askeroth
I will grab your button and advertize the party for you. I will also post my creative space as well. Please count me in! Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

I came at the express recommendation of Debi from Life in my Studio!

glad I did, I'm now one of your followers...and i love your blog!

this sounds like fun....I will think about it...

ciao bella
Creative Carmelina was here...
come by and enter my giveaway!

V I N T A G E O L O G I E said...

I can't believe it's almost been a year since the last party!! This is my all time favorite blog party ... seriously, it brings the peeping Tom out in me .. I love checking out everyone's space .... count me in for round two ... and thank you Karen, you're doing an excellent job!!


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Karen,

Oh....count me in!!!

It's hard to believe it's been almost a year ago..my studio was in progress...this year will be so different for me. ♥

How sweet life can turn out! You are living proof that when circumstance or someone throws lemons at you...you make lemonade and throw a party!! ♥

I'm sure you never dreamed that losing your job would bring such excitement to your life...now you can be who you always dreamed of being...[the way life is supposed to be.]

How exciting that Jo and the magazine will be involved this year. I do hope that Jo is going to blog along with us! :0)

I'll grab the button and also put the word out.

Have a wonderful day...

Stephanie ♥

Julissa Mora said...

Hi Karen, This sounds so fun...I'm in! I've been wanting to spice up my studio...so perfect :) I'll be sure to add your button to my blog. :)


Linens Lace and Lattes said...

Hi Karen - Please add my name to your party list! deb

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Karen,
I'm excited to participate! This is my first year blogging and I can't wait to meet everyone and become a part of this wonderful party.
I will spread the word and I can't wait for the fun to begin!


Jennifer said...

Count me in - thank you for hosting this - it sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing! I just met Jo last weekend at Petticoats and Parasols in Savannah, GA. She is an amazing woman! I also met your friend Charlene from Texas and she told me all about you. Please count me in! My blog is www.gibbysgirl.com

Can't wait to see everyone's spaces. This will give me a great reason to get mine into shape. It looks a little like that show "Hoarders." Yipes!

Hugs to You
Nicole Gibson-Rice

PS: I live in Apache Junction.
PPS: To post a comment, I have to use my LiveJournal account, but it is no longer active. Just FYI. :D

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to participate this year, Karen! Thank you!

My Creative House said...

This party sounds like fun, I would love to participate so please count my in.

Bea said...

Oh my goodness, what fun! Well, I guess I want to participate. It's these kinds of events that bring new blogland friends into my world. I've met such wonderful people from these kinds of things.

ooglebloops said...

I definitely don't have a space on the level of what is seen in Where Women Create, but it is now more than the dining room table!! I've graduated!!!LOL It'll be fun to see where and how others are inspired!!!

Niki said...

Count me in! Would write more, but I must go spruce up my space...not much time left.

Liz-Anna said...

I would love to join the party! And I'm so glad there is lots of time to prepare.

Carolee ~ ArtPodStudios said...

This sounds very exciting, just accidentally found your site from a link on the gypsy magpie blog....count me in!!! I'm comin to the party!

Syd said...

Please add me to your list.

Andrea said...

Sounds like fun! Count me in please!

MA said...

How great is that! I definitely will join the party!
Can't wait

Joanna Rowan said...

Hi Karen!! I am so very excited to have this be my first time to participate! Please include me on the tour of the amazing creative spaces! Thank you! Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hello...love your blog, Karen! I started a blog about a year ago (newbie) and I guess just my family & close friends visit...I'm looking to reach out into blog world...visit more blogs and have more bloggers visit me...I make cards...have a wonderful dog BEAR...and am that one in a million person who got Guillain Barre Syndrome from getting a flu shot...count me in...and thanks!

Vicki Boster said...

Hi Karen - I placed your event badge on the top of my sidebar. I am really looking forward to this fun event! Thanks for hosting us all!


Scrap for Joy said...

Just the boost I need to finally finish my workspace...count me in. I enjoyed the tour so much last time and got lots of inspirational ideas!

Alison said...

I'd like to join -- sounds like fun! And it might motivate me to clean up my office! :)
Thanks so much for hosting -- I'm grabbing a button now!


Betty said...

Count me in! It will give me a reason to clean up my studio!

Lisa @ Perfectly Peculiar said...

I'd love to participate ... I'm at


John'aLee said...

Congratulations on getting into the magazine! It looks like you have worked hard to inspire others and now you are being blessed!!

Rhondamum said...

I am so excited to hear you will be having this event again. Congrats on the huge success. I loved last years journey and will be joining in this year as well. Thanks for all of your hard work and the wealth of info that you bring to us all, not to mention the friends made! xoxo Rhonda...

Jami said...

I already put the button on my sidebar. I am a newbie - 2 weeks into blogging and definitely want to participate! Sounds great.

sweetpea said...

Hi Karen! I would love to participate in the party! Thanks for hosting. You are one talented chic.



Embellished Bayou said...

Congrats on your all you success! Sign me up for the party, I can't wait!

{oc cottage} said...

Meeeeee too please!!!!

m ^..^

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Just what I need to get Movin~ Count Me In, Please.... off to add your button & will post this week about it~
Can't wait for the P A R T Y !

superbadfriend said...

OOOOOOOOH I'd love to participate, please!




Rochelle said...

Oh....please do count me in! Can't wait to see ALL of the other great spaces and ideas! And prizes?? Yeah baby!!

Sylvia said...

This sounds like lots of fun....count me in...the prizes are awesome!!


Barb said...

Karen, thank you so much for including my name. I listed the wrong info....then received a phone call and forgot to get back with you. Yikes.

Posted your button today. Looking forward to the party.

Barb ♥

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,
I was just browsing the comments to see if I already left a comment, but I didn't find one. So, please include me in your list. I just can't wait, i participated before and found so many wonderful blogs, and so much inspiration. Thank you for hosting this fun event.

French Cupboard said...

Yes, yes, yes. Please count me in for BOTH French Cupboard & Counting Your Blessings.

Thanks so much. Blessings... Polly

Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this virtual party! I'd love to participate! It sound like fun!

Little Bit of Charm said...

I bought my copy last night at Borders. OMG!!! I'm so HAPPY for you and love seeing you and your beautiful studio in the book. I'm a lucky girl to have met you a year ago. My studio is still packed in boxes. I better make it pretty before the party.

Keli McKinley Hansen said...

I had so much fun doing this last year... so count me in!

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,
Well I am back in town and so excited about this! Yes, I want to join!!!!! I can hardly wait...I have to get my space cleaned up and some good photos! :) I will be in touch! Sandy

Debbie~ said...

Me Too! Me Too! What fun, truly what I need to 'inspire' Spring cleaning in my lil studio!
Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

Unknown said...

Doing it!

Angela Richardson said...

Hi Karen,
I,m really excited to be going to a party, 'what shall I wear'?
Love to see you all here in the UK in my tiny 'Mouse House'.


Gayla said...

This will be so much fun. Count me in.. I have lots to do before then, but I hope to be ready...

Anonymous said...

Oh this does sound like fun and I would love to join in ( it gives me a little while to tidy my creative space too).
Can't wait to visit everyone this year.
Kiss Noises Linda "I see the bridge!"

Cindy said...

this sounds like the incentive i need to get my studio cleaned and organized for it's photo debut!

thanks karen...count me in!!!!


Alison said...

I would love to participate. You have a beautiful blog spread. I will definitely be stopping back by to read more of your entries. Thanks for hosting this party!

Sherry said...

I want you to count me in. Last year I tried to look at all of the links. That is when my wheels started turning and I was tempted to start blogging. I started my blog a couple of months ago and want to join this years party. I will take a link and blog about it soon.

mimi said...

Hi Karen,
I would love to participate in the party. I can't wait to see all of the inspiring creative spaces.
Thank you,

KatCollects said...

I would love to participate, thank you!

Jamie said...

I would love to participate. This is very exciting. What a great article in WWC. Looking forward to this! Jamie V in MT

Little Pink Studio said...

I would love to participate in this event this year. I have just about finished some changes to my studio and have been holding off showing it yet so that I can save it for your party. Please add me to your list.

Anonymous said...

I would love to participate!
This is all new to me, but guess I can learn on the fly!

Bubbealice said...

Yes, yes, I would love to join in! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

i would love to be involved in this

Unknown said...

Hi Karen....I had to stop and get a snack the list was so long before I got to the box for comments ;) Last year was so much fun, so please include me again this year. What a wonderful venue for sharing and what generous prizes.....all because of you. Thank you for hosting. I'll grab your button now and post soon.

vivian said...

Hi KAren, glad to hear that youre hosting this blog party again as I missed it last year! I would love to join in the fun.
so please add me to your list and I will write it on my calander right now!

KathyJ said...

This sounds like a lot of fun...I would love to participate!

Thank you,

Robin said...

OOH! OOH! I want to play too! Please can I play too? Pretty, pretty please! I loved visiting last year. What could be more fun than joining in!

My Dream Garden said...

Hello! I just found your blog. It's so special! Count me in, too. I'm new at blogging, fanning, etsy-ing, everything. Sounds like fun.


Geralyn Gray said...

I was in last year and it was my favorite party of the year........I hope to have a whole new space and be in it for the party in June. This is such exciting news!!!! I can't wait!!!!! I love looking at everyone elses spaces too. Count me in PLEASE!!!!!!

Marja Rijnsburger said...

I love to participate. I can't wait to have a look at all those creative spaces.

Clairester said...

I am very excited I am definately nosy so I cannot wait to see all these amazing creative spaces and also posting my own....

Sue said...

Yipee!! Please include me....I can't wait to see everyone elses spaces!

Val Reaves said...

Count Me In!! This sounds like fun! I'm so glad to be a part of it!
Thank You!
Val in Kansas :-)

Mollye said...

I missed it last year and was saaaaaaaaaad but I am in this year! Yay. Thanks for hosting.

Karin said...

I would love to participate! I'm at www.creativechaos.typepad.com I will spread the word on my blog....

Petunia said...

Hi Karen, I'm so glad I found the link that brought me here. I would love to participate so please count me in. I'll go and put your button on my blog right now. Thank you and have a great week!


laurie -magpie ethel said...

Count me in...this is totally up my alley. I love, love, love my studio and can't wait to share! Plus, I always enjoy a tour of where other people work/create! Fun!

Susan said...

Hi Karen....count me in for sure. This is so exciting...

Ginger said...

I would like to participate in your party. Sounds like great fun and I need a reason to clean up my studio!! LOL

My Grama's Soul said...

Please throw my hat in the ring.....I really don't have much of a space but am looking forward to seeing all the other ones.



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