I am so excited, I'm bursting at the seams to share this news! I got an email the other day from Jo Packham, the president of Where Women Create. She said she heard about my party and came over to check it out. She was thrilled with what we had put together and wanted to be a part of the festivities next year! So the magazine will be sponsoring our next creative spaces soiree!!! There will be prizes and party favors and the support of a fabulous magazine!!! Can you believe it???? WAIT! It gets so much better! This fall they are going to come out and do a photo shoot of MY studio!!! It will appear in the May/June issue along with a story about the party. Then I will hold next years party sometime in June. The number of new people that will know about the party is mind boggling! But wait.... there's more. One lucky guest will be chosen and the magazine will come out and do a photo shoot of THEIR creative space for a future issue!!!! And then after all that, she said they will probably do a story about the party in Artful Blogging as well! OMG. You should have seen me doing the happy dance all over my house yesterday! This is a dream come true. Somebody pinch me!!!!
DEFINITELY news worth dancing over! Congrats! I was late to the festivities, but I've thoroughly enjoyed looking through the links you've left posted up (I'm in the Ps now..).
It was a fantastic idea to begin with & now it looks like you might have an annual event on your hands. Maybe if I can get MY space up to snuff, I'll try to get in on the fun.
Oh my!! That is just absolutely awesome... I so wish I had caught news of the blog party sooner- as I had wanted to join in!! Sooo- please put me on the list for next year.. I had SOOOOO Much fun- and it was so inspirational blog hopping to all of the places "Where Bloggers Create"...
Thanks For All The Inspiration- and Congrats To You!!
Kaniki's Prims & Whims
Karen-what a thrilling opportunity for you! You did a great job in organizing and announcing the tour and I willingly gave up a day's housework to pour over everyone's spaces (magical!) Your studio is awesome and will look great in the pages of the magazine. Congratulations to you! Pinch you? I'd guess you'd need smelling salts! LOL! ~Joyce
Wow....sensational!! See how the news travels fast when someone has a fantastic idea!! This was so successful and after all of your hard work, you are so deserving!!
Congratulations !!!
Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)
Oh my, oh my, OH MY! That is so incredibly exciting!!!!! I'm thrilled! I was sad that I didn't get to join the party this year because my studio isn't quite finished...{still building and painting furniture, curtains to hang, STUFF to organize!} but I WILL be finished by then. What a way to get me motivated to finish up and do a top notch job! May I blog about your good news in the near future?
Good for you! That is fantastic -
Happy Dancing!!!!
That is such lovely news!
Well done!
Kelly xxx
The "bestest" news I've heard in a long time!! ... You did a terrific job creating and hosting this on-line event!
I can feel ALL of the positive energy flowing thru my computer ... what a feeling!!
Jigs & more! Congrats, this is wonderful news. It as a lovely event enjoyed thoroughly. Looking forward to the next one. TTFN ~Marydon
Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic!!!!!!!! I'm sooooo excited for you and I too am doing the happy dance for you!!!!
Congratulations Karen!!!
bunny hugs,
Karen I am bursting at the seams for you! This is exciting, exhilerating, and any other word out there which I cannot think of at the moment...yes I am that excited too :-)
It's time for the Happy Dance!
Congratulations! You go girl!
I just found out about this event from Seth Apter's blog. I am sorry I missed it, but will be sure to send a link next year. This is wonderful news and being in "Where Bloggers Create" is the real caveat. I can only imagine how proud you are. You deserve it, though. I'm sure the event was a great deal of hard work.
How exciting! I just happened upon your blog the other day and I've been having such fun looking around. Such inspiration!
Congratulation, you deserve the attention from stampington. Your blog was a great idea and I can't wait to see picture of your room in the magazine.
PS:I'm still dreaming your feather chandelier.
Oh Karen,
Congratulations! What wonderful news. You know, the party just had that magical feeling from the very beginning... even when you just announced it. Also, I have to mention you were such a gracious hostess. You stopped by everyone's blog and then your very special thank you after the party stands alone. The best host ever, really! Now, all I have to say is where do I sign up for next year? Have fun Happy Dancin' it.
This is huge! That's great!
This event deserved the recognition and your studio is so gorgeous! Good for you!
This party was so meaningful to me-as I am new to blogging! I couldn't think of a more wondeful idea for a blog party! Congrats, Karen, and I can't wait to see the articles.
Collect, Create, Connect!
CONGRATS!!! It is absolutely fabulous news!
Congrats! Very exciting news! It was a great idea and post. I loved seeing everyone's pictures. Since I'll have a year to prepare for the next one, let's hope I'll be ready to participate with my own pictures!
Sweet! I Love IT!!!!!
Oh Karen - how wonderful! Congratulations! Count me in to participate next year!
:-) Molly
P.S. Could you plssibly leave the links up another week? I'm having a hard ime getting through them all!
Hi Karen, Thank you so much for doing the blog party. I am new to your blog and have spent considerable time over the last number of days reviewing both your blog and others on the list! I would love to participate next year - will you be doing a sign up or? I can imagine you doing a happy dance - I would too! Congrats and have fun!
OMG!!! way to go!! whooooaaa! I cant wait till next june! even though I dread summers here! haha Your studio was a looker and amazing! I wish I would get an email like that! I can just imagine that happy dance! Big mermaid hugs
*Happy Dance* Happy Dance* Dancing along with you Karen ~ that is AWESOME news!!! :) You deserve it! Congrats! Have a great day! ~Stacey
here's my big pinch, hope I didn't hurt you!!!!!!!!!!!!
: ))))))))))))))))
That's so cool! I'm glad I got to participate!
Wow that is so great & i'll be able to participate next year WooHoo! I am loving this blogspot!
Dear Friend,
Here's the BIGGEST HUG EVER! I'm very happy for you. You deserve all of this and more. When we joined blogger, your kind words of support helped me alot. You now have touched the hearts of many. Your sweet, beautiful and you make me smile :) This is a dream, when my friends ask who is the lady next to you in our class picture? I say: Karen with Where Bloggers Create, They too will be impressed..wink
PINCH! That is fantastic. Congratulations!!! And well deserved. Go Girl!
Karen,That is AWESOME!!! You deserve a big pat on the back I will do a happy dance with you! Cheers 2 U!!You have such inspiration.This will be such a great thing to look 4ward 2 as well.As always Fun Finds 2 U...B in touch.Chickie
I'm so happy for you and so happy you hosted the party so I could find your blog!
Wow!! I'm floored!
More than anything Karen, I'm happy for you!!! All of the postive energy and support you have shown SO MANY is coming back to hold and support you!!!
Job well-done, friend!!!
I am so happy for you, and you did such a good job, also I didn't make it to show my workshop but I loved knocking at all the bloggers doors and see their creative spaces. Bravissima Karen. Ciao Rita
Karen~~you so deserve this for putting together a fabulous idea! I am so mad at myself for not joining in but you better believe I will next time. I loved your studio and have been trying to get a look at all the others. Congrats and keep being the fab creative sista that you are!
Not surprised in the least! One of those things that brought smiles and much joy to so many. I imagine next year it will take a month to look at all the wonderful spaces!!!!!
Outstanding! It was bound to happen and your blog is the perfect place for it to start!
I ended up being accepted on a design team this morning, so doing a bit of a dance myself!
Amazing news Karen! Congrats! Can't wait to see your feature!
and that is how things get rolling!!
surprises can be wonderful!
OMG!!!! Karen that is wonderful, but you sooooo deserve it, the blog event was fantastic and with regards to your studio being photographed, I'm not surprised at all, it is beautiful. Huge Congrats hun. Hugs, Mandy x
Fantastic news! I know that the studios I perused that day were all gorgeous!
I'm happy that yours will be featured. It's breathtaking! So inspiring!
How exciting! A happy dance for sure! Maybe my studio will be in shape by next year to participate.
Oh Karen, How KEWL is that! Congratulations! I am glad you are so creative and having such a good time, and listening to the promptings. YOur home "all around" is wonderful and will photograph beautifully. Cant wait to hear more.I am doing a happy dance for you!!!
Awesome news! I was too late for this year (I'm in the middle of re-vamping my studio) but hope to be able to post next year. Good things come slow my Grandma always said...well, it's slowly, but surely coming along. Good for you...and it's certainly because you were a wonderful hostess! Tami E.
How absolutely wonderful for you! Looks like lots of exciting things are coming your way. I came way of Tracie from My Petite Maison.
Oh Karen you soooooo deserve this!
I am so happy that your studio will be in the magazine. I wanted to see more!
Jo really is a wonderful woman and what a great thing she is doing by highlighting your party and you!
I had so much fun participating in the party and then for the last week have been on every day to see more! Alas I am not done and have to leave on vacation tonight so I will not make it to everyone's house, Boo hoo!
Well next year will be fun!
Have a wonderful week and I will check in when I get back!
Congrats! Congrats! Next year can't come soon enough!
Karen , Way to go. Your awesome space deserves to be in there. I hope by then I will get enough courage to have a blog so I can participate.
Jean in Virginia
Congratulations!!! What a wonderful thing to have happen to you. I'm excited because you'll be having another party. I wasn't able to participate in this one because we are in the process of moving. But I took advantage of participating as a spectator and have some great new ideas for the future.
What was especially thrilling for me to see were the stories of the women who took this opportunity as a challenge and in many cases FINALLY organized their creative messes. Just think of all the hours of enjoyment "you created" for those people by hosting your party.
Congratulations! You did an amazing job of the party and the recognition is well deserved! Again, congrats and enjoy the excitement. Keep us up to day on the fun when it happens. Yea for you!
Karen, congratulations!!! What incredible news to share! I am beyond thrilled for you and can't wait to see your studio in the magazine!
One person can make a HUGE difference!
Hi Karen....beyond awesome.....so glad I could be a part of it...xo jana
OMG! That's so exciting!! I think I'd be doing the happy dance for days! You deserve it...your party was a complete success, and soooo much fun!
Congratulations---well deserved. It was a great idea. I know I love that magazine and it was great to put it together with your blog.....yea!!!!!good for you!!!!!
I'm soooo tickled for you! This is just wonderful beyond words. I'm already planning changes for my space and will definitely participate next year. We all had so much fun and I've met some fabulous bloggers because of your party. Thank you so very much, and congratulations!
O.M.G!!!!!!!!! That is incredible news! I am jumping up and down for you! That is amazing! I can't even insert enough exclamation marks to tell you how excited I am!
It doesn't surprise me Karen. You are so cool and so inergetic and so creative. When you first started Deseret Cottage I had no idea you had a shop. How did you get all of those people to get on the list. I am so excited for you and definately I want to do it next year. Don't forget me!
I am so happy for you. Your party has brought me so much happiness over the last week. You deserve the best!
Truly I'm not all the way through the list afte viewing about 30 minutes a day all week. If you take them off the sidebar would you consider just editing them into the post itself so they could be seen for a while longer? Just a thought, but you are so awesome whatever you want to do is fine.
Congratulations Karen! I'm so excited for you. It's no doubt they want to feature your beautiful studio. Look forward to next years party!!
How wonderful! Congratulations!!! :)
OMG karen!!! you must be JUMPING UP AND DOWN!!! that is exactly what i did when i found out my essay was going to be published in romantic homes. i was literally jumping and screaming and some of this even took place outside in front of my house. i just could not contain myself and i am thinking this is just how you are feeling!!!
big congrats!!! i am thrilled for you and i am thrilled for all of us!!!
i had been away and am trying so hard to catch up and visit everyone's posts.
way to go!!! yay karen!!!
Wow that is totally awesome!!!! You SO deserve this...I don't know what to say except CONGRATULATIONS and....can I have your autograph???
everything vintage
Hi Karen,
I had so much fun at the party that I can hardly wait for next year. You really had the best idea here. I'm so happy about the magazine shoot of your studio. This was just icing on the cake.
Oh my gosh! Unbelievable! Congratulations!! That is soooo exciting!
Do you think you could leave the links up for another week or so?
Thanks so much for hosting this. It has been so fun and inspiring!
I am doing the HAPPY DANCE with you! Congratulations to you! Simply amazing. Please include me for next year! What a great idea you had.
Hi Karen,
Just wanted to congratulate you on the awesome news. How exciting! You go girl!!! Have a great day.
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
how exciting! I wasn't really suprised. I thought something like this would happen.. It is a great opportunity for you and your studio is wonderful. It will be exciting for everyone. I will continue sprucing up my studio.. It was fun for me too. Thank you..
CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-) That is wonderful news and you definitely deserve it!
Steph Jordan
Oh - that´s so great news. Can´t wait to see you in the mag. and are already looking forward to next years party. Give me time to make my room pretty too.
Oh - that´s so great news. Can´t wait to see you in the mag. and are already looking forward to next years party. Give me time to make my room pretty too.
So Fantastic...crazy good news! And to think all this come from you being inspired by the magazine. Then back to them...I so look forward to seeing the magazine's shoot of your creative space. And I hope to participate in next years blog party...my heads buzzing from the news I can only imagine what you feel like
Congratulations! I am one of the many(I'm sure) who discovered your blog through the festivities- too late to participate (pesky vacations-lol!), but I sure did enjoy watching! I'll be ready next year...
Kudos to you (but no pinching)!
I wrote Stampington and co. in care of Artful Blogging to tell them about it for you dear. I am so glad that either my tip or someone who follows your beauty noticed your glorious world. I really enjoyed the day and I am so excited for you.
WOW, congrats! I guess, I stumbled upon your blog just on time to witness it all! :-) Cheers, Julie
I am SO THRILLED at the news!!!!! I found out about the party a couple of days right before the big event and loved scrolling through everyone's creative worlds. I said to myself that I simply HAD to participate next year, because I was super bummed I missed out this year. You can count Monkeyshine Business in next year for certain!!!!
Too Cool!
You're pinched! :)
Sandra Evertson
GOOD FOR YOU!!!! You deserve it! You put on a wonderful party & your studio is divine!!!! I am so happy for you! See... you just have to put it out there! Or as they say in the movie... Build it & they will come. Congratulations!
Wow! Your space is wonderful. I came to this blog by way of . . . well, I'm not sure! Anyway, I'm right here in Gilbert so I love to check out local blogs. I'm guessing the party is a creative space party? Post your pictures of your creative space? I'll do some more investigating later. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration!
That is some seriously HUGE news! Congratulations!!! It is always so great when your hard work and efforts are noticed, appreciated, and wow, published:)
I enjoyed the party so much. I just finished going through all of the blogs; there are so many inspirational studios out there. I love your studio, and loved reading about how you found (or made) your unique pieces like the wall cabinet that you painted white. What a great idea.
What great news being sponsored next year. I will have to pick up the issue where your studio is featured, too. Thank you for all the work you put into this! Your blog quickly became one of my favorites. I'll stop rambling now! lol :) Hope you have a peaceful, creative weekend!
OH MY GOODNESS! That is awesome! But girl, you did such a great job - came up with a great idea - and look at how well it all went.
I am sooooooo happy for you. If I could do the happy dance in the motorhome - I would!!!
OMG! Congratulations! What wonderful news! Your blog party was an inspiration and it has been so much fun...it's really nice to hear you're receiving some great recognition for such a wonderful idea. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling knowing your beautiful studio is going to be in a magazine. I gotta say it again: OMG! Congratulations!
Hi Karen
Congratulations...I am so glad all your hard work paid off. Count me in for the next one. It really was a lot of fun...but I haven't even made it through all of them yet, but I've had a weird week
Take Care
Oh so happy for you, congrats a million times over. Your idea was just great and I look forward to the next one.
How exciting. I am very happy for you. I thourghly enjoyed the party and you were the brains behind the whole thing. Congratulations!! Take Care.
Congratulations!!! well deserved. It's been so fun seeing everyones spaces. It gives me the motivation to finally get my space organized and beautified!
Thank you so much for hosting such an amazing party!!!!
Happy dancing!!!!
Congratulations! that is wonderful and I would be doing the happy dance too. Well done.
Have just discovered your lovely blog, via Tracies.
Enjoy your weekend
My my my oh my. I had an inkling this was going to be big stuff, Karen, but I didn't know how big. This is big! WOW WOW! I am ecstatic for you and all the ladies out there. The reason I say 'big' is ..all the ladies that participated, all of your comments and friendships made, it is a RIPPLE... effect of big proportions! Another thing, many of us are still getting comments on our creative places! RIPPLE!!! Thank you so much for leaving our links up.. Many blessings are rippling..Thank you, Karen!
What a dream come true!!! Congratulations! You deserve it!!! It was an awesome creative spaces party!!! Patti
Hello Karen,
You go girl!! You will have so much fun and all of the details sound fabulous.
I so hope to have my studio space ready in the next few months....What fun it would be to have the studio featured.
And the party definitely should be in Artful Blogging...after all that's where we meet to have so much fun and to support and encourage one another. :0)
I'm so happy for you. :0) Can't wait til the party next year!
Hugs to you,
dream kingdom designs
WOO!!! HOO!!!!
Congratulations, such exciting news. So happy for you.
This news is spectacular! Bravo!
You inspired me to get my office all set up and then I didn't get it posted in time for the party...Anyhow, fashionably late that I am, I hope you'll sprint over and see it Karen. thanks so much! I'll certainly be ready next year!
I just found your blog, thanks to a friend! I'm going to take a good look and I know I will enjoy it. Congratulations on your great news. I subscribe to Where Women Create and Artful Blogging...so I'll definitely be watching!!! Love your studio...a dream! pat
Congratulations!!! How exciting! I hope to have some improvments to my space, so next year I can be better prepared. . .thank you again for introducing so many wonderful people an spaces. Yours was so beautiful as well!
Congratulations Karen! I am thrilled for you! The idea of Where Bloggers Create was brilliant & I am honoured to be a part of your fabulous idea :-)
Congratulations Karen! That is sooo exciting! I look forward to seeing the article :0)
Congratulations! I am amazed at the success of your blog in such a short time, good for you!! It will be hard to wait a whole year for another party!
How exciting is that.....It was such a blast being a part of this.
I can only imagine the # of participants next year.....OOOH, I have so many ideas....my space was still a work in progress and this may be just what it takes to finally COMPLETE it.
Thanks again for being a wonderful hostess and a big CONGRATULATIONS. Your space deserves to be in the spotlight!
Hi Karen,
Congratulations, that is very exciting news indeed, I am hoping that I might have my new studio finished by June next year (I have to build it first).
Best wishes.
Karen, what fantastic news!! I actually had wondered if something like this might happen....was crossing my fingers! You deserve it and I am so happy for you. The blog party was such a wonderful event. I'm so glad I took part in it and I've loved seeing everyone's studios. Count me in for next year!
How fun! It is such a great idea, I can see why they would feature this. You must be thrilled! Happy Sunday...xo Lidy
Can I just say...No one deserves it more! You put so much work into your party AND you were such a gracious hostess. Congratulations!
That is incredible new for you for expertly organizing this party and for all of us participants that the powers to be must have been reasonably impressed with some of our studios.
I am so happy for you - you deserve that happy dance..
How fantastic! I just bought the new issue of Where Women Create last night and devoured it the minute I got home. This was really fun and I enjoyed seeing everyone's blogs and especially finding so many new ones with such wonderful spaces and photos. I can't wait to do this again next year. I was just thinking this morning about how I might start changing my space around a bit, so I'll definitely be working on this.
Wow! Too cool....tremendous kudos to you!! Congratulations on such an opportunity to share around the world. Thanks for sharing this great news! ~Nan
Simply amazing Karen! But you deserve it and I think to be published in ANY Stampington production would be awesome....you did a great job putting this virtual party together, thanks so much for doing it!
We all had such a great time showing off our spaces and learned tons in the process, maybe something so simple like a better way to organize...(fill in the blank).
Thanks again!
Congratulations, Karen!!! :) You really deserve this soooo much! You are such a sweet, generous and creative soul~~ they definitely picked a very worthy artist!!!!
Hugs and love,
Christina XX
That is so wonderfully fantastic. Congratulations! I'm so happy. I wanted to participate in your party this year. It was so much fun to go around and see the other creative places. I was busy creating the outfit for a dear sweet friend's final piece of clothing. She passed away from cancer at the age of 46 and asked me to make her funeral dress. Maybe next year I can participate in the fun.
Keep doing your happy dance. You deserve it! xo rachel
Wow, I'm doing the happy dance, too! It was so much fun and I am so glad there will be an on core. Now, I know someone with connections! ;o) Congrats! Hugz, Z
Congrats-- this is so wonderful for you!! I so wanted to play along, but a new job and injured joints didn't allow it!!
I can't wait to get involved next year!!
Hi Karen,
Come over and enter my blogging anniversary giveaway. You have been so kind to me. I would love to have you.
Blessings, Barb
Hello, I came to your bog via the feathered Nest and wow how inspiring everyone's Creative Space's I was so inspired that I went straight out to my little spray and went to work on cleaning it up and changing everything around, I know that I was to late to joy in your party. I have posted pictures on my blog. I would love to join in for next year. What a wonderful thing that you have done and awesome news! I would like to thank you so much for inspiring me, I can't wait to get to work on some new cloth dolls in my new little creative space. Have a beautiful day Lisa Inn Country Australia
Holy Cow, girl!!!! I would be doing the happy dance until I fell down. This is so great. Who would have thought something that started out as a fun little idea could turn into something so big and fabulous.
Congrats. Now go get some rest from all that happy dancing.
Impatient Cajun
Congrats Karen! How exciting!
This is such exciting news! I am So happy for you! Twyla
Hi Karen,
Wow, I guess this isn't new news anymore, but it's new too me! How exciting!!! Your studio is certainly magazine worthy, I'm not surprised that they will be shooting your creative space for the magazine! Congratulations!!!
I'm glad you will be doing this again next year, it really was a fun event. I'll be back for the next one!
What fun! It was a great party and worthy some serious attention. Congratulations!!!!
Wow! that is such great news! Isn't it nice to connect with people that think like you!?
WOWZERS !!!!!! yeah !!! it was so very much fun and such great news ! congrats for holding such a fab party on your blog !!!
oh my goodness! that is VERY exciting news! congratulations Karen!
hugs, Missy
Wow, who would have thought all that would come from a great idea, congrats and will love to play along next year too.
This is so fantastic-I would love to be part of the party-I just redid my art studio and would love to show it off! Congrats to you-so exciting!
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