As I was laying in bed last night thinking about this Giveaway and all of the great people out there that follow my blog, the emotions that I felt ran across the board. Feelings of joy, gratitude and awe.... Feelings of fear and worry. I felt them all and they all make me a better blogger, a better artist, and a better person. I can't express properly in words how wonderful this last year has been. (Truth be told, it hasn't even been a year since I started this blog) I have made some wonderful new friends and am in the process of making many more. Some of you leave comments and some of you don't, and that's okay because I know you are there anyway. I am grateful to you all for your friendship and encouragement. And so... to say Thank you from the bottom of my heart I am offering this humble giveaway to everyone who follows my blog.

The box I made myself, and it will be filled with bits of lace and doilies, an old book with perfectly worn pages, several wonderful sepia toned rose print cards, Sandra Evertson's fabulous book "Fanciful Paper Projects", a set of three French themed refrigerator magnets made by me, a pair of wonderful vintage leather gloves, 3 scented paper roses, and many more goodies!!!
If you leave me a comment on this post and you follow my blog I will enter your name into the drawing. I consider any one who has my blog in their sidebar a follower as well, because that is how I follow most of my favorite blogs. If you post about the giveaway on your blog (please feel free to take the poster), let me know and I will enter your name a second time. I will also send a surprise gift to my favorite comment if you tell me why YOU love blogging.
I will announce the winner in two weeks, on March 1st. Have a beautiful day my friends!!!
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»What I love about blogging? Let me count the many ways, I can create and you pat me on my back..bloggers encourage not critisize..they inspire not draw me down...they care, really care..when there is a hurt we pray for one another...we are supportive of each ones talents and encourage us to think outside the box....
On and on and on...there are tremendous souls who give and give and keep on giving.
I stuggled with getting started but now I can not remember life before my blogging friends came into it.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to express a fraction of my heart,
Well, I'm in! : )
I don't think I have any one reason that I blog or love doing it. I have to say that when I first started it was to have an informal area to interact with people for my business. I was taken back by the friendliness and support, by the many creative people out there who were more than happy to share their ideas and how-to's. I love that I've met so many people and that if I have a question about something, I know that there is someone who's blog I've read that will have the answer.
p.s. I am already a follower and I already had you on my blogroll thanks to OWOH.
There are so many people we have met by blogging and so many friends have come from this adventure. Just think of the many more waiting to be discovered. Your giva a way melts my heart and I would be honored to win, Char
What a lovely giveaway!! I'd love to have my name added to the box. I am already a follower, too.
Thanks for putting together such an awesome gift.
Why I love blogging?
Where do I begin? I suppose the biggest joy from blogging is the cultivation of friendships with other sweet and wonderful women. Where else would we meet other like-minded friends and be inspired by creativity galore? Blogging is just fabulous!
I would love to be entered :)
What I love about blogging?
Seeing that this world is just bursting with creativity... there are so many people out there making use of life in ways I never dreamed of until I read their blog... it's amazing, astounding... downright awe inspiring... and to be able to be a part of that in any little way is just humbling.
Love your blog and your romantic style. Please enter me in the drawing!
p..s.. Today I am going to post about your giveaway.
Blessings to you, Karen
What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.
I am a new blogger and am enjoying it tremendously. I homeschool three children so I really don't get out much and don't get to get together with my friends very often. I probably have lost some friends over the years because my family comes first and I don't have a lot of extra time to do things outside the home. Well, blogging has been a way for me to get to know incredibly unique ladies with amazing talents who are very like minded. The great thing is that I can fellowship, learn from, and chat with these ladies, all from the comforts of my home. I have also found some small hidden talents within myself (humbly said) that have been so much fun to find.
I am having a ball and can't wait to see what lies ahead and what people I have yet to meet.
I found your blog through OWOH & immediately became a follower! :) I've just started blogging this year, hoping it will encourage me to make my dreams (of having a job i actually like!) a reality. I love being able to look at someone's blog & be inspired to create something & then hopefully inspire someone else. Thanks for doing another giveaway so soon after OWOH! :)
wow Karen, such beautiful things your offering.. to Get something you made would be something I would cherish your work is beautiful and I just love the pictures you show of your home.. Just Beautiful
thank you for the chance to win
Hugs Norma
Wow! What an amazing give away...so beautiful and thoughtful. I just recently starting blogging regularly and do not have alot of followers, my blog is a mess (not set up the way I want)but I absolutely love it! I have so much going on in my life; a terminally ill husband, young children with families of their own,just general chaos. My blogging allows me to vent, feel sorry for myself, share happy times, and craft. I have gotten such wonderful feedback from a few, and I get such wonderful inspiration for my life and my craft from all of the wonderful blogs that I follow. Thank you for such a wonderful blog :D I will be posting this giveaway later today on my blog...will let you know for sure when it is up.
There are several things I love about blogging. Meeting new people with my interests is one of the biggest. I have met some really awesome people in the short time I have been blogging. Another reason is the ability to "talk" to people. No one around me seems to share my somewhat eclectic interests. I can talk about miniatures one day and flea market finds another. With everyone! Then another day, I can talk about or comment about mixed media art or ATCs. See, told you my interests were eclectic. I can talk to my hearts content, pouring out my sorrows and joys to a captive audience. I can sit here and say how painful my neck is right now (cerival spinal surgery last Monday) without seeming to complain. Just stating a fact. There are no worries about judegmental remarks. Everyone has there say. I guess that is a good start as to why I blog.
Well, congrats on all your followers! I'm so grateful to have the 60+ that I do and need to find the item I have planned for an upcoming giveaway. People have been so generous to me that it's time to return the favor, if only I can find it! However, I'm precluded from getting on my hands and knees to search under the beds and up on cabinets and shelves by a neck brace and doctors orders.
Please enter me in your wonderful, generous giveaway.
What a great giveaway! I love blogging because I get to meet new people from all over and it has made me realize that we all have a lot in common, as well as sharing and being supportive of each other as women. I enjoy following you!
Hi Karen!
Congratulations on 500 followers! What a wonderful “GIVEAWAY”!
I am so VERY new to Blogging and you were right there on my first post to welcome me! So kind and gracious!
I love blogging because the it reminds me of a patchwork quilt...various fabric pieces, sewn together, form a block, one block sewn to another as the quilt takes shape. The backing in put in place, the quilting process begins, binding all together with the simplest of materials – cotton thread. The quilting process is a labor of love, dedication and skill that allows simple scraps of cloth and thread to transform into a source of beauty, warmth and comfort. The Blog World community is a patchwork quilt of humanity clearly defining different interests and skills with the commonality of encouragement, support and self actualization.
Accolades to Blog World and its members where we participate in a world as it should be!
Thank you!
HI Karen, what an amazing giveaway.
I found your blog sometime ago and have enjoyed it ever since. You make such pretty things and are such a kind soul. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Congrats on your 500+ followers.
I follow your blog. I love blogging because it keeps my mind working overtime when I read and/or see all of the creative artful projects that people have made. I know that each and every project, idea and/or creation comes with a small portion of the artist's heart.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Wow girl, 500 in a year. That is an amazing feat. It says something about who you are as a blogger. I've really enjoyed getting to know you, seeing your amazing home & sharing your beautiful artwork. I would love to win your FAB giveaway, & I will of course post it on my blog. Let me see, why do I love blogging. Since I took the leap & starting putting it all 'out there' I find myself taking more & more chances in my creations. You all have given me the confidence to try anything. That is why I love it so. Lisa
Ok so you can stop by my blog and check out the post for you wonderful give away..I am being rushed off my computer now by my two year old grandson who is visiting LOl
Fun giveaway! I follow you in google reader, just in case you wanted to know :) And congrats on 500+, I would love to get there one day ;)
I love blogging because I like to inspire other people. I don't like to keep secrets, if I learn something cool, I want to spread it around. I also enjoy that when someone I know here in the town I live in rolls their eyes at something crazy I do, there will be another kindred spirit blogger out there who says "yes!"
Oh my! What a fantastic give away. I have been following for a while and you are definitely on my sidebar. I am on a sort of blog break right now but I do still love it! I think all the fabulous inspiration from the creative and thoughtful bloggers I have "met" is what keeps me coming back for more. I would never have come into contact with so many kindred spirits any other way. Altogether a magical place. Hugs, Pam
Oh I would LOVE to win your giveaway my dear!!!! The goodies sound divine! Why do I love to blog? Because I have found friends just like you that I treasure so much. I was feeling a bit a drift as my other friends just weren't into the Arty stuff & though I loved them dearly I was looking for like souls. Those who "get me" & I have truly found that in BLOGLAND! Thank you for the gift of your friendship. And you are on my sidebar but, I went ahead & signed up as a follower (I need to have a give away because I didn't for my 100th) And yes, I will put your button on my blog to help direct the folks over. HUGS! Sweetie & put my name in 3 times PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Charlene
Hello. This is a wonderful giveaway. I have been blogging for less than a year. I got started as a way to communicate with other participants in my first round robin doll project. Little did I know that it would be much more. I have made many online friends, have found and made friends with local artists through their blogs, been inspired to create something every day, my memory has been refreshed, surfing has put me in awe of the work out there, humbled, excited, and more. Everything I create now has improved. I look forward to daily time with my new online friends. My excitement level has gone through the roof as I get involved with online projects. Blogging has given me the chance to show and tell others in my family what I do on a daily basis. It's a great way for my children, who are grown, to really get to know me as a person, not just as dear old mom. Plus winning great stuff in giveaways is always a plus! LOL
I am one of your followers already and now I added your giveaway link on the left side bar on my blog. I also added the photo of your wonderful wonderful giveaway goodies! :)
I love all the inspiration and encouragement I do get from all the beautiful blogs all over the world. I love watching beautiful things and to tell others when I love something they did! To make people happy! :D And I love sharing my own art with others :) I also like being friendly and love meeting kindred spirits all over this beautiful globe : our home! :)
Warm hug
from Susan in Sweden.
Congrats on 500 Karen! I love your blog. What a beautiful giveaway!
I love blogging because it's a great creative outlet. I can post my creations, and share them with people who like the same things.
I have also met alot of wonderful and creative blogging friends who share my love for creating, and all things pretty.
Oh Karen, what a wonderful giveaway. I love to follow your blog, it is always sooooo beautiful. I think blogging is so wonderful it gives you an opportunity to meet to many people that you would never get a chance to meet. I also believe that it is a great way to share things with others and see all the beautiful creations that people make. It's a great place to get wonderful ideas. But probably the best thing about blogging is that you may be having a terrible day and you can just visit others blog and it's a great pick me up. If you share your problems there are so many of us going through the same things, that its wonderful for people to give encouragement and hope. Congratulations on your 500 + followers, I am not surprised at all, I love to visit your blog and see what you are up to. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Terri
I love to blog because I have made so many new friends like you. Its a way to have friends that love the same loves that we all share and someone to share our joys and hardtimes. That's really something special. Like knowing lots of special angels!!!!
Of course I want to be entered, I alreay follow you and you are on my blogroll.
And thank you for the beautiful gift you are going to bestow on one of us.
Hugs, Pat
Congrats on 500 followers!!! Beautiful giveaway.
What I love about blogging?
All the countless sweet friends I have met with oodles of talent and ideas...every single one a great inspiration. The joy of sharing with others.
We're not mediocre people. It is a little uncanny how connected we are with our color scheme, but you are way more artistic. The truth be told here. Blogging makes a person realize that there are kind souls. I love the connection with other bloggers too. It's the support and care of one another that makes this blogging road so special. I guess I'm having way too much fun with this, but so what. I'd be delighted to win your box of treasures. I'm following, posting, and what else? I was just putting together a giveaway for my approaching 300 followers. Isn't this blogging the bee's knee's?
Your Neighbor,
Amazing giveaway karen - I would love to be entered in your drawing.
I have it exactly the same way as you about blogging - the encouragement from my followers and the inspiration in blogland - all those amazing people you get to know. I have found to many new friends in here too and more to come. I´m so happy to have found your blog too.
HI Karen, I am already a faithful follower of your beautiful blog. I am going to post your giveaway on my sidebar later this evening as well. For me blogging is much like having a diary. One that I am not afraid to share with the sweetest of friends. What I love about others blogs is looking at their pics and what they are creating at home. I tell my kids its much like reading your favorite magazine everyday but cheaper!
Hi Karen,
I've been following since the beginning. I think you know I think the world of your sincerity and your talent as an artist. I am definitely speaking from experience with the darling birdhouse I purchased from you right here in my front room. Absolutely counting the days until the next Where Women Create party and your feature in the mag! You're a kind soul and that's what keeps me coming back.
Congrats on 500 post, that's really amazing! I am follower and I enjoy coming over when I get a chance. I love blogging because it has opened up a whole new world of friendships. I even have met several of the women this past year and what a treat that has been. Congrats again, Cindy
I'm am a follower. A BIG HEARTY congrats! over 500! WOW! That's awesome! I'm really enjoying all the creative things on your blog and am glad I found it. Hope you are having a wonderful time with it.
Oh gosh, another gorgeous give-away and soooo soon after your last one too! Oh, do please, please pick me! Wow, 500 followers in such a short space of time... wonderful! But then I'm not surprised - your blog and your creations are soooo beautiful, and certainly have me entranced!!
But your post also got me thinking about WHY I blog too. Initially it was a bit of a 'therapy' thing for me, really. I'd been having major problems with my voice/throat and had lengthy periods when I was without any voice at all. Even now my voice is back, its still exceedingly temperamental, so I've been advised to minimise face-to-face interaction a fair bit... too much talking can take a while to recover from - eek! So really blogging has helped me work through this: stopped me from being too lonely and also enabled me to heal, express feelings of frustration and helplessness, and ultimately come to terms with having to leave primary teaching a career I loved) and to accept that life will be different now. I wrote an allegorical story which helped me work through it all. (It was on my blog but has now been removed, as I may consider publishing it at some point.) It featured alot of my artwork and illustrations, enabling me to explore and eventually find my own 'style'. Through it, with all the love, support and encouragment of so many tender fellow bloggers, not only have I learnt to accept the past and my future but also re-discover my passion for making art. There is so much inspiration out there and so many genuinely kind-hearted artists too, who share their skills, passions and knowledge so very generously. For that I have soooo much gratitude, joy and awe too.
Gosh, I've spilled out my heart now... so I'd better stop!
Big hugs, dear Karen, for being one of those 'inspirers'.
I am so glad I am one of your 500 followers! Your blog and many others are windows to who I want to be. Bloggers are creative and talented and are willing to share those traits with the rest of us. Those who blog inspire us and I am sure would encourage and be our cheerleader whenever we needed a little push. Not working 'outside the home' anymore, I feel disconnected but can always find a blog that makes me feel that there is someone out there that 'gets' me. That loves the same junky, chippy, unusual items that I do. That finds the same things funny and can make a dreary day sunny. While I am still hesitant to show the creations I make, I know that when I do there are those bloggers that will cheer me on to make more, follow my instincts no matter what and keep dreaming big. I blog because I have found kindred spirits and sometimes, you have to leave your comfort zone and look elsewhere for understanding friends. Thank you for being one of the places I can go for all the reasons that I blog.
It's as if there is this secret world of kindred spirits, who inspire, encourage and uplift us every day. Thank you for expressing how I feel too. I have been blogging a little over three years. I never get tired of meeting new bloggers, or the skatey-eight avenues in The Land of Blog that offer beautiful eye candy, heartfelt words and even a recipe for dinner.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Your blog is gorgeous. I think we met at the Beautiful Blogging even.
Congrats on your 500 followers! I posted a little shout-out on my sidebar!
Hi Karen, I am a follower and have been since we all took part in Where Bloggers Create. I love blogging for the chance to write, which I love, and take photos of things that I love and through those 2 simple things - to meet so many wonderful fellow bloggers. I have been enriched by my friendships and my generous, supportive, creative, funny blogging friends. I have also created things I might not have if not for all the visual stimulation I get reading other blogs. I can't imagine my life without it!
I love blogging because it opens my world up to family and friends who are far away. They have always been close to my heart but now, it's like we are right next door. I love sharing ideas and visiting other blogs for inspiration when I become blocked.
I also love all the new people in my life with blogging. I have to check in on everyone everyday to make sure things are ok with them.
It's just the greatest place to be- and thank you for sharing with the rest of us!
You have captured in this post exactly what I adore about the blog venue, NEW FRIENDS, IDEA EXCHANGE, INCREDIBLE PHOTOS. There are so many wonderful souls and hearts that so freely give of themselves. Desert cottage is one of my personal favorites, I enjoy each and every visit. Congrats on your 500 plus followers of which I am one. Sea Witch
You have some great followers, I was just reading the comments! I found you months ago through my mother and I have loved your blog ever since. Such talent and you have one of the best profile pictures too! Congrats on your followers and I am very sure that you will top that by far by the time your year anniversary hits.
Why I love to Blog?
B ecause I meet so many nice people.
L ove & laugher are shared.
O ne sweet comment can cheer a heart.
G enerous spirits abound!
Thanks for your generosity with this terrific giveaway!
Fondly, Carrie
Congratulations on 500+ followers!!
And thanks for a chance for an amazing giveaway of yummy stuff!
I love blogging because it gives me the opportunity to express myself, to share ideas with others and to not be judged but encouraged and inspired.
A chance to meet hundreds of wonderful blogging friends that will laugh with you, cry with you and compliment you on your ideas and posts.
Blogging changed my life for the better.
I have enjoyed your blog from the very start. I love coming here to visit you and you never disappoint.
Congratulations Karen on 500 + Followers, I am one of those 500, but I did not see my icon pic ~ anyway, You are on My Blog Roll....
Why I Love Blogging ~
It's just Me & My cat here, (A Divorced Empty Nester) Blogging is Contact with Lots of the Outside world, I really can get Lost for Hours & Hours..... I feel like I have a zillion Friends Who give Creative Inspiration~
Now I am going to post about this Wonderful Give~Away
Hi Karen, it's good to meet up with you again so soon after One World One Heart. I have just signed to follow your lovely blog (and was reminded actually to come and pay a visit by Jo of Tanglefrost). Congratulations on reaching over 500 followers - that's quite a great achievement!
I haven't been blogging for very long, only since last August. At first, I was rather unsure of myself. But now I think I have found my groove and feel more confident to share with everyone my thoughts, my feelings, my work and my life! I have been so encouraged by all the wonderful comments and the terrific friends that I've made, who give me inspiration on a daily basis. I am thankful every day for their support, friendship and support. Had it not been for the blogging world, I never would have met any of these folks - including you! So, I am very, very happy to be a part of this great community. :)
Sincerely, Theresa
I am so new to blogging that I don't really know my favorite thing about it yet! I just started in December. I know I really love all the wonderful & heartfelt comments that people leave me, people who don't even know me! I found your blog thru OWOH & have followed ever since. I have also posted your giveaway on my blog too! Here is the link:
Thanks for all the great inspiration & I'll be seeing you! xoxo Tracey
500 Kindred Spirits! That is truly amazing. That is the wonderful thing about blogging. You know that although you may never meet, or talk on the phone or even comment on their blogs, there are women out there that speak your language...whatever that language is-Art, Decorating, Crafting, Writing, Cooking.
Ps I'm a follower. :)
Wow!! 500 followers!!!!What an achievement! :) Blogging is such a release for me and such a wonderful way to meet people!! (And realize that there are people out there who are as silly as I am!! ) :)
Hi Karen!
Wowza, 500 after a year! That is impressive indeed my dear! I've been following you about as long as we've been in blogland,,,,,I connected with you during the Crown event last year, but not sure! I may need to go through my archives and found out WHEN and how I connected with you.
I remember you posting last year about having your little Cottage lifestyle even though while living in the Desert. And I remember feeling your pain when your dear Golden was failing.
What made me follow your blog and what I truly enjoyed was you sharing a bit of yourself, your critters and your family.
The blogs I stay tuned to are not even necessarily fellow crafters although most are and which is primarily why I set up my "Bling Blog." But I found folks along the way, primarily women, but not always, that appealed to me for other interests I had as well. For me it can be animal lovers, readers, writers, historians and just someone that makes me think, laugh and sometimes cry.
Basically the blogs I follow involve the heart I guess I'd say, in one form or another. There is a "spark" or connection that you may find with another wherever in this World they turn out to be! How awesome is THAT????
Your giveaway is wonderful, Karen. Primarily because you are a wonderful person, how can we NOT want to see what your up to??
Congrats my dear!
Congratulations sweet Karen!!!! Your blog is just wonderful and I love your style. I can so understand why you have so many followers!!
And what do I love about blogging?? Absolutely EVERYTHING!
First and foremost, the precious friendships that blogging fosters. I never in a million years would have thought that I would have so many wonderful friends all around the world.
Second, the pure creative energy and inspiration that is always alive and shared here in this land of blog. And SHARED is the key word here....because sharing your creativity sparks even more creativity in others ~ so that creative spirit is always evolving and growing!!!
Third, the encouragement that is given to one another on a daily basis. If your down, you will be lifted up...if you're happy, your friends will join in you in your happiness...if your sick, you will have so many wishing and praying you well.
Fourth, connecting with SO MANY kindred spirits that love the exact same things that you do!! Sometimes in our everyday life, our family or friends don't understand why we like to dunk gauze into hot coffee, dry it and smash it onto a canvas but here...like minds attract and it's just wonderful when someone "gets" you!!!
I have many, many more things I love....but I think that's why I am such an advocate for blogging is that there are so many great reasons TO blog...so why not??? You won't be able to remember when you didn't.....
hugs and love,
And now...I am officially a follower too!!! xxoo, Dawn
Hi Karen....I love your give away and would love to be entered! I love blogging because I love to make new friends who have the same interest as myself and who support any of my creative interests. I could never imagine how many nice women there are out there who are just like myself but also different in so many ways. We all touch each other's hearts! Have a great day, Karen!~Hugs, patti
I love blogging because I have met such wonderful women taht inspire me to keep going, creating, enjoying life, when sometimes, it isn't so easy!
I love your blog...I don't know if I am a "follower" cuz honestly, I love my blog roll and you are on it girl...you know I am here all the time!
That is a fantastic giveaway and congrats to whoever is lucky enough to win!
Congratulations on reaching 500 kindred spirits! (I just reached the same goal, myself!)
I'm already a follower/lurker, but I'd still like to be entered in your drawing ... what a lovely box and treasure trove of goodies!
That is a wonderful feat - I hope that you have many more followers and find many more blessings in your journey here. Your swap box from the Amour Valentine Swap is awesome. I loved that one!
Congratulatons on 500+ followers, Karen! How in the world did you accomplish that feat? I love blogging because it gives me hope, hope that I can create a warm and welcoming home on a budget. The creativity of my blogger friends inspires me to try new things.
As a creative woman who spent a lifetime planning her dream career, I had been fulfilled in so many ways.
Life threw me a curve ball personally and at the age of nearly 50, I wasn't sure how I would ever make that creative connection again.
Then my dearest friend Sarah, who lives in the UK and who I met via the internet during that creative career, told me I should give blogging a try.
I am coming up on 8 months and over 300 followers and FINALLY feel like I am reconnecting with a world that I had lost...I am SO thankful for old friends who help us meet new!
Congratulations on your milestone and all the wonderful things that await you ~
Julie Ranae
A big Congratulations Karen!!!
Such a milestone and to do it in less than a year is a true testament to your fabulousness!! It seems that word has spread and as I know...so many others also know that you have the prettiest and most romantic creative style around. The sweet comments that you leave and your genuine spirit are what make me come back again and again!
Thank you for making this blogging experience a shining light in my day! Love and Peace Sweet Friend!
Big Hugs, xOxO Nerina
Oh yes.....your gorgeous box of creative goodies is really generous and would feel like having a part of you in my home!!
Karen-How amazing to have over 500 followers in less than a year!!!! Congratulations!
Hmmm, what do I love about blogging? It is a constant connection. A connection to the art world, to people, to a dream, to myself. It has challenged me. It has also opened my eyes to a crazy amount of beautiful ideas and best of all, I have made some of the sweetest friends.
Congratulations again, you are an inspiration.
I too love blogging though you wouldn't know it by the amount of posts I have been posting- time is just too short these days it seems-- but I continue to go to all my fav blogs for the wonderful inspiration you bring!! I have also gotten to meet several blogger which has been so much fun and enjoy the friendships that I have gained!
Thank you so much for dropping my name in the hat for your fun giveaway! I am a follower too!
Hello Karen!
Thank you for visiting my blog and extending a warm welcome! I certainly appreciate your comment!
Not to worry about Dawn's birds...mom told me that birds are off limits, totally off limits. So the birds and I have an agreement - I watch and admire and they don't eat my cat snacks. It works out just fine really!
I see you are having a contest. 500 followers?!?! You must be a very nice person with lots of cat snacks and dog biscuits in your pocket!
I am new to blogging, but am so in love with all the really nice people. Truly nice people - it is an incredible feeling to experience all the kind souls with their inspiration, support and sharing of experiences!
500 really!!...wowsers you go girl...you know why don't you...casue your blog is awesome and you are a very kind blogger firend too.
I love bloggin because I get to visit places like yours ...that totally inspire me to make my blog better, and my crafts better too. And friendships too. Plus I have a perfect jounral of my work, links to your work and many many other fantastic craft ladies too..how can one not like bloggin...the answer escapes me...hehehe!
I have carried your link in my favorite blog links as long as my blog as been out...I found your place right away...
your giveaway is so lovely thanks so much for the chance to be in it...
I will post about this tomorrow after I have had some sleep....
night...500 followers wowsers....lol
Wow, you have been busy. I want to tell you Karen that you were one of the first people I met through this blogging experience and I think we started about the same time. You always amaze and inspire me with your post. I'm glad we met even if not in person.
Take care,
Congrats on 500 followers! That's really good for no longer than you've been blogging! I'm already a follower and think it's really cool how you can blog-scotch from one blog to another and meet people from all over the world. So, what I like about blogging MOST...is all of the gorgeous pictures/ideas/inspiration/and friendship. It's like looking at a good magazine without having to pay for it, yet you get the benefit of friendships made. Bloggers, that I follow, for the most part, are women...a supportive group that pray for each other when they're sick and encourage each other when they're down. You don't get THAT with a magazine subscription...and all for FREE! What's not to like? Congrats on a milestone!
Hi Karen, I have added your giveaway to my blog, congratulations again. Hugs, Terri
Oh what a wonderful giveaway!!
I do soooo hope I can win.
barbara jean
PS thank you for your visits to my place. =0))
I have loved your blog from when you first started and I found you, I always enjoy visiting. Your giveaway is amazing, I hope I am lucky.
Why I like blogging... My friends and family on the other side of the world get to catch up with my news all the time and then there are the friends I have made and the glimpses of other peoples lives that remind me of the kindred souls around the world.
Hi I`m Dorthe from Denmark.
I don`t know how I missed finding your blog, but thanks to Dawn I`m here, and love what I see, so I`m now a whole new follower,--I know that`s too late to take part in your wonderfull giveaway, but I just wanted to say:Congratulations to you, and then enjoy all your beautifull art and photoes.
xo Dorthe
Congratulations on your momentous milestone!
If I tried to explain why I love blogland so much, I'd probably end up writing a book, lol! Perhaps one word which sums it up for me is "sharing". Sharing bits of your life,your ups and downs, your emotions, your talents, your achievements, your love and friendship.......
what i love about blogging is the fact that i have made some fabulous friends online and am inspired daily by all the blogs i follow along with
thank you so much for the chance to win your delicious candy
i have added it to my sidebar and am also a follower too..
blogging has been a whole new online world to me and art inspiration and creating is what i live for..and blogging allows me to do all 3
i am so glad i flew my magic carpet to your blog and decided to follow you. you have a lovely blog. congratulations on having reached 500 followers!
thank you for offering such a lovely giveaway! i'm glad i decided to follow you. in case i win, i have a US address that will make it easier to send (i'm all for being optimistic! ;-) )
i love blogging because I like to think I am sowing seeds around the world as I make my blog - seeds of faith, or hope or maybe, creativity. even from a far off country like the Philippines, even alone in my room, i believe i can make a difference. who knows, perhaps i can inspire someone, or brighten up their day. perhaps someone can learn something from me, about my country, about my faith, learn from my experiences, learn a new art technique.
i have been inspired by the many wonderful blogs i have visited. like a pebble in a pond, i hope to inspire others too!
I started blogging almost two years ago. It was meant to be a place to get myself to write more, a place for close friends & family to know what was going on in my life. It was a way to "visit" even when I couldn't leave the house.
What a surprise it was when I began to meet one new friend after another! Because of blogging, I have renewed my interest in not only my writing, but in art, photography, decorating, and so much more. I've made friends near and far. I've found that we are all very alike. We love our families, our friends, our writing, our art. When someone is hurting, fellow bloggers rally around them with prayer and compassion. When they have news to celebrate, their blogging community is there with love and congratulations. It's a cyberspace quilting circle that brings people together.
That's what blogging is for me! I love it. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway. I am a follower, and I have posted the picture along with a link on my blog! Congratulations on 500 followers!
Nita Jo
Congradulations on 500 followers. I have posted about your giveaway and I'm a follower. I'm new here since about Sept 09. I can't believe all the new wonderful friends I've made through blogging, It took me about 6 months before I decided to get out of my box!!So glad I did, what a awesome,rewarding,inspiring and fabulous way to meet new friends. Smiles & hugs, Carol Mae
Hi Karen,
I'm absolutely new in the Blog Wonderland and I'm looking around like a baby in toy store...
At this period I'm making plans for our family house makeover and searching inspiration, ideas etc. I found your blog and want to say - I LOVE IT!
I'm new to your blog- thanks Jo at Tanglefrost for sending me on my way here!
I'd love to be the lucky winner of your gorgeous giveaway- so many goodies in there!
What I love about blogging is the connection I feel with the other artists and friends I've found around in blogland. I'm actually quite shy in the real world, so for me, it's an oppurtunity to "get out there" and be myself without the anxieties that being shy causes.
Oh, and I'm now following you:)
Olá Karen. Surfando pela internet encontrei o seu blog e fiquei encantada com tanto bom gosto! Eu adoro o estilo vintage e o ar romântico que você dá a todos os seus trabalhos. Já virei seguidora do seu blog e estarei sempre visitando esse lugar maravilhoso. Eu sou do Brazil, adoro artesanato, cartões, decoração e scrapbook. Obrigada pela oportunidade de participar do seu blog candy com produtos tão lindos! E obrigada por compartilhar conosco todas as suas criações! na internet conheci muita gente talentosa e fiz grandes amizades. Beijos, Luciana.
Really enjoy your blog and now I'm a follower! My goal is to have my blog up and running very soon but I love to read others@ Thanks for the great giveaway.
I've just discovered your blog a couple weeks ago and I love it! Enter me in the giveaway! Toni
Congrats on your blog making it to 500 followers. I just came over from The Feathered Nest. Dawn keeps everyone informed of the lovely blogs out in blog land. I don't have a blog but I LOVE to read everyones. I've learned so much and all are truly inspirational. Please keep up the awesome work you do. Thanks for letting me a nonblogger but a READER enter your giveaway. OMG if I'm the fortunate one to win I can be reached at mhoels62212aol.com. THANKS
Congrats on 500 followers! Now it's 501 because you have me--and I love your blog (even though I just discovered it now!)
Here's why I love blogging::
When I first started blogging in 2004, I was a writer who was lost in a sea of words. After working as a freelance journalist, getting a journalism degree, and then earning my Master’s degree, I was tired of writing. It wasn’t fun anymore; it was just a pain. When I started blogging, I could talk about anything I wanted–my hamster, Riley, or my things on Animal Planet. It was freeing, like when I wrote columns for the college paper–something I really loved. Blogged changed my life because I learned to love to write again. All because of a blog. I love blogging because it taught me how to love writing again.
Many thanks to Dawn for directing me to your blog--what a treat! Keep up the beauty!
Congrats! What a beautiful box!! I follow your wonderful blog now and will add the give away link to my blog.
Love, Chani
Congrats on your 500+ followers! Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.
What I love about blogging? I think it has to be all the friendships, from around the world, that I have made while blogging. This is a true community of caring, inspirational, talented and loving women that are here. I am so blessed to have had you contact me. I have so enjoyed getting to know you.
Love your blog! and would very much like to be included in your give away...everything is awesome!
Congratulations! Blogging is great
to be connected with so many special people who are amazingly friendly. I am a follower now!
Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy C
Oh, yes, please enter my name in your drawing. I could and would use all of what you are giving away. I'm one of your new followers now. I love blogging because it gives me an outlet to express myself, my artwork and crafts and allows me to use God's word in connection with the above. As a pastor's wife, I have few very close friends so this verbal expression is necessary for me. Thanks for your offerings.--Sally
Why I like blogging..Well I am new to blogging and don't have any followers yet! UGH! I started my blog for my family who do not have FB or Myspace. They don't sign up but they do view it and email me :) I am still learning how to add things to my pages. ( I'd love to know how to list the blogs I follow on my sidebar??) I don't blog as much as I should..mainly because I am learning still.
One reason I LOVE your blog Karen is because I too live in Arizona. I was born here, but my heart belongs somewhere else. My whole family is here and that is why I can not leave. My hubby is from Indiana and Colorado and would love to live anywhere but here. ( he is not fond of the desert either) BUT here we are. I always say if someone would move I'd follow..lol.
Thanks for the great giveaway! Crossing my fingers.
I started blogging out of sheer lonliness (and insomnia)after moving from SoCal to NorCal. And I've always longed for friends who were as passionate about homemaking and creating as I was. I was floored when I was embraced by this blogging community who 'gets' me! The support and encouragement and help from my blogging friends never cease to amaze me. You are a classic example, Karen~how you reached out to me and offered your help to improve my blog... Just out of pure desire to help, with no strings attached. Your way of spreading beauty and joy to others!
And I am so grateful!! PLUS I made a wonderful new friend!! ;-)
Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway...and I'll be posting about it on my blog!!
Blessings and Hugs,
WOW! It is so hard to believe that you have 500+ followers in such a short time. You can see how much people need to see beauty in their lives. That is why I keep my blog focused on the 'Beauty, Blessings and Giggles'. I have been a fan ever since we did "Where Bloggers Create". That was a great PARTY!
I am a newbie to you blog...I would so love to win, but more than that I am now on a adventure looking at your blog.
Mary Idaho
Wow, over 500 followers now, congratulations! I really enjoy blogging as well and I'm finally starting to figure out my style with a little help from you (great inspiration) things will be changing soon.
thanks for the giveaway!
I am so glad that I found your blog thru Robin's Egg Blue's blog! And that is one of the reasons that I love blogging! finding beautiful blogs like yours and seeing all the beautiful, inspiring pictures! I just became a follower. and posted about your giveaway on my blog.
The best thing about blogging is for sure to meet kindred souls like you!
Your give away looks super gorgeous and I would be happy to be included in your drawing!
Sending you warmest wishes from cold Germany
Your blog was one of the first I discovered and I have followed it. You continually help warm my heart! I love your style and grace. Thanks for sharing yourself with so many like minded creative souls.
What an amazing give away!!!! Enjoy your day!!
Blogging provides me with bursts of inspiration and the ability to believe in myself that I can truly do anything. It is contagious across the pages.
The friendships made are an added bonus.
Great giveaway.
Oy there is so much I love about blogging, like the wonderful people you meet, the creativity blows me away!
The friendships that have cultivated, the caring and love that spreads like wildfire when someone reaches out for help or prayer!
I live out in the middle of nowhere and have not made many friends out here....not many that "get me" anyways! Blogville is where all my girlfriends are!
My daughter asked why I spend so much time on the computer I answered.... All my friends live in that box! :-)
Thank you for the wonderful give away!
Hugz, Dolly
come visit
What a wonderful giveaway. Congrats on reaching 500 so quickly! Stop by my blog to enter my blogaversary giveaway if you get the chance. I am now a follower!
I am a new follower having just found your blog and I am enjoying it very much. I have been a follower of blogs for a few years and often thought or wished that I had one as well. . . but I'm not computer savvy. It looked rather complicated and I was seeking simplicity in my life after having experienced several life changing events. While reading other people's blogs I was amazed at how caring, supportive, and inspiring, bloggers were and I needed that. So. . . I started my blog and it really wasn't hard. I don't have many followers but that doesn't matter. I am very happy with the few faithful ones that I have and proudly consider them my friends. You should really be happy with all the followers that you have . . . 500+ . . . wow!!! Congratulations and thanks for the opportunity to express my love of blogging.
I have always loved your blog and sharing your many decorating ideas and your lovely home. congratulations on hitting the 500 mark. Keep on doing what you are doing and you will hit 1000 before you know it.
Your giveaway is fantastic and woI would love to be the lucky winner. have a great day, Jean in Virginia
Oh Karen....I'd sooo love to win this pretty pressie!
Please enter me too. I'm buzzing right over to follow.
Warm blessings,
Grabbed your button too!
I love bloggoing because it lets me share my family, my creations, and hopefully some joy!
What a fabulous giveaway - please put my name in the hat for a chance of winning your beautiful goodies.
The best thing about blogging is that once you have got the hang of it (!!??), you can discover so many fantastic blogs, artists, swaps etc., etc., and come into contact with people whom you would never meet in the normal course of things. Blogging takes us all into another world and makes us better artists by learning from others along the way.
Thanks a lot.
Oh my word that is a beautiful and incredibly generous giveaway. I am so glad I found your beautiful blog and not just cause of the giveaway. (Though it is lovely and I would be thrilled to win :)
I am now a follower and have added your giveaway to my blog page.
My favorite thing about blogging is frankly the fact that there is so many people on here who share my love and enthusiasm for rescuing the time worn treasures of yesterday that often end up in neglected corners of the thrift stores and even sadder still, those bound for the landfill. Blogging has opened up a world of friendship with my fellow junkers I would not have otherwise found.
It's great to know I am not the only one who would much rather head to the thrift store than the local Walmart :)
-Brightest blessings-
Wow-what a great giveaway! Your blog is lovely:). As for blogging-I love it for many reasons. I love the creativity it affords me to express myself in words and pictures. I treasure all of the wonderful friends I have made in blogland and the inspiration they have provided me in regard to my own artwork. It's just a fun place to be!
Congrats on your 500+ followers-that is amazing!
Wow...what a wonderful giveaway! So many pretty things! I am fairly new to blogging and am still learning the ropes. Your blog is such an inspiration to me as a beginner!
Shabby Shan's Cottage
I love your blog design. It goes perfectly with the images you post on your blog. You know you're style well. I wish I did!
I blog, though I much prefer checking out the blogs of talented souls like yourself to posting on my own blog. I am constantly amazed at the huge talent out there. I love feeling a part of the blogging world. I aspire!
Oh ~ I'm a follower and I posted your candy on my blog :)
I jsut found your blog via ~The Feathered Nest~. I'm becoming a follower right after I post this. I'm excited to check out past posts too. Thanks!
I just blogged and linked to your giveaway on my Windsewn blog. Thanks again!
I think blogging is about spreading the love. That is why we are on this planet, to spread Gods love. It has been an opportunity to pray, encourage, give, laugh, cry, be inspired, learn about ourselves and others. I remember when you first started, and we talked on the phone about you submitting your work to Somerset... remember...well look what you have done with your art, with your new friends, Where Bloggers Create. I think we will never know what impact we have on others, and those we really connect with just on line,,, I believe we will recognize each other in the Kingdom..how kewl is that thought...pretty exciting. We are not really close, but I appreciate all that you have given to me and this common community with your blog. It's not about getting,,it's about giving. I have evolved and become better as it all makes me look at myself a little closer and make improvements. I am glad you asked, the question alone is of great value. It has taken me a long time to get to know the value of blogging for me. I didn't know why really when I started. Now I do, and I look forward to learning more, to become a better person. It's all way kewl!
Annnnd,, Congratulations on 500,,I will post for you, soon...I was having trouble with opening the post window
earlier.,,bloggerhickups,,, and I believe I'm on your followers list,,did that a long time ago. Have fun,,maybe you will reach 700 by the last day of the event...could happen. I will be offline some, we should be moving first of the week, closeing is on friday. Yea!
Such pretty things in your giveaway! Please enter me too!
I don't have a blog yet and I envy those of you that do! I will someday when I have the time. I would love to be entered though, I love your creations! I am now a follower as well.
I am in the final stages of organizing my blog and am excited! I am looking forward to blogging to fulfill a need to share my thoughts, creations and experiences. I look forward to meetin kindred spirits! Please count me in for your giveaway.
I am now a follower of your lovely blog!
Why do I love blogging? I love sharing my decor & creations w/ people who get me. Family & friends always look @ me like I'm carzy when I show them my "gussied up" stuff. But y'all get me...you get my interests & desires & you encourage, motivate & inspire me to create w/ them.
Would love to be a winner Karen...please enter me in your fabulous give-away! (I'm a long time foloower of your's!)
Oh pick me! Why do I love bloggig. Why because of you of course! Well not just you but because of all the sweet wonderful new friends I have found and all the wonderful things you all do and write about and the inspiration you give me. Like your t.v. redo I think it has to be the best makeover or metamorphis or whatever. I loved it. So please; pretty please pick me. BTW your already on my sidebar thats how I got here.
See you again soon.
Hi, I can't believe I have found you who has gardening, vintage thigns , are thrifty and love decor and blogging. I have been having my own blog only a month and can't wait to meet you daily in my travels. Hope I win.
Well Karen I love blogging for so many reasons. I feel that it makes me appreciate my life, my home, and my family even more than I did before. I love it because it has afforded me the chance to meet and connect with the most amazing people. I can say I love them. I care about what is going on in their lives and I feel that they care about me. I wouldn't have met you and others had I not discovered this amazing blogworld. One of my favorite times since I started blogging was the blog party that you had. Where Bloggers Create helped me realize how important it is to have space of one's own to nurture our creativity. I adore you for that my dear.
hugs to you Karen
Wow I just love your blog. Yes I am new to it but I will defiently be a follower from now on. Let's see how can I sum up why I like to blog. Well the easiest way to say it is this...It is like curling up with a good book, you get to go to far away places and see exciting things and learn about the people and really come away satisfied that what you have just experienced will stay with you all your life, I know the chances are slim but I would love to be added to the hat...just beautiful work..thank you
Congrats on hitting and passing the 500 mark! How exciting!
I'm putting together my 500th follower giveaway right now, and you've set the bar very high indeed. :-)
All the best,
Karen, I wanted to let you know that I copied and pasted a few of your words into a post devoted to followers. The words that you expressed were exactly what I had wanted to say. Please stop by and see if I did your blog justice....Blessings to you,
I can't beleive that I wasn't one of your followers...since I always check in to see what inspiration you have waiting. But I fix that, so now I am a follower! I love to blog and I love to visit other bloggers. There are so many wonderful,creative,inspiring blogs out there that are full of great ideas. And to the authors of these blogs I am truly thankful that they are willing to share! I just hope that other feel that way about mine.
I forgot...I would love to be entered into your giveaway ;-)
Congrats! I just found your blog a week or so ago and became a follower, I had no idea you were up to 500! Wonderful!
What I love about blogging (and reading blogs) is that it makes me feel less alone. It's my free dose of inspiration, passion and compassion each day. And it's my hope is that when I blog, I make someone else's day a little better or make them feel a little more connected.
Blogging also reminds me how many incredible women artists are in the world following their own creativity. That is probably what I love most.
Thank you again, Karen. Incredible blog here!
all best,
Hi Karen and congrats on the 500+ followers which I am one of...
what a sweet giveaway would love to win those sweet goodies...
I love blogging because of people like you not because of something that someone is giving away but because of the joy in peoples heart
when they are sharing an idea or an important event in their lives or sorrow....the support that everyone gives to each other during any of these things just makes you feel good to know that there is still some down home goodness still out there in this world....
Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...
Hello Karen! Such an exciting giveaway you have here! I already follow your beautiful blog and have also posted it on mine.
I hope you drop by my blog as well at http://calej.blogspot.com
Blessings to you!
I just found your beautiful, romantic blog through Dawn's "Feathered Nest" and I'm so glad. I can't wait to read such inspiring blogs each morning. Congratulations nd thank you for an opportuinity to win such lovely things.
I am now a follower! Love your blog! Found it thru The Feathered Nest blog.
I am totally addicted to this blog thing :)
Karen, I would love my name entered in your drawing too. Your giveaway is absolutely beautiful!
I love all the wonderful friends that one can make by blogging. I've only been blogging for a little over a month now, but am finding out that I'm loving it more and more with each and every day!
I will also be sharing your giveaway on my blog!
Thank You and have a wonderful day!
Karen, I also am one of your followers.. I forgot to mention that on my comment earlier..
i'm a new follower and love love love your blog will check it often. in your spare time (haha) (no-one has spare time anymore)check out my new blog vintage-tickled-pink i can't wait till i have 20 followers much less 500 you must be special and loved.! thanks diane
What I love about blogging...let me see. I started blogging because I needed to show what I saw through what some have called my rose colored glasses. When in my studio I live in a very whimsical world. I never imagined that anyone else would even be interested. Well, I was wrong. I have found some really wonderful folkes, kindred spirits, advisors, teachers...and friends. We may not know one another to stop by and have tea but we know one another by heart strings. Each of us giving a part of ourselves,giving encouragement and support. Blogging has shown to me that we aren't so different...no matter where we live or where we are in our lives at the moment. We all have been given a gift...EACH OTHER!!
I truly love your blog and am following you. I'm looking forward to seeing great things from you.
I love your blog, it warms my soul....I've been following for a while now.
I would honored to win your giveaway.....
Take care,
Donna from Maryland
Almost forgot to answer your question.....I don't have a blog of my own but I follow over 90 of them, yes, I said 90. I love meeting other people from around the globe, though I may never meet them in person, I feel that blogging is the next best thing....I am blessed with many many blogging friends and consider you one of them.
Take care,
Donna from Maryland
Hi! You know you are doing something right when these many of us want to keep our eye on you!
It's great to meet new people and from different parts of the world....
Thanks for sharing!
What a lovely blog!
I ADORE bloging because of the wonderful friends it has given me!
Blogging makes the world seem sweet and small and friendly!
Karen, I've been following your blog for awhile now, and I'm ever so glad that I found you! You are an inspiration...which is why I love blogging!
Blogging allows people to find other creative souls and connect with them in ways that would not be possible otherwise. Which in turn creates a bond of friendship & comraderie. I love blogging!
Thanks for your generous giveaway! Even more thanks for your generous sharing heart!
Ohhhhh, Karen, your love of vintage shines through the wonderful collection you have for a give-away! Your blog is so enticing~your photos and words of life just make me feel right at home! What a lovely visit I have enjoyed today! THANK YOU!!!
Joyfully with simple blessings......~Sandie
I'm a new follower - congrads on 500+
Blogging to me is a way to capture small moments in time, to share and connect with others, and maybe find a few more like minded friends. I love learning new things and trying them. This is such a perfect place to combine my pictures and words. Thats why I love blogging!
Congrats on your 500+. I don't have a blog, but I really enjoy reading them. Thanks for the chance to win a great prize. Deb
I love your blog! I love blogging, I am new to it, but it has given me a peace that I can vent, complain, praise, whine, share and overall just be here in our community of bloggers and feel love! I am now also following you. I have become addicted to blogs! Thank you so much for sharing with us :)
Oh and I have also added a link to your giveaway to my blog :)
Hello! My name is Francesca and I am an italian follower of your beautiful blog. First of all excuse me for my english, it's a lot of time (at school!) since I used english...You blog is a source of inspiration for me and I love blogging because, with a blog, I can know a lot of people who love art and shabby style and I can also learn new way to decorate my home. I have taken the photo of your giveaway and I have posted it in my blog http://lacadregefenice@libero.it .
I wait for your visit in my blog.
Bye bye
What a fab give away! Please count me in. I do follow and I will post this on my side bar. Blessings!
fingers crossed.
Hi, I am one of those who come over and drool and leave quietly.
Your blog is beautiful as is your work. I love to blog but i don't have the time i would like to invest in it. As you well know it takes a lot of time. You can tell by looking and reading yours you invest a good amount of time.
Cograts and keep up the good work. There are many of us who just sneak in and drool.
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely prize. Carol
Karen coming by again to let you know I got your pretty giveaway posted!
Hi! Your giveaway is amazing!!! I love to visit blogs because I can see there are a lot of talented ladies out there with great hearts to share their art. Your blog is one of my favorites since I started blogging.
best regards,
Wanda C
Hi Karen
First off I must thank you for stopping by. I do appreciate your offer to help me with my blog but at this point because I am on dial up, which is slow slow slow, I have to keep it very simple. If ever I get connected to a fast service you will be at the top of my list to call for help with a make-over.
Congratulations on your 500+ following!! Who could resist your great giveaway? Not me, please count me in.
What do I love most about the blogging family? The sisterly love.
Regards Alveen
Congratulations and hello from the Philippine Islands! I found your blog on my sister's page and am delighted by all your wonderful pictures! I think it's absolutely wonderful that we can visit other people's homes, and see their art and enthusiasms, what they're busy with, without having to leave our own homes and even changing from our night clothes! Then because we're so inspired, we get to make our own and share it with others! Thank you for sharing!
Oh! My goodness! I just found you thanks to SharDon Exclusive's blog. Your blog is bursting with inspiration and beauty! Your creativity is so apparent in every little detail! Thank you for your tutorials and beautiful ideas!
Blessings and thanks,
grammycarolynn (flickr)
Hi Лфкут!What a sweet Candy!!!Fantastic!!!I am a follower also and added a link to the sidebar http://pishitejulie.blogspot.com/
I love blog because owing to it I have got many friends, have learned at masters much new, have opened for myself new kinds of needlework. And certainly, it is an opportunity to show my works that have estimated and criticized
Thank you so much for the chance to take part!!!
Greetings from Russia,
Grrrr!!! I wanna be the farther to partecipate to your wonderful give, but I spoke so good about you and your blog and your husband's bday prensent to my blog-friend Francesca, and so now I am no more the only italian girl to support My Desert Cottage in my country! However, I am already a your fond follower, I'll put a link to this give away in my side bar, and I'll seat and I'll dream.... your wonderful box.... all the beautifull things you'll fill it.... All them arriving to Italy....
Ops! Why I love blogging? Because from the very firs day, I felt me so less alone, and I'm coming in touch with a lot of new, amazing friends, such as you, dear Karen, and all their so creative ideas!
Ciao carissima!!!
hi!, i've just added your giveaway to my sidebar.
I have loved following your blog under cover. But with this great giveaway, why not let you know that I am following you.
Congratulations on all of the followers. The many who follow are always in for a treat on your blog. Thank you for the opportunity to be the lucky recipient of such a lovely giveaway. The box you made and everything included is such a great array of treasures.
I love to blog because of the connection it gives me to so many people and places all over the world. It allows me to stay in touch whith those whom I already know and it allows me to meet new people with whom I can develope further friendships.
When the world in which we live is so full of many diverse people, places and interests, including ways of lives, blogging allows us to "travel" in such a way that we ordinarily could not due to the constraints of our lives such as jobs and income which keeps us in one place. (We can spread our wings and fly without ever leaving the ground or purchasing an airline ticket).
Blogging is spectacular as it allows us to peek into others lives and their daily tasks at hand through which in turn it helps us build upon our own lives.
Simply put, blogging is an adventure in and of itself.
Following you now!! I'm not one for alot of words on my blog, but I do like the sense of relief I get from blogging.
WOW please enter me in your giveaway. I am a recent follower who just turned 60 end of January and haven't been blogging long, but I do enjoy it!
What a wonderful giveaway. I'm following you too.
Why do I blog? Well, it started out as a way to spread my wares more or less. But it has become so much more. I have met some of the nicest people from all over the world and cultivated friendships.
It seems we connect on different levels and support each other with whatever life throws at us. There are so many of us alike out there..who knew?! I care for my disabled husband so getting out it very limited and friendships have gone the wayside. Blogging came into my life and took me a whole new direction. One I would never have guessed in a million years. I can share when I'm excited, sad, scared...show the new treasure I've found, what I just made, anything and there will always be such remarkable comments that say just what I need to hear...whether a pat on the back, comfort, etc.
Bloggers are such a giving group of people.
Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. Have a great weekend!
Hi Karen! I'm back again! Posted your giveaway on my blog tonight!
What do I love about blogging? Well, I've only just started my own, but that was because of the other bloggers out there that inspired me to come out of my shell. You each share your homes, styles, love of so many different things, and yet no one feels like they're 'different' or 'strange' for their love of life and home and family and friends! I decided after years of looking at others' blogs and envying their exuberance in who they were themselves to start my own, and so, that's why I love blogging. I can be me, and share me, and I can visit you and get to know you. How fun! It's just like we're all family, or best friends, just in different parts of the country and all loving that we're each so different!
I'm your 595th follower - wow! What a wonderful giveaway, very generous. I've also added your giveaway to my blog post.
What I love about blogging? - Well, I was so nervous to start a blog of my own for fear that I wouldn't have enough to share or post about. HA! I always have plenty to say! So, that hasn't been a problem. I worry that I don't have much to offer or if its been done again and again. But, it doesn't matter. It wonderful, liberting, entertaining, relaxing, and just so much fun meeting all these great bloggers, artists, crafter, sewers (on and on)!
Thanks again!
Well, you're going to have to amend your Follower's Number again!!! I want to be the first to congratulate you on reaching 600because I know that by the time you see it, it will be there!
I've added you to my own blog as a fave...I know I'll be spending a lot of time on your blog in the future!
thanks so much!
Congratulations on over 500 followers! I just became an "official" follower and posted about your giveaway. Please put my name in the hat! I love blogging because it's a community - a place to go and visit with fellow crafters and lovers of all that is vintage, a place to stop for a moment and dwell in the positive. When I read the nice remarks left on a blog, even though it's not directed at me, I find it uplifting, and it's wonderful to think of all that positive energy going out in to this disturbed world.
such a fab give away im so lucky to be able to enter thank you for giving me chance to win.
With out sounding as if i am creeping i have followed your blog for such a long time now i probabley have only left a couple of comments as i never know just what to say except i think you are an insperation.
I love bloggin so much as i tend to keep myself to myself apart from my family and even with out leaving a comment i feel as if im not lonely anymore as all those i visit regualy have become very close to me with out you even knowing it.I get so much joy from reading other peoples adventures and seeing such fantastic talented people and the suport and encouragement i get from others when i leave a post is overwelmimg.
I have no craft shops near me at all so find out all whats out there also. ohhhh i could go on and on.
i will be adding a link in my side bar after i have wrote this.
angel wishes and hope yu have a good weekend.
love tracey
ps cor i wrote tons didnt i lol
your now in my side bar xxx
The best things about blogs are the new friends that you never would have had the chance to know.
Whoo Hoo #600 followers now!
Puh-leez enter me!
-I am a follower,
-I'm posting about your blog today (2/20),
-and I love blogging because visiting others' blogs and seeing pics of their homes inspires my creative spirit....
Although I don't have a blog myself, I actively follow MANY!!! Besides all the sharing, caring, and eye candy, it is amazing to see what a small world it really is! As an experiment I've started writing down how many of the United States(20) and countries (27) I've already "visited" since I started keeping track!!! It truly IS OWOH everyday!
Your Follower sugarbushfarm219
Just found your blog but so far am loving what I see.. Will be adding you to my side to follow new post.. Good luck with the giveaway.. :) Congrats on the 500 followers.
I've just found your blog this evening and am now a follower. What a lovely group of treasures you've created and chosen for your giveaway.
I started blogging to share my creations, get to know new people and broaden my horizons. I have a dear friend in Canada another from Australia and dozens through out the U.S. that are totally because of blogging. My life is richer and oh, so full because of the wonderful invention of blogging.
Just liked to your blog from tarnished and tattered....and glad I did! So many wonderful things to see!
I love that we meet so many new people by blogging and sometimes even meet them! We get to see what everyone else out there is creating and doing....it's great to see all of the energy in each one's blog.
I love your give-away items....do you sell those hat boxes too? It is gorgeous!!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway....it is special.
Hello! Just found your blog AND started following - always on the look out for new artistic talent. Please enter me!
I'm at uni studying medicine and blogging for me is how i disract myself from work and relax a little in the evening. I keep in touch with family this way - especially my Mum and its a little diary that i do not have the time to keep. I sometimes i wish i had a paper version...but the crafts i do satisfy that craving :)
Thanks for the lovely giveaway! See you soon in blogland
I love this blog! Your creativity is beautiful! Everything over here just meshes so nicely with everything else. I love your giveaway too! Please join me at my blog because I am hosting a giveaway too!
What inspiration!
How fun to find you. An Arizona Cottage! And I love your clock that reminds me that you are 3 hours behind us flamingos in Florida.
Please enter me in your give-away.
I'll be checking in to see your wonderful decor ideas.
For me, Blogging has blurred geographical borders and brought new buddies close!
Love about blogging: the inspiration (mostly), the friends (just as important), the excitement each day of seeing what someone else is doing (that someone else is so like yourself in so many ways).
I think I just described your blog perfectly.
Wow - over 500 Followers. You have 497 more than me but I have been doing this for a few months and just figured out what a follower is! That is what I love about blogging....stumbling into new ideas, new bloggers, new inspiration every single day. Since I finally figured out how to be a follower - I added my name to your follower list and posted what I love about blogging so hope I can qualify for your giveaway. Thanks! deb
p.s. - I added you to my sidebar too!
Wow, Karen! I can't believe I've not found you until today. I came via Charlene's site http://myheartsease.blogspot.com/. I guess it's kind of like they say around here, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got her as quick as I could!" That's how I feel about your blog. I'm glad you're having this beautiful giveaway because it led me to your wonderful site. I'm not just going to follow you so I can enter the giveaway, but because your creations and taste speak to my aged inner soul (though I'm only 36!)
I love blogging, though I've only been doing it a short time, like you, for so many reasons. Obviously I love the friendships and support you develop from your interactions with other bloggers. I love the whole concept of people being willing to "wear their hearts on their sleeves" so to speak. People can be so closed in "real life" sometimes, but in blogland, people are willing to reveal themselves in a more intimate way than imaginable. I love that!
My favorite thing about blogging, however, is it's not just something I DO. It has become an extension of who I AM. Does that make sense? Blogging causes me to really THINK about the way I live life, because I know I'll probably be blogging about it later. That doesn't mean I do things just so I'll have something to blog. No. But knowing that I will be blogging, sharing the most authentic part of who I am (through my words and artful creations), I want to LIVE fully. I want to create with passion. I want to be the best version of ME I can. If something can inspire one to live daily life with such purpose, it must be a truly wonderful experience.
I just read on someone's blog the other day (sorry, can't remember whose!) that according to an 1800 something version of Webster's Dictionary, Romance means "a style of living".
That so spoke to me because that's how I want my life to be... ROMANTIC. That doesn't mean I want roses and candy and hot passionate sex (though I'm certainly not knocking those!), but it means I want to live in a style that feels true, authentic, and inspiring! Blogging inspires that in me.
Thanks for asking, and CONGRATULATIONS on your following! I hope I have that many someday, too!
I just found your wonderful blog and I am sooo glad! I am a new follower - I am also following you on twitter! I would love for you to visit my blog and follow me on twitter, as well!
I love blogging because it gives me the courage and inspiration to carry on creating...and I thank everyone for all the kind and encouraging comments that I have received since I started...
I just found your blog today through blopping and that is the other great thing about blogging - all the wonderful creations and people that are in blogland... Have a great day...Kirsti xoxo
Wow!! You have a totally gorgeous blog!! and your work is awesome!! Thanks for sharing your creativity!
The Giveaway is full of inspiration too.. thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize! (I am just new to this whole blogging world and have only just found your blog)
Lou xx
So glad I found your lovely blog today, Karen! I've been only been blogging since late August, and I can't believe all the beauty, inspiration and wonderful friends I've found in this brief time--what a lovely little world this is!
I love Scottsdale...spent much of my childhood there visiting my dear grandparents who are now gone away...sweet memories!
I'm your newest follower and will be back often. Hope you have a wonderful day!
I found out about your giveaway from Charlene at My Hearts Ease and I've signed up to follow you! What a great giveaway and I'd love the chance to win.
I started blogging as a way of expressing my interests about the antiquing world and it's turned into so much more. I've met such wonderful friends through blogging and there's not a better community to be a part of. They are there to cheer you on and to encourage you when things aren't so great and just to make your day by the sweet comments they leave.
Hello I'm so new to your blog I found you through another favorite blog I read. I too have made so many new friends since participating in the Pink Saturday postings. I'll keep in touch now I have your link. Nan
Hi there...just discovered your blog. You are such a creative spirit. Thanks for your generous giveaway package and I look forward to seeing what you do!
I would love to be entered in for your giveaway ~ I am sooo excited to find your beautiful blog ~
Your blog is always so inspiring and filled with neat ideas.
I don't need to tell you why I love blogging...SharDonExclusives (your first comment) said it perfectly...her words were a true expression of how it feels to belong to such a unique group. You are all my favorites...only a click away....I miss you when I am away and smile when we're together. We all need to discover our passions...blogging ties us together to share them. Thank You for starting one of the many chains of friendship. Blessings.
(Winning your give-way would be icing on the cake...)
Blogging is the way I let my spirit soar... and dream! ;) I would love to be entered in for your giveaway
Cielo - at the house in the roses.
The Internet & blogging have given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful and FabUlous new friends. I just love to find new blogs by way of all of my new friends. Thanks to my new friend Charlene for posting about your blog.
Hi Karen! I love your blog and wonderful creations! Thank you so much for sharing!
I'd love to win in your lovely giveaway - thank you for the chance!
I love blogging because:
- I have learned so much about stamping in my cardmaking hobby since I started blogging
- It's about inspiration and creativity for me
- I have met so many nice and kindhearted people through blogging, people with same interest(s) in scrapping and cardmaking. hey inspire me and motivate me. And I hope I can do the same - I hope to inspire others through my blogging.
- It's so wonderful to have blogging friends from all over the world! :) This is an arena where you meet people you wouldn't, or couldn't, without the internet. It's just amazing!
- Blogging make me happy, all in all! :)
I have posted about your giveaway and will link you in my sidebar, too.
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Hege
What a lovely giveaway, as well as a very touching post about how you feel about blogging. I am very new to this world. A lover of old and vintage things, things that I can touch, and that "speak" to me with a history in their voice, I wasn't sure it was for me.
However as I navigate my way into this wonderful new world, I find things, and more importantly, people who speak to me in a totally different way. I hear the tales of joy. Also happiness and sorrow, new finds, creation, and loss. Blogging tells me a story far more than an item alone could. So although a new hearer, I am listening.
Dear Karen,
What a delight to meet you and discover your beautiful blog! I am now following and have added your candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy!
Although I am fairly new to the world of blogging - I started mine just a few months ago - it has been such a blessing to my life! I have made so many new friends and connections. Blogging has truly expanded my creativity and my horizons. Because of physical limitations, I am no longer able to travel and get out in the world the way I once could, so staying connected in this way means more to me than I could ever express!
I hope you'll stop by and say hello when you have a moment. I'd be delighted if you decided to join my community of Kindred Spirits as well!
Why do I love blogging?
Well, I love reading about other people's lives and experiences and I like to think people like reading about mine. Personally, I think my life's pretty boring, but I like sharing my experiences with the world. I also have a few friends that I don't get to talk to as much as I'd like to, and having my blog is a great way to keep in touch with them (as long as I remember to update it anyway).
I have become a follower because I love how your blog's put together, and it looks like such fun to read more.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am a new follower of your blog and I LOVE IT!! Please put my name in, I would love to win!Thanks, Cheryl(from Texas)
Please enter me in your giveaway. I am a follower of you. Congrats on 500+
brava bello partecipo BACI ANNA
WAW great candy you are offering to us all, thanks for the chance you give us,I ll put a link in my sidebar,
hugs from peru
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